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Eureka Mountain Mine Ride reopening discussion


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Richard, what's your take on Eureka getting off the ground again after considering the photographs depicting the condition of the ride as posted by AndrewH

I honestly didn't look in any great detail at the photos while they were up, but in the half a dozen or so that I clicked on, I'd say:

-The structure of the ride looks sound.

-Station needs reflooring.

-The cars obviously need cosmetic work, but reupholstering these would be something that takes place every few years if the ride were operating anyway.

-Theming needs rebuilding.

What isn't apparent is what might be required by way of safety or structural upgrades. If there's work needed to bring it up to code, this could well be the most significant cost and the real decider. Getting it up and running to a circa-2006 operational standard however seems like a minor cost when compared with removal or replacement.

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  • 3 weeks later...

We'll have to wait and see! I don't know if there's a limit of 2 new attractions in a year.

My feeling is that it isn't going to reopen this year, if ever.

If it can't be reopened for whatever reason, I'd still really love it if they opened a new dark ride.

To me it's not about the spinning and falling and getting wet. It's about the adventure. The story that a well themed dark ride can immerse you into.

It doesn't always have to be a dark ride to do that either, as the brilliant example in this video shows.

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You never know. Just because it's not happening this year doesn't mean that it's not going to sneak up on us later...

This. Exactly.

I'd expect Dreamworld to spend many more days, months, maybe even years of extensive researching and testing Eureka before making a solid decision and following through on plans for it. It would be reckless and foolish of them otherwise to rush ahead. This isn't something they would want to be stuffing around with, given it would be the renovation of a classic ride, not the installation of a new one. No doubt there is a LOT of red tape to get through before they can even remotely consider starting any type of work on it.

Yes, I do believe it will open again one day, hopefully sooner than later. This is also the opinion of many current Dreamworld staff whom I have spoken to about it. But no, I don't think anybody should be holding their breath for it. Even I am not that silly!

Regardless, I will continue following the (gradual) progress of this ride with great interest :)

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The ride won't be reopening ever again. I'm sorry.

Dreamworld, can we please have a B&M.

Can you please shut up about Dreamworld getting a B&M. I'm pretty sure they'll go for a Eureka refurbishment way before a B&M. If you want a park to get a B&M, go live in America or somewhere but this is Australia and you're not going to get one any time soon.

Also a lot more people than you think care about Eureka. It was a classic ride and it isn't just the enthusiasts who care about it.

And as people said, don't lose hope. They might not be doing it this year, but they could drop the bomb that they're opening it on us in a few year's time once we've forgotten about this.

Andrew, your pessimism is really getting annoying. Please try to hold in negative thoughts because they really aren't helping. Don't speak for other people when you don't know it's correct as well.

Edited by Santa07
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Ok. I'm sorry, but there is a difference between being negative and living in the real world. There is a mine cart with dummies in it (which you can see from the bridge) which hasn't moved in weeks. For them to reopen the ride, a tremendous amount of work would need to be done, which just isn't happening.

I live in hope but! There are a lot of good rides in dreamworld, and maybe there could be a half decent rollercoasrer one day.

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Yeah, my thoughts as well... with all due respect Andrewh, please lay off with all the negativity <_< Yes, we are all very aware that you trespassed into Eureka and got a first hand look at the ride, but geez, that doesn't automatically mean that you now know everything about it and what Dreamworld intends to do with it. Yes, the ride needs a lot of work. We already knew that before you posted photos. Friendly conversations with Dreamworld staff members can be very informative sometimes (and less intrusive than jumping fences into restricted areas) and can sometimes give insight into goings on with the park, including with the present state of rides and attractions.

But unless you've had first hand discussions with the manager and/or the park CEO about the park's future, then you know just about as much as the rest of us. So feel free to speculate, but that's all you can really do as well -_-

Edited by OceanGirl
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Yeah, my thoughts as well... with all due respect Andrewh, please lay off with all the negativity <_< Yes, we are all very aware that you trespassed into Eureka and got a first hand look at the ride, but geez, that doesn't automatically mean that you now know everything about it and what Dreamworld intends to do with it. Yes, the ride needs a lot of work. We already knew that before you posted photos. Friendly conversations with Dreamworld staff members can be very informative sometimes (and less intrusive than jumping fences into restricted areas) and can sometimes give insight into goings on with the park, including with the present state of rides and attractions.

But unless you've had first hand discussions with the manager and/or the park CEO about the park's future, then you know just about as much as the rest of us. So feel free to speculate, but that's all you can really do as well -_-

Agree 100% OceanGirl-could not have put it better myself.

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Can anyone else think of a 30 year old ride that still manages to draw crowds and wow riders?

If DW put the money into reopening the ride, you would expect them to want it to function for 10-20 years. Would anyone really want to ride a 40, or 50 year old wild mouse? If you think about the technology available in 1986, and how much different it is today, it really might be better to invest in something newer, so it can last into the future. It's like the saying, the grass is always greener on the other side, we all want what we can't have. When the ride was functioning it was rough, short, had tacky theming and had low capacity. I don't however like that DW just left it to rot however.

That's all been said before, forgive my negativity.

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I don't think that really matters to be honest. There are many parks that hold onto and maintain their classic attractions because they are regarded as a signature attraction to the park or it has done a fantastic job of retaining its popularity and relevency in the public eye. Dreamworld closed Eureka primarily as a cost-cutting measure, and that was right in the middle of Dreamworld's dark days where CEOs were being replaced every two seconds and bone-headed moves like Mick Doohan were being made. They probably had every opportunity to retrofit the ride with state of the art technology to keep it up to snuff with modern health and saftey standards but chose not to and focused on other things instead. It's been nearly eight years since then and there are new people in charge who so far in my opinion have been making some pretty solid moves to improve the park's presentation. The location of the Eureka Mountain is in a prime spot for a big attraction of some kind and the new management at Dreamworld would be silly just to let it go to waste like it has been for the past eight years. Whether they revive the Mine Ride or put in something completely new, I can guarantee you something big will happen in that spot, especially with the Commonwealth Games coming up in three years and the 30th anniversary of Gold Rush Country next year.

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Yeah but they aren't in the same league as the GC theme parks

That is quite irrelevant and NOT at all what you originally stated. The fact is that both Luna Park Sydney and Aussie World are quite proud of their 60+ year old Wild Mouse coasters and they both remain popular and iconic rides. Hell, people visit these parks JUST for the chance to ride these rare coasters.They are very well regarded amongst coaster aficionados worldwide.

So to reiterate, there ARE plenty of people who want to experience a ride of this vintage.

Its ok to make stupid statements like the one you posted, but please do not try to quantify it by side stepping your original intent.

Edited by Jobe
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