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Eureka Mountain Mine Ride reopening discussion


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Generally not everyone has the same fixation on the rules of a private company (ie; not laws) and an individual's actions that in no way affect you, or your safety, or the safety of others.

How does it affect you whether he posts pictures in the context of a discussion and how he obtained them?  That's aspy stuff right there.

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Well actually - the laws of trespass would apply here, and needless to say, the rules enforced by the company and the laws enforced by the police referred to in this situation both circulate the same message - "it's unsafe to do what you did, which is why we told you not to do it."

I think we've all concluded here that what was done was wrong, the photos taken were removed as Parkz did not want to be seen to endorse or encourage that behaviour. Clearly the park has reacted to protect itself from future instances of idiot by installing a door.

There was no need for him to repost the photo taken from inside, as photos of the outside were already posted by others - Richard even going to the effort of restoring an image that was previously deleted to show everyone the context. 

As for your use of the phrase 'Aspy', the use is derogatory and insulting.
*pauses and waits for Pushbutton to set off on another tirade*

How about you just stick to debating on the issue...

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Your knowledge of the laws of trespass (as a criminal matter) are a little rusty.  Trespass covers entry onto the property, and does not provide for exclusions of 'out of bounds' areas.  Trespass as criminal law also has no relationship to safety.  Didn't you get burned on this last time when you were claiming that Parkz needed to act at the behest of the park only to have practically everything you said debunked?

Yeah, that again.

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I tried to send Alex a private message, I couldn't

Here it is

Hey Alex.

I can respect your opinions, I know that you want to uphold Parkz's reputation amongst the theme parks. I get you are angry at me, and I really do know why. I've been asked to not return to Dreamworld, for an unknown length of time. I've been in contact with guest services a few times, and have sent an apology. 

I don't appreciate the hate you've shown to me, and other user's of Parkz. Despite what I have done wrong, calling anyone on here morons, or arguing over silly things isn't very nice either. Parkz is meant to be a forum to discuss the thing we love most, parks! Some people (myself included), do go over the top for their enthusiasm. It's all in good spirits and isn't meant to knock anyone else. I'm writing to ask you to be nicer, not just towards me but to others. 

I hope you take this not as an insult, or as me trying to argue with you, or justify what I did, but more to ask you for some respect.

If you would like to discuss with me further I'll give you my skype name/phone number and I'll talk to you face to face.



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ps mine tide

pps see this post says mine ride so it technically is about the ride

Almost. You said 'mine tide', hahahaha  ;p 

Richard, I apologise for being one of the people guilty of posting a meme. It was an attempt to bring some light humour into a tense situation, but I understand now that I probably assisted in detailing the topic even more by doing so (not that I have been online to see it, have been at work all night) so yeah... sorry ???

Edited by OceanGirl
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I tried to send Alex a private message, I couldn't

Here it is

Hey Alex.

I can respect your opinions, I know that you want to uphold Parkz's reputation amongst the theme parks. I get you are angry at me, and I really do know why. I've been asked to not return to Dreamworld, for an unknown length of time. I've been in contact with guest services a few times, and have sent an apology. 

I don't appreciate the hate you've shown to me, and other user's of Parkz. Despite what I have done wrong, calling anyone on here morons, or arguing over silly things isn't very nice either. Parkz is meant to be a forum to discuss the thing we love most, parks! Some people (myself included), do go over the top for their enthusiasm. It's all in good spirits and isn't meant to knock anyone else. I'm writing to ask you to be nicer, not just towards me but to others. 

I hope you take this not as an insult, or as me trying to argue with you, or justify what I did, but more to ask you for some respect.

If you would like to discuss with me further I'll give you my skype name/phone number and I'll talk to you face to face.



That takes humility and maturity. Hope it meets with an equal level of respect. Well done. 

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I tried to send Alex a private message, I couldn't

I don't appreciate the hate you've shown to me, and other user's of Parkz. Despite what I have done wrong, calling anyone on here morons, or arguing over silly things isn't very nice either.

​Not really sure why you can't send me a PM. I've had conversations with numerous members via PM and find it to be very useful. There is no reason why I would 'refuse' PMs... maybe an issue with the forum upgrade perhaps?

As for calling anyone a moron, if you read the thread carefully, you'll find it was another member who used the phrase. Another member then questioned the use of the word, and my post was only in reply to those two, reinforcing that yes, a person who does such things would be as described.

I'm not showing hate to anyone - i just think you're an idiot who doesn't understand what he did wrong (otherwise why else keep posting the photos and commenting about what you did). This forum has a long memory. (Scooby Eyes anyone?), and many long term members won't let you live it down when you make a mistake. Mistakes happen - I totally get that, and if you express humility, remorse, and quit bragging about it like you did nothing wrong - it will go along way with people... but the occasional jibe from someone where it fits isn't intended to be nasty, and only to have a bit of a laugh at your expense... this is why almost 10 years on - Scooby Eyes still gets a laugh... And despite having not seen a stall in any of our parks since Wonderland closed down - Dippin' Dots references still get a laugh, and everyone understands why.

Anyone can sit down and write a contrite little note with mature wording and call the other guy a hater. I also appreciate you attempted to do it in PM... My views on you as a person will not generally be influenced by a little 'sorry note', rather by your actions and behaviours that follow.



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