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Future Additions for Gold Coast Theme Parks

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Whatever, be douches. It just reflects more on you than on me. And anyway, you're the person who actually has to wait almost twice as long in the queue because they're too busy checking their phones between trains. I just can't wait for you to criticise foreign theme parks for being so efficient that they take the fun out of the queueline! Obvious Australia having a very high minimum wage shouldn't indicate anything about the standards that our work should be at. Instead it is wrong for me to criticise lazy teenage ride operators who I have seen tell people they do the job for the money and the free entry tickets when they have been criticised...

  On 02/10/2014 at 1:51 PM, iwerks said:

Wait I'm agreeing with reanimated? I think we're trying to say is that there's no need to be rude to the ride ops. The Abyss guys at AW are great.

I'm sorry, please show my institutionalised eyes where the mentioning of Abyss was? Or was that you drawing a simply incorrect conclusion?

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  On 02/10/2014 at 1:29 PM, KingdaKa said:

I have... And it is not unrealistic to tell lazy 14 year olds to work a little more efficiently...

  On 02/10/2014 at 2:51 PM, KingdaKa said:

Whatever, be douches. It just reflects more on you than on me. And anyway, you're the person who actually has to wait almost twice as long in the queue because they're too busy checking their phones between trains. I just can't wait for you to criticise foreign theme parks for being so efficient that they take the fun out of the queueline! Obvious Australia having a very high minimum wage shouldn't indicate anything about the standards that our work should be at. Instead it is wrong for me to criticise lazy teenage ride operators who I have seen tell people they do the job for the money and the free entry tickets when they have been criticised...

I'm sorry, please show my institutionalised eyes where the mentioning of Abyss was? Or was that you drawing a simply incorrect conclusion?

First and foremost, just by your behaviour i'm going to make an assumption that you also fit into the 'lazy teenager' category. You certainly aren't behaving like an adult.

Secondly (and i'm sure our incognito park staff will correct me if I am wrong) but as far as I am aware - Ride operators in Australia are required to be a minimum of 18 years of age - so this blows your 14 year old lazy teenager comment right out of the water.

As for the mention of Abyss, it was being offered up as an example of a ride that (in their view) did not meet your obviously flawed definition.

I've never seen a cast member playing on their phone for any length of time. Several parks i've been to don't allow cast members to carry any personal items such as wallets or phones. rules may be different these days, where most people carry a phone instead of a watch, so I can imagine they might pull it out to check the time, and then put it back, but it hardly adds to the delay of dispatch.

I do stand corrected on the Cyclone cycle time. I was going off the video linked to the RCDB profile which is an onride, but there was about a minute of off ride footage. Altogether the ride time is closer to 2 minutes, but this doesn't count computer-controlled parking, and the PHYSICAL loading and unloading and harness checking of guests... so the cycle time (time between dispatches) is easily 3 minutes or more all things considered.

The only person on these boards right now being a 'douche' is you. As i've stated previously, you aren't acting like an adult, and i'm pretty sure you've said you go to school, so i'm just going to say this...

There are ride operators on this board - that you've called 'lazy teenagers' despite the facts clearly showing that your claim cannot possibly be true. (you're lucky Daniel isn't around). There's also a lot of experienced, well travelled folk who have been in or have something to do with the industry. You are more than welcome to express a view or opinion, but recognise that a lot of these folks have been through this all before with the last little twerp who thought he knew everything. And many people will know a lot more about a lot more than you do. Theres a lot of 'insider-but-public' information about the parks to be gleaned from the folk around here also.

Calling them douches is not a really good way to make friends on this board. Calling many of our members 'lazy teenagers' is probably going to win you no awards either.

Dial it back a notch - you're welcome to express your opinion, but at the same time you need to respect other's opinions also. Also recognise that not everyone walks around with a flashing neon sign that says 'park employee', so do be careful with whom you engage in a debate with, as it could be very embarassing for you when you discover otherwise. (a certain discussion on crowd lasers comes to mind).

This is nice Alex. I'd like you to get to know him - he wants to help you. Nobody enjoys it when pissed off Alex gets on the boards. It tends to frustrate many.... so for everybody's sake - please try and take some of this on board.

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  On 02/10/2014 at 2:51 PM, KingdaKa said:

Whatever, be douches. It just reflects more on you than on me. And anyway, you're the person who actually has to wait almost twice as long in the queue because they're too busy checking their phones between trains. I just can't wait for you to criticise foreign theme parks for being so efficient that they take the fun out of the queueline! Obvious Australia having a very high minimum wage shouldn't indicate anything about the standards that our work should be at. Instead it is wrong for me to criticise lazy teenage ride operators who I have seen tell people they do the job for the money and the free entry tickets when they have been criticised...


Nope, wouldn't criticise them for being too efficient, would somewhat criticise some parks for having a somewhat free-for-all in the station (SFMM comes to mind) - here we have orderly lines to the gates, they have a big open station which sorts itself out so I guess it's not too bad, just different.

