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Eureka Mountain Mine Ride reopening discussion


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I'd hope that the structure and track of the ride would be in pretty good nick..It's been out of the weather (And even the outdoor bits could be fixed with a long crane.

Ditto, swapping out brakes and so forth shouldn't be too much of a problem. Plenty of coasters have that done and there are companies that specialise in it.

The deteriorating mountain is probably the hardest part to deal with.

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Dipping dots guy (who for some reason was working at an electronics store) tells me mine ride is in process of preparations to re open! Go wild

Interesting. There hasn't been any indication from the outside that they are working on it, at least not over the past 3 days, anyway. The ride mountain is still just sitting there as part of the scenery, with the unused side show underneath.

That's not to say that they could currently be doing internal maintenance out of the public's eye, though?

For what it's worth, I hated the old mine ride. If you didn't have neck issues before you went on it, you certainly had them afterwards, hahahaha. But if they fixed it up enough to make it smoother and a little less turbulent, I'd definitely up for giving it another chance.

I always use the emergency steps on the Cyclone, much quicker, I also go back down that way.

Hahaha, funny you mention that, as that's what the ride attendant suggested we do, too. So we ended up going back down that way. HEAPS quicker XD

Edited by OceanGirl
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The mine ride.

Ah. Cool. Just wasn't sure as I thought your post may have been in response to the bit I just copied and pasted to the other thread about the cyclone breaking down today (as I spotted water test dummies in the cyclone station on fri as well lol) :P

Hmmm well that's interesting, then... I plan to spend more time at Dreamworld this coming week on my days off of work whilst kids are at school, so will be keeping a close eye on the mine ride area!

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Here is a picture of the water dummies.

You should post that on the Dreamworld facebook page. Next year Gold Rush Country turns 30 so it would be a great time to referb the Mine Ride. There is a lot of people wanting a new Mine Ride. Last year when Dreamworld posted about the new Tailspin a lot of comments said "We want the Mine Ride". If they replace it the park will be less run down and have a better variety of rides. Could the Mine Ride become the Big 10th Thrill Ride?.....

...But Dreamworld do use the Mine Ride for storage so they may be just stored there.

Edited by Gary86
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It was a wild mouse basically with the expected sequence of turns (lift hill, zig zag, turn, drop, turn, drop, brakes). The first few turns had you passing rock alcoves with theming in them (Similar to the tunnel on Thunder River) First one had a miner with a stick of dynamite. Next couple had spinning cogs and mining machines from memory.

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IF this turned out to be accurate it would be one of the smartest decisions DW has made in a long time. They could basically get as much marketing return out of the re-opening of this attraction as they could out of a whole new ride. There is huge public demand to see this ride return. But surely, if this was about to happen, wouldn't we have seen work being carried out on site? Surely it's in no state to simply open again without a major overhaul?

Edited by GoGoBoy
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Very intriguing!! Very happy to see Eureka reopen or be replaced but I am a little sceptical in all of this. Surely Eureka would need significant overhaul to be up and running- and surely we would have seen evidence of this before now?

Happy to be proven wrong but somehow this doesn't just feel right to me. Hopefully further info or evidence will come to light to definitively prove just exactly what Dreamworld are doing with the Eureka site. Taking a cautious approach before my hopes get too high.

Dang!! Just beat me to it GoGoBoy!! :-)

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