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Where will the rides go?


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TIM, The reason the Big Dipper was removed was because of noise. How do you propose they'd get away with putting Demon in? Any ride is transportable if you want it to be. They all come apart don't forget... I expect most of them will go to Asia if they don't become kitchen utensils. There's a possibility maybe one or two may stay in the country heading in a westerly direction ;) Keep your eyes and ears open for more old sons.

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It's as hollow as they come. I could go into why filling it with concrete wouldn't do much for strength, but then that's going against my recent reluctance to talk about the physics or engineering of rides. :) I believe that there has been one Giant Drop, in England, which was relocated. I'm not totally sure of the specifics of it though. Needless to say, the thing is bolted together so it would be relatively easy to pull apart. Tony Braxton-Smith used the analogy of a big Mechano set recently regarding Thunderbolt, which explains it well enough. Honestly, most of the flat rides really aren't worth taking anywhere. If another Australian park chooses to pick some of them up, that'd be cool, but there's not too much in that department beyond Bounty's Revenge. I don't know, but I almost see it being not worth the bother of shipping Demon or Space Probe over to Malaysia. I'd think that they are. There might be some useful mechanical parts attached to the wood on Bush Beast or Beastie, and the trains would probably be worth $10,000 to some park who could do with the spares, but there's certainly nothing worth keeping on the wood. Then there's the discussion of the far more important stuff - deep fryers, heat chutes, cash registers and all that fun stuff. That'd be the first stuff I'd get rid of, because that's the sort of stuff you can very easily offload with an auction or two and a few Trading Post ads.

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Yep, very hollow and a long, long way up I'll give you the tip :P I think when I said any ride is transportable if you want it to be, answered his/her/its question Gazza McGoozel Dog. In other words, of course it'll come apart. It was put up in pieces and you watch it come down in pieces. Taken down from the top in one night I expect. Just quietly, I understand that Wally World have the two Woodies on their expression of interest list. Are they cracking jokes? Like Ricky Ricardo said, the trains maybe... I also agree that the only ride worth salvaging is Bounty's. It's a unique, uncommon bastard (For future reference can I say bastard?) and most likely worth a lot of money and would be a good addition to any park in my book. I wouldn't go on it, but that's irrelavent :P All the other flats wouldn't be worth any effort. Except maybe the merry-go-round which will travel. All the others, you probably won't see again. Not that there's a lot left anyway :P

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I really don't see why everyone seems to think that Bounty's Revenge is such a great ride. To me, it's a brain busting piece of junk that hurts you in so many areas. If the restraints were replaced with something more light weight, or "hands-up friendly" then it would be a tad bit more fun. I really don't enjoy being suspended up-side down for more than 10 seconds, let alone having my genitalia squashed to the point it becomes 2D. Unless you're Bounty's Girl, you have no hope of retaining your pieces of joy. I would love to see HMS Endeavour go somewhere in Australia. I don't know if it's a pain in the maintenance department, but 90% of the time it's a pretty fun ride. They're trying to sell the 2 woodies? But I thought Beastie was in a "non operational" state, Daniel?

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I really don't enjoy being suspended up-side down for more than 10 seconds, let alone having my genitalia squashed to the point it becomes 2D.
Don't worry mate, you don't use them anyway and if you had a chest the restraints wouldn't be a problem. Get to the gym old son. Endeavour is as boring as bat poo unless you're up on the rails trying to stay on without using hands. As for Beastie, well I guess I was wrong and Wonderland think it's capable of being fired up again. Ah well. Maybe the treated pine could be strategically placed in certain people's fire places anyway. :cool:
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Daniel your spot on from wat i've heard. Most of the beach slides and snowy boats is what i was told, can't tell you who, but i will say if this was true this person would know. Aswell as beach slides apparently some theming was being looked at a.k.a beach huts and shelters......

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I'm almost sure they'll tip over if they tried that Mexican. If this happened to work, which it wouldn't, they'd also need to get some sort of better restraint system happening than the velcro seat belt they currently have. Just build a replica as far as I'm concerned.

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All I said was I didn't think it would work. Using the present boats, I seriously don't think something like that could be done. I could be wrong. How different are the rafts on this ride to the existing Snowy ones? Probably built completely differently old son. Most likely built for doing this very thing unlike Snowy's.

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Yeah, It probably wouldnt work, but i didnt even mean a vertical drop in the first place, I just reckon a steeper downhill run so the water flows faster. I think the boats on SRR could handle a 30-40 dergree drop without flipping, Bear River Run at DCA uses the similar boats (more passengers though) and it can handle a big downhill drop. BTW, can you tell me what that spinning cylinder type thing is on the Left side of the course just out of loading area is on SRR.

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I wouldn't say that the steepness is at all determined by the boats. Obviously there's a limit there. Freefall and drop elements are different because of they way they are designed - they aren't floating during these elements. Don't forget you've got to pump all that water to the top, which is where the limit comes in. A steep one has a much much higher flow rate thanks to gravity, and would pretty well definitely be higher for a substantially long ride. So you've got to pump the water higher, and thanks again to gravity that's no easy task and you need more of the stuff to start off with. Not impossible, but you'd need a hydro-electric pump to do the damn thing. A replica wouldn't be too easy because of constraints of landcape. Go knock on Intamin's door and they could give you a prefect layout for the plot of land. A bit more expensive, but at least it's done by a reputable manufacturer. I wouldn't want to see what a park pulls of with second hand raft parts, a whole heap of concrete and some plywood boards.

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I thought for large pumping applications thay used an orger, so you wouldnt need a hydro electric sized thing. Heres a good pic of 1 - http://www.intaminworldwide.com/img/BILDER...RI/RAPIDS_5.jpg On another note, why would we want the same layout built again? with a new oppurtunity they should try something new.

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Yes I am the one that provided the intel that WL are indeed planning to sell both BB and Beastie. I have the brochure and the expression of interest documents right here. Same also goes for Skyway, Bounties, Antique Autos and obviously SP and Demon. Oddly enough Zodiac is not mentioned. I too wouldn't mine seeing Endevour go somewhere, its a pretty unique ride and I have NFI how it manages to pass safety standards these days :-p I think either yes Jambaroo will buy the rafts and build a new ride of DW will simply pick up the SRR rafts for spares, why not??? And yes DCA does have two quite large and steep drops using very similar boats to that of SRR. I would think that we'd probably almost definately see many if not all of the Beach slides going to Jambaroo, would only make sense. I doubt they would go for more of the major rides as that sort of attraction is not really what the park seems to be about...

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