  On 02/10/2014 at 11:51 PM, AlexB said:

This is nice Alex. I'd like you to get to know him - he wants to help you. Nobody enjoys it when pissed off Alex gets on the boards. It tends to frustrate many.... so for everybody's sake - please try and take some of this on board.

Nice Alex makes very long posts. Nice Alex also illustrates very good points. Pissed off Alex is more fun though :P

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Was about to write something similar Alex. Minimum age for Ride attendants is certainly 18.

Though maybe in kingdas parallel universe, where Arkham runs 2 trains and rides can be miraculously uprooted and relocated to the other side of a park at little expense, ride ops are 12 years old and learning algebra whilst pressing buttons

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  On 02/10/2014 at 11:51 PM, AlexB said:

First and foremost, just by your behaviour i'm going to make an assumption that you also fit into the 'lazy teenager' category. You certainly aren't behaving like an adult.

Secondly (and i'm sure our incognito park staff will correct me if I am wrong) but as far as I am aware - Ride operators in Australia are required to be a minimum of 18 years of age - so this blows your 14 year old lazy teenager comment right out of the water.

As for the mention of Abyss, it was being offered up as an example of a ride that (in their view) did not meet your obviously flawed definition.

I've never seen a cast member playing on their phone for any length of time. Several parks i've been to don't allow cast members to carry any personal items such as wallets or phones. rules may be different these days, where most people carry a phone instead of a watch, so I can imagine they might pull it out to check the time, and then put it back, but it hardly adds to the delay of dispatch.

I do stand corrected on the Cyclone cycle time. I was going off the video linked to the RCDB profile which is an onride, but there was about a minute of off ride footage. Altogether the ride time is closer to 2 minutes, but this doesn't count computer-controlled parking, and the PHYSICAL loading and unloading and harness checking of guests... so the cycle time (time between dispatches) is easily 3 minutes or more all things considered.

The only person on these boards right now being a 'douche' is you. As i've stated previously, you aren't acting like an adult, and i'm pretty sure you've said you go to school, so i'm just going to say this...

There are ride operators on this board - that you've called 'lazy teenagers' despite the facts clearly showing that your claim cannot possibly be true. (you're lucky Daniel isn't around). There's also a lot of experienced, well travelled folk who have been in or have something to do with the industry. You are more than welcome to express a view or opinion, but recognise that a lot of these folks have been through this all before with the last little twerp who thought he knew everything. And many people will know a lot more about a lot more than you do. Theres a lot of 'insider-but-public' information about the parks to be gleaned from the folk around here also.

Calling them douches is not a really good way to make friends on this board. Calling many of our members 'lazy teenagers' is probably going to win you no awards either.

Dial it back a notch - you're welcome to express your opinion, but at the same time you need to respect other's opinions also. Also recognise that not everyone walks around with a flashing neon sign that says 'park employee', so do be careful with whom you engage in a debate with, as it could be very embarassing for you when you discover otherwise. (a certain discussion on crowd lasers comes to mind).

This is nice Alex. I'd like you to get to know him - he wants to help you. Nobody enjoys it when pissed off Alex gets on the boards. It tends to frustrate many.... so for everybody's sake - please try and take some of this on board.

I never said they were douches. I said you and reanimated were. And the fact that he said you guys were "taking the piss" perfectly justifies my labelling of you.

As for saying by nature that I am immature because I am young, I was not the one who started the insults. Many of the things you have said are not correct and instead you have started a stream of attacks. So don't say I am immature just because I have opinions and have evidence to back up my assertions...

As for making friends, why would I want to be friends with you? All you do is insult me, call me a lazy teenager, and say all my expectations are unrealistic. I am nice to everyone else. Aside from you 2 and Brad no one has said anything but nice things to me.

As for saying they're lazy, of course not every single ride op is lazy. That is ridiculous. Many are fine. However, if rides like BuzzSaw are running at slower than the 3 minute cycles, the only solution really is laziness. I have ridden it and clones and the cycles were much faster. Therefore, aside from laziness, there isn't a solution. And as for the logic that it is unrealistic to expect faster cycles because we have organised queues, its actually the opposite. And as for regulations, on theme parks all over the world the amount of restraint checks they do is almost identical. Of course Australia has much higher WHS, but it doesn't justify slower operation. As I said not all are lazy, but many that I have come across are and have been.

As for the phones, I am not lying, I saw someone (who if she was 18 she was very very very young) operating the log ride a few years ago in PEAK (so the queue was about 1.5 hours). She was reading her phone in between sending the cars off from the station. She wasn't doing anything aside from pressing some buttons to eject the logs. Anyway, there was a time when the logs were ready and the other employees were telling her to eject but she was so busy reading her phone that she couldn't hear them I presume. Someone went up and yelled at her where she said the thing about doing it for the money and free admission before luckily someone else took over her job, making everything run a lot faster.

  On 03/10/2014 at 12:35 AM, reanimated35 said:


Nope, wouldn't criticise them for being too efficient, would somewhat criticise some parks for having a somewhat free-for-all in the station (SFMM comes to mind) - here we have orderly lines to the gates, they have a big open station which sorts itself out so I guess it's not too bad, just different.

