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VRTP Renewals


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As if the parks weren't busy enough, now every cat and their dog will be getting memberships. Disney did this years ago (albeit more expensive) but it is believed it is one of the major contributing factors that the Disneyland resort no longer has an off season. Now was the time with this pass to introduce blackout periods and different tiers, and they just blew it. Good work!

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As if the parks weren't busy enough, now every cat and their dog will be getting memberships. Disney did this years ago (albeit more expensive) but it is believed it is one of the major contributing factors that the Disneyland resort no longer has an off season. Now was the time with this pass to introduce blackout periods and different tiers, and they just blew it. Good work!

Not sure if it was your intention, but that came across a little selfish.

While it would be busier at the parks, which is annoying, what we should be thinking about is that with this new pass broadening VRTP's potential user base, they in-turn receive more income. With the parks having more cash coming in, we can see the budget that the park's get to play with reach new limits. This could mean some more richly detailed experiences, or even a world-class coaster (like that dream Launched Inverted Flying Wooden Floorless Wingrider Dive Machine manufactured by B&M).

VRTP aren't idiots. If it gets too busy, they know that people will get very annoyed, and therefore not visit the parks too often. They will find a way to manage a new influx of guests while maintaining a positive experience for the majority of guests. 

I'm actually very excited to see what comes next! 

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I didn't think Tbone's comments were selfish at all... it's quite realistic - VRTP continually introduces different schemes and scales June 30 every year - they keep tinkering with things. It's been discussed to death that they need to increase the price of the unlimited passes, remove the extras without additional charges, and include blackouts... and they've not only missed another opportunity - but gone even further away from where they need to be... $10? The original Gold upgrade was around $40 - and that was only WC and FN... now you get Carnivale as well, along with 'extra benefits'...

Personally - I think at this point (we're now 6+ years on from the original Q150 pass) they've numbed the public. People have spent so much time there, it's boring. Yes - some people buy them every year - especially families who find it a great babysitter on a boring weekend (summer holidays - drop the kids at WnW and run!!!), but others are getting to a point where they don't bother. There's been nothing to entice people back to the parks recently (of certain demographics) - VRTP's most recent attractions have all focused on the kids areas. Now I don't deny for a second that those areas DESPERATELY needed a makeover - but they gave the grownups nothing new. Things like COTD aren't really something that will draw me back to the park JUST to see it. Likewise a new HWSD show \ script isn't going to do anything either. 

This (financial) year will be the second year in a row I haven't held a VIP pass... there's just nothing there to bring me back.

I had planned to buy a World Pass this year instead (And those that know me fairly well know I have a pretty strong VRTP bias - so that is saying alot!) but have had other priorities come up that mean I probably wouldn't get the value out of it.. so this FY will now be the second year running that I haven't bothered to get a pass, despite how cheap they are.

The point i'm trying to make is that this price point isn't going to make them MORE money... because they're eroding their existing customer base by continually giving away the gate. They need to up the price dramatically - which MIGHT see them build something awesome - but unfortunately after 6 years, people are so used to paying peanuts... so all we get is monkeys (biting people on the ear).

VRTP ARE idiots (in my opinion) as they continuously give away the gate for fear of losing those cheapskates who won't pay more. The same model was the cause for the ongoing failure of WnWS - too many passes, too long spent in queues, too many angry customers. Tbone's fears will be realised if this is the direction VRTP are headed - and I feel he is fully justified in saying that.

So from my understanding, for the price of Netflix a month we'll be able to get access to three theme parks? Sounds like a winner. Cheaper price, extra benefits, not to mention a higher overall income for VRTP ($99 for VIP, $108 for Unlimited).

$99 + $10 = $108 $109 

As said before - the original Gold VIP was $40 more expensive than standard at around $139.00... If VRTP start offering Fright Night \ Carnivale \ White Christmas tickets for $3.33 per person (thats what this appears to be really) - then i'll just buy those and be done.

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I didn't think Tbone's comments were selfish at all... it's quite realistic - VRTP continually introduces different schemes and scales June 30 every year - they keep tinkering with things. It's been discussed to death that they need to increase the price of the unlimited passes, remove the extras without additional charges, and include blackouts... and they've not only missed another opportunity - but gone even further away from where they need to be... $10? The original Gold upgrade was around $40 - and that was only WC and FN... now you get Carnivale as well, along with 'extra benefits'...

I will admit, the use of the word selfish was bad on my part. I think that adding in blackouts and a large price rise so abruptly would not be too good. People that already own a pass may not realise about the different changes until they are at the gates being turned away. Do I agree with blackouts? Yes. Do I agree with a higher price point? Yes. But where I can budget myself to buy a more expensive pass at the end of the financial year, not all guests can.  This new option may entice return visitors with a seemingly lower or more manageable finance option, or bring in some families that may not find themselves able to fork out $400 or so for a trip to the parks. 

