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Fright Night 2014


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I haven't done this year's Fright Nights but I did do Universal Studio Florida's version a few nights ago. While their mazes have HUGE waits as well, the park opens until AT LEAST midnight.

Is this something Movie World could do as well? Obviously the outdoor rides would need to shut earlier, but I swear the park used to be open later in the earlier years of the event?

I think just having the mazes, Scooby, JL3D and a few shows in the front of the park running until 11pm/midnight would be a HUGE help in getting everyone through the mazes and helping people feel like they got their money's worth.

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Wow you should hear some of the comments from movieworlds facebook page.

I'm sorry, but last night certainly wasn't "killer." It was a snore fest. As someone who has been attending since the first ever Fright Night back in 2006, I have to say this was the worst night ever. I have never been more disappointed in what was on display and considering I write about Fright Nights for an international audience, I'm sad to say that this year's review will not be a positive one.
I'm in half a mind to demand my money back as it did not live up to the hype or the expectations that was put in place. No scheduled shows, a stunt show that didn't even bother to put a 'horror' or 'frightening' twist onto it, queues of an hour or more for mazes that lasted all of five minutes, people with lit cigarettes walking around freely and not one single staff member said anything about it (yet plenty saw it) and then, if that wasn't bad enough, fifty people jammed into one charter bus to be taken to Helensvale station and at least another twenty sitting at the bus terminal waiting to be picked up - yet according to the website, only one bus was booked.
People have told me that I should have booked the Fast Track pass. When I bought my tickets, that wasn't on offer. The night was so bad that staff were actually trying to sell you Fast Track passes at 9:45pm - really? The park closed 15 minutes later.
Poorly run night. I had such high expectations. Sorry, Warner Bros. Movie World - Gold Coast, Australia, this year was a disaster and my readers will certainly know of that. I hope that next year is a vast improvement. You've got 12 months. I suggest you start planning now.

Don't bother biggest waste of time and money!!! They don't cap how many people they let to the in the park!! you will spend the whole time queuing up for about 40 seconds in a maze that isn't worth the wait!! Unless you have $80 plus to spend on tickets to get in for fast track don't do it!

. Disgusting organization and very much a money grab for fast track. Didn't buy passes at all this year because of last year's dismal effort.

Glad to see I wasn't the only one who had a disappointing time. It's a shame as I always have raved about Fright Nights and have always enjoyed going. Next year better have improved tremendously.

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I do have to agree that this is the worst night I've experienced with FN so far.

In saying that, I'm getting ready to head back down there again and see how they go on night 2 in the hope that it was just first night jitters on their part. I remember last year to keep the queue moving there was like 15-30 people going in a maze at once wasn't there? Maybe I'm imagining it but this last night they did groups of 7-10 people and you were getting nowhere.

I'll be going back each weekend as I've got the season pass anyway, but hopefully I have better news to report later this evening.

Anyone want to know anything in particular and I'll keep my eye out?

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  On 03/10/2014 at 2:58 PM, reanimated35 said:

Oh. My. God.

Got to the park at 6:15. Joined the queue for Evil Within at 6:30. Entered the maze at 8:45. We weren't even anywhere near the end of the queue. I really hope for their sake it was just first night teething issues. The queue rarely moved and the fastpass queue was along the edge of the building and around the corner as well.

The maze itself was great. Clearly they did a lot of work with it and it shows. Wasn't a huge fan of the repeated safe-head guy and feel like they could have thrown something else in there instead. The chick with all the arms is cool though and the revolving saw is a nice touch.

Next stop was going to be GL, but that was closed. So it was a walk over to a very confusing line for Scooby and the Clown maze - scooby had a line at the normal door, and down the escape path. Not sure what the main line was for as the escape path one seemed to be the correct one. (I'll come back to that), Feeling pretty pissed off at this stage.

