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Movie World - Carnivale


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With the whole money making thing with these night events how would you all feel if they were to jack up admission (and passes) and have the park open through till 8 or so daily in the busier periods? I know they do in America without increased admission but know the parks he they would definitely jack them up but still. It'd mean that everyone who stays would have another whole meal in the park which is a solid $10-$15 each so it'd certainly make some dough.

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There are pros and cons for staying open late on a regular basis, one problem being the neighbours. I'm not sure what kind of approval or consultation process the park has to go through for WC and HFN, but i'm sure its not just a matter of them deciding amongst themselves...

Staffing is another big issue - one off events with plenty of notice means they can canvas for staff who are willing to work it, and work that in with their day rosters. if it were a regular event, chances are they'd have to employ more staff to ensure nobody exceeded fatigue limits... especially ride ops.

Opening from 10-8 every day in busy periods also means you may even need two full sets of crew for each attraction - one to open and one to close - also depending on limits.

Theres a lot of back of house detail which i'm not privy to - so i'm not suggesting what i've said above is a requirement, just a possibility. There'd be a lot of extra things the park would have to do on a regular basis.

I'm not saying it isn't a great idea, but i think they're better off with 'themed' events every so often, (i'm on record saying one weekend a month actually) than doing it on a regular basis where theres nothing special in the park - just same old same old... as what will happen eventually is no 'new' people will come for the nighttime event, and you just end up serving your day guests for longer.

Sure extra food and bev sales for dinner is a possibility - but then you need better food options to offer people dinner in the park - more 'sit-down' dining options, less 'burger joint' options.

I'd love for our parks to open late on a regular basis, but i don't think it's viable.

To answer your first question though - up the price of the VIP for next year, sell it early (like start advertising it NOW), and include Carnivale in the deal for Gold pass ie:

"Upgrade your VIP pass to gold for the 2014-15 season for just $139.95, and get one night's free admission to White Christmas, Hallowe'en Fright Nights AND the all new Carnivale - coming to MovieWorld this JuneJuly."

(I can't remember what I paid last year, because Gold was a free upgrade - but if it was around that - then add another $30 on to the pricetag. Pretty sure with three night-time events, everyone who has used the free FN or WC tickets in the past would see the value in an extra night for an extra $30 or so)

Not only is it a good marketing hook, but it'll get more pass sales on the books before end of financial year (something Dreamworld has been pushing of late with their world pass - upgrade before June 30 and get THIRTEEN months instead of 12)

Edited by AlexB
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In my own opinion I don't think it has anything to do with the sun being out (otherwise they wouldn't let you ride at 4:55pm - and WnW would shut at 3pm)... I also don't think it's about the ability to evac in the dark (splash mountain comes to mind - and it runs all night)... I think it's more a matter of concern over riders jumping out of the boat in the back of house western town area and not being seen by cameras that would appear to be day-only cameras?

The alternative answer is because the ride is so close to the back end of the park, the noise issues with neighbours just make it safer all-round to keep that end of the park shut down at night.

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The alternative answer is because the ride is so close to the back end of the park, the noise issues with neighbours just make it safer all-round to keep that end of the park shut down at night.

I understand them wanting to keep that section of the park blocked off but for the noise didn't they build that wall down the drop for sound reduction?

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Where do you get to hear about the filming?

Sea world posted it on facebook and you had to message movie world page. there may be some places left. just message mw on facebook

Another point on why they don't run wwf at night is they don't want to pay the 4 (or however many staff) for 1 attraction. also there is plenty of places to hide out in the wild west fall area and there is the gate up near the smokers area that people might sneak out behind.

Edited by Sam Cash
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Was very strange that the filming opportunity was posted on the sea world page and not movie worlds. 6am start, weird time to film the Carnivale commercial given it will be bright with sunshine for a night event. Are you assuming its a Carnivale commercial or have they told you that? It didn't say it in the post.

Also I don't think they keep an entire area of the park closed to save money on ride attendants...

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Was very strange that the filming opportunity was posted on the sea world page and not movie worlds. 6am start, weird time to film the Carnivale commercial given it will be bright with sunshine for a night event. Are you assuming its a Carnivale commercial or have they told you that? It didn't say it in the post.

They havent directly told us but one of my facebook friends works there and said he is there for the carnivale shoot so i guess ill find out tomorrow. ill try to get some pics if i can

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There are multiple reasons Wild West Falls doesn't operate at night. I think it was the 2008 - 2009 Fright Night's they operated it for a night and it didn't run a 2nd time. They had a fire alarm go off that night (not a real fire either... just a false alarm) and had to evacuate the ride. The path around the back of the ride is hazardous as it is during day time, i'd hate to have to be evacuating that ride at night time. They also had to get a heap of flood lights in the ride just to operate at night time so the camera's could see people clear enough to be safe. Sadly people are idiots and try to jump out of boats even during the day... rowdy teenagers that have had a few drinks at club blood... yeah it's really not a good mix.

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I would also say WWF stays closed because the cameras will be pointless, lights on the themeing will make it seem crappy and people can easily get out and hide.

Surely though - if they wanted to run it (but that defeats the purpose - why spend more money just so you can run a ride which costs you more) - they could upgrade the cameras to IR cams like Disney run in their dark ride - some IR floodlights could light up the area at night without being obvious. Get some theatrical lighting set up on the western town sets, maybe even some special effects lighting to simulate bullet ricochets etc (i'm sure theres some lighting guys at VRTP that could do that pretty easily)... A few strategically placed flood lights (that you'd only turn on in an emergency) and the ride would be safe to evacuate too....

but again why spend the money, just so you can run an extra ride - which costs more money. I think it'd be fine to run for WC, and probably ok to run for HFN - but running it for Carnivale in the middle of winter? Not even brazillian cuisine could warm me up after a ride on WWF at 8:30pm...

Edited by AlexB
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