Personally - I think at this point (we're now 6+ years on from the original Q150 pass) they've numbed the public. People have spent so much time there, it's boring. Yes - some people buy them every year - especially families who find it a great babysitter on a boring weekend (summer holidays - drop the kids at WnW and run!!!), but others are getting to a point where they don't bother. There's been nothing to entice people back to the parks recently (of certain demographics) - VRTP's most recent attractions have all focused on the kids areas. Now I don't deny for a second that those areas DESPERATELY needed a makeover - but they gave the grownups nothing new. Things like COTD aren't really something that will draw me back to the park JUST to see it. Likewise a new HWSD show \ script isn't going to do anything either. 

There is no denying that some of the previous users have been numbed by the lack of additions. A little while ago I did some calculations, and found that due to the law of averages, Movie World is due for a E-Ticket attraction around April next year (most likely June to coincide with holidays). Seeing as how long it's been since the last major investment in the parks, the creative team may have something up their sleeves to get people churning through the gates. For all we know, this lack of attractions could be a method of budgeting to get an attraction on the higher end of the financial spectrum ($17M?) rather than spending bargain bin prices. Because of this, they parks may be trying to get more entry options available so that rather than guests forking out $78 or $99 to experience this latest attraction, they could just pay $9 a month. Even asking some of my friends, if the parks added an attraction that appealed to them, they would jump on the $9 deal in a heartbeat. 

I guess what I'm trying to say here is that due to the lack of major additions in the last few years, it appears that the parks may be working on something big and in order to get as many possible guests through those gates as possible, a seemingly cheaper and more managable price point will get butts into seats.

VRTP ARE idiots (in my opinion) as they continuously give away the gate for fear of losing those cheapskates who won't pay more. The same model was the cause for the ongoing failure of WnWS - too many passes, too long spent in queues, too many angry customers. Tbone's fears will be realised if this is the direction VRTP are headed - and I feel he is fully justified in saying that.

Some of there decisions are stupid, yet some others are genius. The original VIP pass brought so many people to the parks that normally wouldn't visit, yet there is always HSD2 sitting in the corner. I'm sure that if the team put their heads together and actually spent some time thinking about the future of the parks, as well as the present, then we might see changes for the better. 


Shall we just agree to disagree, cheering the parks on until the eventual "Go Orange, Go Apple, Go Banana" moment?

Edited by Zanstabar
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I'm happy to agree to disagree - i think it's a wrong move for them....

But i'll bet you - despite your calculations - that we don't get anywhere near $17m.... my bet is it doesn't go much beyond $10m...

$17M wasn't much of a calculation, just an estimate really. Superman Escape was $16M and that was roughly 3 years after the park invested in Scooby Doo.

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Not only was the VIP Gold more expensive but they also had exclusive offers for those who purchased gold. Giving it away for free was the first big mistake. I am yet to renew my pass as I was too late for the discounted renewal and all this buy three get one free is pointless when you are after one pass.

Will be honest in saying no black out dates made Monday a busy day and I left Movie World after around 1.5 hours (one ride of Superman, Ben & Jerry's visit and a walk to see Scooby was 90 minute queue). If the park is going to be like that I won't be rushing to renew any time soon. Dreamworld was much better crowd wise and I did what Aussie World advertises in comparison to Movie World, ride more queue less. I did notice at Movie World way more people using the $60 unlimited rides "Fast Track" than I saw people using Q4U at Dreamworld, there just wasn't the need for Q4U there. Seems like this is the way Village are handling the busy days due to cheap passes now.

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An offical email for VRTP has been sent out regarding out regarding "Unlimited"

Now you can get more from your theme park experience than ever before with the exciting new Village Theme Parks Unlimited Membership! 

And as a valued VIP Magic Pass holder, we'd like to give you the exclusive opportunity to be among the very first to become a Village Theme Parks Unlimited Member before it's advertised to the general public. 

For only $10, you can become a Premier Member with access to Warner Bros. Movie World's Carnivale, Fright Nights and White Christmas and a range of member-only benefits like in-park discounts, exclusive shopping deals at top retailers, and special holiday deals. Or for just $40 you'll also get access to the World's largest water park, Wet'n'Wild Sydney with over 40 slides and attractions. 