We walked around to the Ripper maze as we deemed the clown queue too long to be bothered and we'd already spent 2.5 hours standing still. That line was massive so we wandered back to the locker then back to Scooby. - Yes I say every year it's the same experience day/night, but we hadn't been to the park since fright night last year, the queue was moving pretty quick and I wanted to check out the disco room now that the lasers have been replaced. It looks great now and much better and darker than it used to be in the pre-disco room area. The disco room itself, while mostly smoke free looks great with all the lasers. I do miss the cone after the first drop though.

After Scooby we went to queue for the Ripper. Thank god that was a fast queue. That wasn't a scare maze. That was a bunch of women dressed as olden day hookers with a bunch of guys in there who seemed to have wandered over from an Abraham Lincoln look-alike contest. There was nothing jumping out, there was nothing scary, there was nothing......entertaining about that maze. Even the clown maze, was better.

So after that disappointment we went to the Clown maze which was almost a walk-on. (Uses the old Gremlin queue) Took maybe 5mins to get on (by this time it was about 10:10pm) - Basic maze, reused set from previous years, but for people who freak out over clowns, they'd shit themselves.

Haven't had a chance to do Wolf Creek yet, might head back down tomorrow and check it out. This time with a better plan of attack.

Less smoke around the SE area this time, maybe due to the accidents in previous years (someone usually seems to trip on the kerb at least once per visit) Main street was fairly modest smoke, still seems a bit less than previous years.

Evil queue - 2.5hrs from this point (blue x).... the red x is where the queue was when we came out, so I can only assume 3-3.5 hours for that one from there.


Scooby's queue....


Can someone tell me what used to be in this building? There seems to be doors numbered 7 & 9 (no idea what happened to 8) and some doors further down with metal stairs I assume may have either been a ride exit or an emergency ride exit at some point in the park's history?


Anyway, overall, based on this night alone, I'd give the experience a 4/10 with maybe the Evil maze pushing it up to a 6/10. Had I not done the EW maze, a 4/10 would be a very generous score.

I hope I can go back and give a better score in the coming weeks.

Woah, operations have slowed a ton since last year. The blue dash was where evil dead was for the majority of the night last year, I got on it when it was a tad shorter and waited 30 mins so i'd say it would have been 40 from that point. Walking Dead was usually around the read dash during the night I attended last year and that was an hour. Hillbilly was queued all the way to the sausage tent place and that was 45 mins. Also this year from the sounds of it they've sold too many fast track passes :( . Last year there were 3 - 5 people per load who were in fast track.

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Hi Guys !!! :lol:

Went to Movie World Fright Nights and was very impressed. One of the employees was talking to a girl next to us and said the only reason the lines for the mazes were massive and long is because the fire alarms had gone off. But anyway it was a really great night and surprisingly got all the mazes done by around 8:30.

Wolf Creek 2 Maze - This maze was very good in theming but could of used more scares there were two main spots for scares the start and the end. But this maze was very entertaining and we were only in the line for about 30 minutes. We went on this maze again and had improved by acting wise and scares, Overall I would give this maze a 8/10

The Evil Within Maze - What can I say! This maze was so horrifying and spectacular that we knew we had to do it again and we did. This maze was amazing with Theming and costume especially make up to bring the creatures to life. This is the best maze of the whole Fright Nights. There was no escaping scares there was a scare every couple of seconds and the plus side is that the scares were coming from both sides so there is no way of getting out!!! Of course we went on it again and was still impressed. We were in the line for this maze for about 30 minutes and is worth it by far !!! Overall I would give this maze a 9/10

Cannibal Clowns Maze - Honestly I don't understand what people are saying about it being an awful maze it actually had more scares than Wolf Creek. The starting of the Maze is like a circus gone wrong and these clowns are disgusting!!! I was pleasantly pleased with this maze. After the starting it is only walls and floors covered in neon paints but with flashing lights and actually effective and great scares. This maze makes people cringe with the clowns coming up to your face covered in blood and snarling at you it was just so much fun. We did this maze again and it was better the second time more scares as well. We were waiting in line for this maze for about 20 minutes the line moves so quickly for this maze. Loved It !!! Overall I would give this maze a 8/10

