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Epileptic Friend


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Hey guys.

So I'm bringing a friend to the Gold Coast next year, however, he was recently cautioned by his doctor that he may have epilepsy. So which rides should he not ride?

I've thought of:


- Scooby-Doo Spooky Coaster


- Tower of Terror II

Any others? It's important to me that we have fun, but his safety is most important.

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I'd recommend checking all ride signs as they do say about epilepsy and whether or not to ride.

But some other rides/attractions that may be an issue include: Justice League, Superman Escape and Zombie Evilution.

It says on MW's website about epilepsy: Some of our attractions are not recommended for guests with epilepsy, motion sickness or those who experience seizures. Please visit Guest Services (Map Reference G5) prior to presenting to our attractions for individual ride details.

On DW's website it lists all there rides/attractions and it only mentions epilepsy for Skadoosh Bumper Cars.

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Completely depends on the type of Epilepsy your friend has. Trust me their are many types. I have a family member whom I know very well and they have Epilepsy. They never ever go on any kind of ride for the fear of something happening.

Now chucking my ride operators cap on. Check the signs but also think about many aspects. SW,MW have signs for the roller coasters that state you must be able to walk down platforms blah blah. Now we know its rare for something to happen but you need to think of those scenarios. What if you are on a ride and something happens?.

Would that cause your friend to have a seizure/fit.

Hopefully that enlightens you maybe a little.

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So if you (and he) is not aware of his own medical diagnosis, then how would we (or the parks) be able to offer any useful advice?

I strongly recommend your friend gets the necessary medical diagnosis and treatment before you do anything. Epilespy is a serious condition that sufferers should have a full understanding & awareness of

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