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Adventure World 2015 - 'Mi2' Kraken Tornado slide

Tim Dasco

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given the water conservation initiatives being utilised by WWW currently, which at the time of its construction were world-leading, I think we can forgive a little bit of water wastage for the sake of guest experience.... More water would be wasted by the spraying Madagascar Characters & the water mist fans...

Edited by Brad2912
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Hi  all.

Apologies for not being active for a while but we have been very busy with trading going very strongly. As always we are trying our best to fix up any issues that arise at the start of the season. This morning we completed the addition of the cream strip running the entire length of the hill, from Wahoo Speed slides base to the very top of the hill. This strip is far better quality than the old painted white strip we used to do in house and should be good for 3/4 years. our team have tested the surface with their own bare feet and canvassed feedback from many guests who have all said it is a much cooler surface.  We are also chasing our shade contractor for themed options for additional shade at the top to cover some small gaps in the queue race at certain times of the day as well as provide shade on big gate days when the queue for Kraken spills out of our queue race.

Our new fairy tree house is now installed in DK and our new website is receiving final tweaks before going live in the next few weeks. The DK show is being revamped behind the scenes ready for the peak period and should be much improved for the under 5's.

Season pass sales are significantly up on previous years (on top of big growth every year for the past 4 years) and discussion is taking place about potentially dropping our mid-season season pass sale this year for the first time.

Whilst we strive to deliver great experiences for our guests now we naturally have our sights set on future years product development for MI3 and other works building momentum.

Talk soon and do please keep your feedback coming as we do find it both helpful and interesting.




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16 hours ago, Mark Shaw said:

Hi  all.

Apologies for not being active for a while but we have been very busy with trading going very strongly. As always we are trying our best to fix up any issues that arise at the start of the season. This morning we completed the addition of the cream strip running the entire length of the hill, from Wahoo Speed slides base to the very top of the hill. This strip is far better quality than the old painted white strip we used to do in house and should be good for 3/4 years. our team have tested the surface with their own bare feet and canvassed feedback from many guests who have all said it is a much cooler surface.  We are also chasing our shade contractor for themed options for additional shade at the top to cover some small gaps in the queue race at certain times of the day as well as provide shade on big gate days when the queue for Kraken spills out of our queue race.

Our new fairy tree house is now installed in DK and our new website is receiving final tweaks before going live in the next few weeks. The DK show is being revamped behind the scenes ready for the peak period and should be much improved for the under 5's.

Season pass sales are significantly up on previous years (on top of big growth every year for the past 4 years) and discussion is taking place about potentially dropping our mid-season season pass sale this year for the first time.

Whilst we strive to deliver great experiences for our guests now we naturally have our sights set on future years product development for MI3 and other works building momentum.

Talk soon and do please keep your feedback coming as we do find it both helpful and interesting.




Well slay a bit KING! 

I can't wait to come to Perth and ride the Kraken. Love a big ride! 

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14 hours ago, Adam C said:

Nice one Mark,

I think resurfacing the hill was something we all agreed on.  I appreciate this might be an bit early but do we have an idea as to the ETA for Mi3?  Also, is there a consensus at AW as to what type of attraction it might be?

Hi Adam

Probably 2017. There will be investment next year but it will be mostly infrastructure, capacity, presentation, shade, audio etc. then fingers crossed another world class attraction in 2017 and 2019. If the people keep coming then we will keep investing and improving. :) 


12 hours ago, iwerks said:

Great job, Mark. Hopefully, not too many years until the next big attraction. Any thoughts on adding to or changing the wildlife area before then? It would be great to have a petting zoo, like Caversham has with the kangaroos. The koi pond wasn't the best last time I saw it, too.

Not confirmed but we may be making a few small changes next year. Sorry I can't elaborate at this stage.

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57 minutes ago, iwerks said:

That's huge news about 2015 and 2017 - fingers crossed. I'm sure you'll get plenty of suggestions as what to build. I thought it was also good news what was reported in the local media about the need for high capacity rides.

You meant 2017 and 2019 right? 2015 is nearly over..just saying. ::)

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Hi Mark - had a great time at Adventure World yesterday - the grey skys helped keep the queues shorter, so more time riding! The white strip was also good on the hill.

Re the Kraken - have 'single rider' passes been considered? My son and I recently took advantage of these at Universals Studios Singapore - was a great way to skip the wait on some rides - and it will help you get through the queues a lot quicker, with a single rider taking the spare spot when ever there is a group of 3.

May be something to consider for the Abyss aswell. 

Kraken could also get through lines a lot quicker if you get 2 groups of 2 per trip when busy, instead of allowing just 2 per ride.

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Hi Oak

Glad you had a great time. Your points raised are valid and common sense would suggest it would improve throughput. The reality though is that we have tried this over and over and regardless of how loud and assertive our team members are it takes longer to call up two riders or single riders than it does dispatching a raft with 3 people in then loading the next. That is partly a design restriction because neither ride has a single rider queue race. the only way around that is to allow single riders into the Fast pass queue? 



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no no , keep it as is.

Keep pushing groups no matter what size through as fast as possible.

I've seen the conundrum of trying to pair 2 + 2 with all best intentions , people are just stupid and dont co-operate with the staff.

And single riders shouldnt get to go in the fast pass queue - mind you i have not seen many, (if any???) single riders even lining up at all?

I think over time the lines will diminish and calm down on this ride

Edited by grrofunger
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Yeah, I like it the way it is too. I've seen calls for single riders and pairs under the current system, when it's busy, and it works fine. Don't forget Kraken has a weight limit. I'm sure there'll come a time when AW will have a ride where they can have a single rider queue. Can't wait for that!

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The single rider issue is a valid discussion but as long as 3s or 4s occupy the tube, the novelty will eventually reduce the wait time.  Another option could be to open the park early for season pass holders during the school holidays. It might take the edge off the queue during the afternoon if the early birds have had 2 or 3 rides on the Kraken, they might spend their time enjoying the rest of the park.  Perhaps a 9:15 entry for a 9:30 ride start.

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the only way to make 3+1 or 2+2 ride tubes work is for an additional staff member to act as grouper ahead of the loading zone.

I doubt AW wants to be spending an additional wage for a staff member to make only a minor dent in the queue (as mentioned above - you need people to cooperate with the staff for that to work, and weight limits are also a factor), especially when they could use that money towards other improvements across the park.

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At Wet n Wild in peak I've seen Mammoth Falls run with a grouper.

A system of having circles on the ground, with a staff member making up groups of 4 is how it's done.

re single riders, at some six flags parks they have a shared single rider and express queue, worked fine.




On Tornado slides, a great means of boosting capacity is getting guests to load safely and quickly.

Proslide cloverleaf rafts arent intuitive in terms of loading, so you see people trying to step on the edge or middle, or try to stand in the holes then somehow awkwardly sit down, or worse stumble over.

Clear staff instructions and graphic signage telling people to "back in sideways, bottom in first, then roll your legs around".

2015-12-10 14.26.05.jpg

Edited by Gazza
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