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MW Mini Driving School - Officially Confirmed


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It looks ok, but the scale on some of the buildings and features is completely off. Look how big the Scooby building is compared to the main street buildings. For those that don't know about scale, look at the Door on the Scooby Building, then look how big it is compared to the Roxy Theatre next to it. Anyway, these are just nit-picky things, i'm sure the kids and the kids at heart will love it.

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As others have said about JL, I would say that MW have had to design the ride to suit the space. But I think its good that they have done it this way because the actual layout of MW wouldn't be as exciting. Down main street go left or right and then eventually come to a dead end and have to turn around and see the same things again. It looks like the way they have done Driving school is so that the roads continuously flow, except for Main Street. But it has been positioned so parents can see their kids driving down towards them, so they can take photos. MW have said that there will be lights on the Roxy Theatre. I hope there are a few other buildings which light up. I think it will be good if there are a few animatronics as well. In a photo a couple of pages back we saw Scooby-Doo sticking his head slightly out of a barrel. It would be good if as kids drove past, he would rise out of it a little. From what I have seen so far I am impressed and think it will be a great addition and will be very popular.

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I'll be uploading some photos soon. There is 2 seats in each car one for a child (but I still could sit in it) and one on the back of the car for taller/larger people that parent can sit on and ride with there child. You get a licence, just like a vip pass relay. Photos coming soon. Oh and the safety "horn" is the same as the sound when u leave the storm coaster station.

Edited by Sam Cash
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the cars only go forwards. they have about 4 or 5 staff out in the driving area to push the cars if they get stuck. im 15 and found it fun (probs coz it new and im not driving real cars yet)

Turns out all my photos are shit. Ill go down tomorrow or saturday with my camera and take some good shots. Only good pic was one of a car


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