This exclusive limited time upgrade offer ends 15 July.
1 FREE entry to each event 
Get entry to Fright Nights, White Christmas and Carnivale 
PLUS member-only benefits
Upgrade to Premier Membership Level for only $10 to get access to Fright Nights, White Christmas and Carnivale!
Includes all the above
PLUS unlimited entry to 
Get entry to Wet'n'Wild Sydney
Upgrade to Elite Membership level for only $40 to get unlimited entry to Wet'n'Wild Sydney!
Upgrade today


Here are some of the said benefits:

  • 10% off Warner Bros. Movie World, Sea World and Wet'n'Wild Gold Coast single day admission tickets for friends and family

  • 10% off premium Prime Burger Combo in-park

  • 20% off full price Australian Outback Spectacular show tickets (excluding Friday and Saturday night shows)

  • 20% off Paradise Country single day admission tickets (entry only)

  • 10% off full price Sea World Animal Adventures (excluding holiday and peak periods)

  • 10% off full price Sea World Helicopter flights (excluding holiday and peak periods)

  • 10% off full price Sea World Whale Watch tours

  • 10% off Sea World Resort room only rates (excluding holiday and peak periods)

  • 10% off Unlimited Ride Photo USB

  • 10% off Flowrider at Wet'n'Wild Gold Coast

  • 10% off SkyCoaster at Wet'n'Wild Gold Coast


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Ok - I'm comfortable they've finally got the balance of things right. I like the option to include WnWS - it's a no-brainer for any Sydneysider holidaying in Gold Coast (or Vice Versa).

My only issue is the low upgrade cost isn't prohibitive enough - i'd like to see the gap a little wider. Considering we're talking about 10% savings off many in-park spends - they need to make it a little harder to recoup the upgrade costs, which will encourage a higher in park per-cap spend.

Even $30 to upgrade to membership ($10 per night event + all the extras free) is still VERY VERY VERY reasonable. That'd make it a $170 pass for entry to 4 parks across two states, 3 night events and discounts here there and everywhere... and I don't think $30 would be too prohibitive...

Perhaps next year we'll see the gap widen, and perhaps introduce another upgrade level that includes \ excludes blackout dates...


baby steps...

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Well, here's all the official info about the new "membership" option....


Wtf??? I just put in all mine and my family's details to upgrade to these new membership passes (the $10 upgrade thing) and noticed this at the bottom of the membership agreement page:

TOTAL inc. GST $40 This payment is for the first 12 months.

You will be charged $48 per month from July 2016

Ok so obviously this is for 4 passes (2 x adult, 2 x kids) but I multiplied it over 12 months and the total comes to $576??? :blink::huh:  That's like nearly $300 more than what we paid for our current ones.... surely the Gold ones aren't that much more expensive?? Or these new memberships a lot more pricey than the Magic Passes???

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ETA: So it works out to be approx. $144 a person. Is this reasonable for a Gold pass? Either way I've decided to go ahead and convert our current ones to these new membership passes, since we do have the option to cancel in July next year anyway after the 12 month contract period ends if we change our minds (yes I read the T&C lol) ;p

Apparently these new cards have to be picked up from the "Membership processing center"....I'm guessing it's at Movieworld.

Your VIP Magic Pass has been upgraded to a Membership giving you unlimited entry to Warner Bros.
Movie World, Sea World and Wet’n’Wild Water World GC. Please use your current VIP Magic Pass for
entry and visit the Membership Processing Centre on your next visit to have your new Membership Card
issued. R

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My only issue is the low upgrade cost isn't prohibitive enough - i'd like to see the gap a little wider. Considering we're talking about 10% savings off many in-park spends - they need to make it a little harder to recoup the upgrade costs, which will encourage a higher in park per-cap spend.

They give the in-park discount because passholders statistically just don't spend. I don't see this as incentivising the purchase of the pass so much as incentivising spending in the parks... they shouldn't (and I'm sure don't) expect to profit from the offer of the discount itself considering it's purely designed to stimulate spending.

What this membership option should really mean for VRTP and their bottom line is a reduction in churn rate. The VIP pass system was a fixed price for a fixed length of time. Under the old system 100% of customers were gone come June 30 and had to be convinced to renew at great expense (advertising, x-for-y promotions etc.). Now it's been turned on its head and customers have to go to the effort of cancelling if they don't want to keep going. The key factors here are:

  • How many people will just keep their passes active because it's *only* $9/12/15 a month, even as their visit frequency diminishes?
  • What will be the average contract length? It won't be 12 months. The average customer will now be worth much more than the $108 minimum.
  • From a sales/advertising perspective, how much cheaper and easier will it be to draw people in with $9/month rather than $99 up-front?

I do like this idea from a business perspective. The certainty in cashflow and forecasting should also do wonders for planning and execution of new attractions. But I echo @T-bone's thoughts on how this could also be a disaster if they don't properly manage a potential influx of new customers, and the associated disappearance of the low-season. Movie World in particular already suffers from overcrowding and poor capacity outside of peak season far too often.

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Right the first time Alex


your 12 month agreement begins from the date you 'sign up' as do the monthly debits.


Whilst not stated, I'm sure you could effectively sign up in October and attend fright nights straight away, as you are contracted to pay for that event for the next 12 months

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