Nice Alex makes very long posts. Nice Alex also illustrates very good points. Pissed off Alex is more fun though :P

Kinda stuffed that up when you said I was institutionalised.

  On 03/10/2014 at 3:28 AM, Brad2912 said:

Was about to write something similar Alex. Minimum age for Ride attendants is certainly 18.

Though maybe in kingdas parallel universe, where Arkham runs 2 trains and rides can be miraculously uprooted and relocated to the other side of a park at little expense, ride ops are 12 years old and learning algebra whilst pressing buttons

You know full well that that was whatg I wanted to happen, not what would happen. You also know that all of my suggestions have been opinions, not forcing an issue. The only thing I have been forcing an issue on was saying that Dreamworld can not have so few Coasters if they are going to be so bad quality. And that is not an unfair thing to say. So until there is something that I have said that is actually wrong, rude, or out of place, stop being horrible. To tell you the truth it just reflects badly on you...

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I never said they were douches. I said you and reanimated were. And the fact that he said you guys were "taking the piss" perfectly justifies my labelling of you.

Now that's not very nice, is it.


As for saying by nature that I am immature because I am young, I was not the one who started the insults. Many of the things you have said are not correct and instead you have started a stream of attacks. So don't say I am immature just because I have opinions and have evidence to back up my assertions...

Youtube comments. But if it's on the internet, it must be true, right?


As for making friends, why would I want to be friends with you? All you do is insult me, call me a lazy teenager, and say all my expectations are unrealistic. I am nice to everyone else. Aside from you 2 and Brad no one has said anything but nice things to me.

Swing and a miss.


As I said not all are lazy, but many that I have come across are and have been.

Genuine question, can you provide more examples than the one you listed about the girl being on the phone?

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  On 03/10/2014 at 4:28 AM, reanimated35 said:

Now that's not very nice, is it.

Youtube comments. But if it's on the internet, it must be true, right?

Swing and a miss.

Genuine question, can you provide more examples than the one you listed about the girl being on the phone?

Of people on phones? No. But once is enough. However ride ops very casually fastening restraints and at a very slow pace is very comon. Especially on Green Lantern for some reason... I don't know why but all the time the ride ops are always talking to eachother and dont answer peoples questions and stuff. Not so much a problem for me and more experienced riders who know how to do stuff ourselves but I did see a very young kid (probably 10-12) get a very vile glare because he was struggling to pull his restraint down. And the Green Lantern restraints are heavy.

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It's funny - because Reanimated wasn't referring to me when he was talking about 'taking the piss'... I think it might have been iwerks... but it certainly wasn't me - so your douche comment wasn't directed at me... until now when it apparently was.

Would you like a shovel? It may help you to keep digging faster.

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  On 03/10/2014 at 5:21 AM, KingdaKa said:

Especially on Green Lantern for some reason... I don't know why but all the time the ride ops are always talking to eachother and dont answer peoples questions and stuff.

This annoys me almost everytime I go on this ride. And as far as staff playing on phones, I have seen it more than enough times at the Scooby loading area.

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I've only ever seen them talk to each other when they're either waiting for people to sit down or waiting for the next car to arrive safely into the station to begin the loading. What do you want them to do in those instances? Physically pick people up and place them in a seat? Not say a word to anyone and just stand there bored?

I've never seen the process delayed because staff were having a chat.

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How many members of Parkz were at MW on Friday? Really enjoyed my stay on the coast. The annual passes are insanely good value. Whilst the food has improved a lot in the last six years, it's certainly more expensive.

Dreamworld has made improvements with its theming, but I think MW wins out with food and overall attention to detail. The queues aren't too bad at this time of the year. It would be great to see more dark rides, especially ones with a strong narrative thread. I didn't mind Justice League, but it needs a bigger finale. The Stunt Driver show isn't up to the standards of the old Police Academy one and doesn't really make a lot of sense when you think too hard about it.

I think you guys in Queensland are lucky to have parks of such good quality on your doorstep. Enjoy.. and keep up the good reporting.

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Evening fellow Parkz peeps

Just wasted 5/10 minutes of my time trawling through this topic "future additions for Gold Coast theme parks". So far this topic is now up to 5 pages - 5 pages of pointless comparisons, trip reports, complaining and wait times. Not to mention the pie stare si stance - well known members once again showing zero respect for new (and often younger) parkz members.

If you consider yourself as a senior member of Parkz, can i suggest you start acting that way? Honestly, where's the harm in an overly enthusiastic new member trying to get involved- only to be shot down for being wrong or not being able to demonstrate acceptable punctuation.


Senior members, do keep offering you're opinions that matter. Our new members look up to you guys for your support, experience and advice. I reckon sometimes

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Whilst I agree mostly with your statement Mickey, there is a fine line between rookie enthusiasm and straight up cockiness/arrogance, with the line generally drawn when that enthusiasm clouds judgment and said rookie posters refuse to accept/believe rational information or advice.

Everyone deserves respect here, but this is also a fun community where I believe a bit of jovial banter is also part and parcel of the game, providing it doesn't get overly personal.

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