The Ripper Maze - One word HORRIBLE this maze is the meaning of a mess. There are at least 3 scares in the maze and the prostitutes don't even scare you they just talk to you. We are here to be scared not talked to by characters who could of scared us so much more. But on the other hand the Theming of this maze was Alright wasn't the best. Such a let down from what it could of been. There needs to be improvements immediately this mazes was awful sorry to say. This maze took us about 40 minutes to line up for and wasn't worth it. overall I give this maze a 3/10 :angry2:

There is also many foods and drink available this year and Warner Brothers have gone full out and it is better than last year to be honest. Overall it was a night to DIE for and was really fun it has it ups but also has its down (The Ripper Maze) but overall you will get terrified at Fright Nights 2014 I strongly agree that people should attend this year it was so fun.

HorrorGuru666 :lol:

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  On 04/10/2014 at 5:57 AM, Zanstabar said:

If possible, i wouldn't mind if you could tell us how the maze operations are. Are they sending in 10 people every 5 minutes? Or 30 every minute?

Tonight they were doing 10 people every 30sec-1min. At the end of the night (10:15-10:30pm) they were sending just however many people were in your group. eg: we went in as a pair.

Onto the review.

Firstly I must say this was a much better night than last night. It just seemed less busy and they had improved operations a bit. Don't bother with the show stage mazes mid-night though. Either do them first or wait til just after 10.

This time we arrived before the event started and queued immediately to the superman side of things with a couple of hundred other people. Moved the the next gate and had to wait maybe 3mins before that was open and all the idiots ran down the end. Didn't bother to run as I remember last year we were one of the first into the maze and half the actors hadn't shown up from the opening performance at that stage and the maze was almost empty. Got through Wolf Creek 2 after maybe a 20min wait. It was ok. Would be the 2nd best one there. Not too many scares. In saying that I don't find any other the mazes scary, I think the only time I've jumped at a fright night was in that darkness maze and I turned a corner and there was a face right in front of me. Anyway, it seems a bit odd having the killer mid maze then having the actors towards the end of the maze asking to be saved. I guess we could be passing through he hideout type thing and out the other side, but it just seems as though he should be the main scare at the end of it.

Did superman escape - queue was about 30mins when we joined. Good fun as usual.

GL was good. 30-40min queue though, really slow with the loading. Never more than 2 cars on the circuit at one time. No audio, only one car had the pulsing green light on it too.

Also did Scooby and wasted a bit of time wandering around the park aimlessly.

Did EW 3 times. Twice at the end of the night (10:15-10:30) and the wait was 5-10 minutes.

I think next week I might take the camera in and get some shots of the main street actors.

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Probably about 40 mins or so, but that's a guess as I didn't think to time it. It felt so much longer there was a bunch of fuckwit delinquent kids behind us. (You know the type, pot-smoking mum, no idea who the father is, lives off centrelink etc) - they were sitting down and trying to untie our shoes but were too stupid to work out how to untie a double knot. Anyway later in the night, I'm pretty sure it was the same people who got kicked out by security for being assholes to some other people.

Also this is extremely relevant for Fright Nights.


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Hi guys,

I attended Fright Night last night and it was my third year attending the event. I must say that this is year is probably my favourite of them all.

We arrived at the park at 4:40 and waited around the fountain area for rope drop. At approximately 5:40 they dropped the rope and everyone moved up to the next rope just before the undercover shade under the Superman Escape launch track. Just after 6:00 they dropped the rope and the woman advised everyone not to run but most people piss bolted, some disembarking off to Superman Escape and others to Arkham Asylum. We were heading straight to the Sound stage mazes. The gates at the beginning of Zombie Alley were still closed and we waited there for about 5 minutes. Once they opened were all told not to pass the staff member so everyone was speed walking, trying to get to the front of everyone. Once we got to the end of Zombie Alley, everyone ran to their desired maze, for us Wolf Creek 2. These are my reviews on the mazes:

Wolf Creek 2 maze: We were the third group to go in for the night, waited about 5 minutes and was an awesome maze. The scares were great and the theming was excellent. However it seemed to be missing something. We came back at the end of the night to go on it for a second time and it was still great. All in all, this was an awesome maze and I'd give it an 8/10.

