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Traveling fairs!

Tim Dasco

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Were did you hear about the ferris wheel? It is a concreted ferris wheel. Are you talking about the sky view that came to the royal show for one year? (Then moved to Fremantle then went back over to the east coast?) Really the rides are up to that price because the website states they are only $10 with Speed 2 being $20, XXXL being $15, Sky walker being $12, ad a few at $9. (Escape of the zombies is $15) And kiddie rides are $6 according to the website.

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Yeah, I have mates who own Super Donuts and one of them claimed that the big ferris wheel was gone for a while there (I don't think he meant that kiddie ferris wheel stuck in the middle of nowhere;)).  It makes no sense and I don't quite believe it.  Yeah, TD, you might be right about the price of the kiddie rides, but a lot of the decent rides (like Python Loop) were $12.  That Avenger ride was spewing out noxious fumes like you wouldn't believe.  And FYI I did not try the dippin' dots.

Thanks Downunder - got lucky on that one.

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All I am going to say is the Avenger is like the Rampage on steroids and is so much smother than Avenger. I will do a full trip report once I get home.

Oh and I notice that West Coast Carnivals (Mitro amusements) own the new Cliff hanger. It is a different model to the one traveling the eastern states. It a new WA owned ride. (However the ticket both says TPA amusements)

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  • 8 months later...


37 minutes ago, iwerks said:

Visited the Perth Showgrounds, today.  Interesting to see what Sideshow Alley looks like during the off-season.  Anyone have any idea where Python Loop goes during the winter?



The Python loop is in those 4 Sea containers which are located next to Show West permanent Bumper Cars. Attached are two Google Earth images of the containers. However they set the roller Coaster up in August for the Perth Royal Show and then they leave it up until the end of December when they have the neat ideas christmas festival then it goes down until August when the cycle begins again.

Screen Shot 2016-06-05 at 2.51.58 pm.png

See those 4 sea containers at the back.

Screen Shot 2016-06-05 at 2.52.19 pm.png

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Yup thats them. Do you know what there doing with that construction equipment or are they just storing it there. Interesting fact right next to the chair lift station in side show alley there are a few trucks and trailers. One of those trailers is the Rage ride. The Rage always stays at the show ground and never leaves.

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26 minutes ago, Tim Dasco said:

I forgot to mention that the Python Loop apparently is for sale so could mean the end of its life. Also West Coast Carnivals are trying to sell their super bowl. :( Such a great ride. :(

It'd be disappointing if they sold them.  Maybe LPS would be interested in buying Python Loop. :D

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I was talking to Elwin Jnr down at the Easter Show this year, and he didn't mention anything about a Ranger (or buying Show West's Ranger for that matter). I'll have to take a look down at the Christmas Carnival this year as they usually take most of their gear down there.

He also mentioned getting his Turbo down there, apparently it's ready to run and just needs a bit of a tidy up, exciting times!

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16 hours ago, Spotty said:

The Ranger has been sold to Bell's Amusements, and if Turbo is up and running I think I know where i'm going over the xmas holidays :P

Its exciting to think that such a classic and rare ride as Turbo could soon be operating again!! Fingers crossed it happens!! If so then I am sure that there will be plenty of people prepared to travel from overseas just to experience it!! They are held in that much awe and high esteem!


22 hours ago, iwerks said:

It'd be disappointing if they sold them.  Maybe LPS would be interested in buying Python Loop. :D

Yeah......it wouldn't be a bad move but there are so many better options out there that would be suitable for LPS. Still.....

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  • 2 months later...

Been looking online and well the Python Loop roller coaster has been sold to Chants Amusements. (Listed on Chants website) So I guess that means no more PL at the Perth Royal Show. But instead it will most likely head to RMS as Chants takes all their equipment their. 

This is some sad news for WA ride operators and it seems like Show West are getting rid of most of their rides.Their ranger is sold to Bells, Python loop is now sold and they have taken the Nitro of their website. Also they have taken a lot of their kids rides of their website. So they only have 3 thrill rides left Dodgems X 1 or 2 (Not sure), Wave swinger and Orbiter. (I still think they have the Gee Whiz and Dodgems that are permanent at the PRS) You then also have the Super Bowl which is for sale also.

This won't help the Perth Royal Show as last year their were in the negative of 2 million from the show. So with less rides this year hopefully they can get more new rides to make up for these missing rides. 

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