The Evil Within maze: We waited about 30 minutes for this maze and was well worth the wait. This was by far my favourite maze of the night and probably ever that I've been in at Fright Nights. The scares were terrifying and the theming was excellent it was just amazing. My two favourite scares were definitely the The Butcher with the Chainsaw and Re-Bone Laura. We also came back at the end of the night to go on it for a second time and it was still amazing. All in all, this was an amazing maze and I'd give it a 10/10.

Cannibal Clowns maze: We waited about 20 to 30 minutes for this maze and was worth the wait. I do not get scared by clowns but this maze shook me up a little bit. The scares were very good and although the theming was basic with neon paint and strobe light, it was still good theming. We came back to do this maze again and wasn't too scary the second time. All in all, this was a great maze and I'd give it a 8/10.

The Ripper maze: We waited about 30-40 minutes for this maze and wasn't worth the wait. This maze had good theming but very little to no scares at all. We did not come back to do this maze again. All in all, this was a disappointing maze and I'd give it a 3/10.

We didn't go on any rides as we wanted to complete all the mazes. Some improvements which I would recommend is to add more water to the blood bags, I had one and it was way to sweet. Also, clearer signage for Scooby Doo and Cannibal Clowns queue lines as they have been swapped around this year. This year has definitely impressed me the most and I can't wait to go again. To those questioning if they should go or not, I'd strongly recommend you do because it was so much fun :excl:

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My thoughts on the last 2 nights:

Queues don't seem as bad (for me) as they were for others. Max we probably waited was an hour.

First night we did Wolf Creek 3 times and The Evil Within 3 times, plus went on the Green Lantern, saw the 7pm stunt show and wandered around Main St for a bit.

Second night, we did The Ripper and Cannibal Clowns once each. The Ripper queue was very slow moving to begin with, but pumped them through pretty quickly after we'd queued for half an hour by increasing group size and sending a group in every 30 secs and the Cannibal Clown queue flew through pretty fast. And we spent a lot of time on Main St. Good on the person on stilts who fell over but managed with the help of guests to get back up and continue on, despite what looked like a very painful fall.

Roaming zombies on the way to the studios really need to channel their inner zombie a bit more... I saw one who would smile and laugh after scaring girls. I saw a bunch sprinting after girls who were running away scared. A few were in character the whole time, but would have been better if all of them.

I wish they'd done a bit more with the stunt show, the opening looked like HWSD2. And more scheduled lived shows too.

Overall though I felt like it was a better opening weekend to last year :)

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First time they haven't had a decent show in the arena

First time they think dubstep fits the FN theme

First time they haven't had any smoke/fog under superman

First time for tours

First time they blew the budget on 1 major maze and had 3 average ones with it

First time they removed the castle entry and replaced it with a basic sign

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I wouldn't say ALL 4 mazes are "really good" but usually 3 or so of them have been good from what I remember then there always seems to be that one that's thrown together as an afterthought.

This year you have

Evil Within - Exceptional

Wolf Creek 2 - Average

Cannibal Clowns - Average

Ripper - The scale I had in mind doesn't go below "poor", so we'll have to use "poor".

edit - I should say that's based on scares. - Theming wise, EW again is exceptional, and WC2 is above average. There's not much to the other two.

You walk in and every few metres there's some hookers standing there touching themselves and asking if you want some fun. Every now than there there was a guy standing there with a cleaver but they didn't really jump out at you or anything. - Please keep in mind my impressions of that have only come from night 1. I'll check it out again next week and see if they've done anything to fix it, but I won't be holding my breath.

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I got 4 questions myself some questions in mind that I want to get answered

1:Is there any music or sound effects in any of the four mazes?

2:Is it true that entrance to The Ripper is where Hillbilly Slasher's exit was?

3:Can you watch the people getting scared at all? Or was that something that MW fooled us with?

4:Is Cannibal Clowns like the one that they used back in the Bumper Cars area? (I'm guessing it is)

Edited by The_Ninja_59
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