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Plus Size Friendly?


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Hey everyone,


My boyfriend is planning on moving from new York to Australia this year. He gets a decision on august 30 on if he can come here.

I've been looking at planning a trip to the Gold Coast taking in the theme parks especially Dreamworld, Movieworld and Seaworld. I am a 5'8.5 140kg woman. The one thing I loved when I went to Disneyworld was that they were extremely plus sized friendly. I had no trouble with the rides except for Space Mountain and even then I fit no problem once on the ride. Are there any rides on the Gold Coast that I may not fit on or may have problems with?

Please don't make fun of me for my weight. I am just asking a genuine question and looking for some genuine answers.

Thank you in advance 

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From what I have been in parks, it's body size rather than weight that are the determinant, ie. Where you carry your weight.


nearly all rides have a safe level that the lap bar/restraints must close to.


rides I have seen larger people have issues on boarding are:

scooby doo

jet rescue



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I second the weight issues specifically with both the Claw & Scooby Doo, have also witnessed them myself. The latter I saw someone of larger size turned down for a couple of weeks ago because staff couldn't get the lap bar to lock in. 

The trains for Scooby are pretty tiny. 

The trains for Scooby are ridiculously tiny for the kind of ride that it is and how recently new it is. You would have thought they would have put bigger carriages in. I will be sad because when I was 20kg lighter the bars only JUST locked in so i already know I probably won't fit this time around. Though it will obviously be my boyfriends first time to the gold coast so I will probably send him around on his own even if I can't go with him because I won't want him to miss out. 

My fat is mostly all in my tummy. I'm very lucky in the fact that I'm very flubbery for lack of a better word lol so I have more chances than most my size because my fat can suck in. Scooby Doo coaster was the only ride I had trouble with on my last visit back in 2008

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It's a wild mouse. What do you expect them to do for cars? One seat in the front and 1 in the back and unless you're as wide as the car you just slide from side to side?

Lmao as wide as the car hahaha. Rude much. And FYI the mine train coaster was a wild mouse coaster and it only had seat belts. Which Scooby could have easily implemented.

Is there really a need for you to be a rude asshole just because as many people as possible want to experience a ride 

Edited by razza1987
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Lmao as wide as the car hahaha. Rude much. And FYI the mine train coaster was a wild mouse coaster and it only had seat belts. Which Scooby could have easily implemented.

Is there really a need for you to be a rude asshole just because as many people as possible want to experience a ride 

Way to comprehend English.


It's a wild mouse. What do you expect them to do for cars? One seat in the front and 1 in the back and unless you're as wide as the car you just slide from side to side?

Nowhere in that does it say "you're fat", or make any reference to you being fat. It simply states that unless you were as wide as the car, you would slide around. 

To add to your new post, the mine cart had/has (depending on how you want to classify the ride) smaller cars that didn't include the level of theming you see on the Scooby cars. Sure you could go and replace all the cars with smaller ones and take away the theming of the ride if you really want but that's pretty stupid. Not to mention that on the last couple of drops especially you can get lifted out of the seat if the restraint isn't snug, and that makes the worst part about the seats the stupid leg separator which becomes a "ball-smasher" if you're not ready. 


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Way to comprehend English.


Nowhere in that does it say "you're fat", or make any reference to you being fat. It simply states that unless you were as wide as the car, you would slide around. 

To add to your new post, the mine cart had/has (depending on how you want to classify the ride) smaller cars that didn't include the level of theming you see on the Scooby cars. Sure you could go and replace all the cars with smaller ones and take away the theming of the ride if you really want but that's pretty stupid. Not to mention that on the last couple of drops especially you can get lifted out of the seat if the restraint isn't snug, and that makes the worst part about the seats the stupid leg separator which becomes a "ball-smasher" if you're not ready. 


Sorry I guess I misread what you were saying. I thought you were saying that only fat people as wide as the cars wouldn't slide around. If you meant what you said then I apologize for jumping to conclusions. 

I'm just sad because Scooby is such an amazing ride and they could have done something different with their cars to ensure more people could go on it. Like separate lap bar restraints. Anything. So many are unable to go on it because of just how tiny the restraints are. 

Maybe one day ride cars will improve in technology cause goodness knows I wish I could go on more rides. But being on medications that make you gain weight makes it hard 

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When I read your post I felt for you - no one knows your history (medical etc) and am glad to see nothing untoward has been mentioned. 

I understand you want to know before you try and might have to get off the ride. I will think about you next time I'm at one of the parks and let you know.

ps how exciting if he does come here!

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When I read your post I felt for you - no one knows your history (medical etc) and am glad to see nothing untoward has been mentioned. 

I understand you want to know before you try and might have to get off the ride. I will think about you next time I'm at one of the parks and let you know.

ps how exciting if he does come here!

Thank you so much. Majority of my weight has been put on through medications. I had to be on steroids for life threatening asthma for three years and ballooned to 120kg in my teenage years. Thankfully once I got my tonsils out it got rid of my asthma except for when I'm sick so I got to come off the steroids but I had already gained all of the weight from them. Then when I was on the pill I put on 20kg in 3 years. As soon as my ex walked out I got taken off the pill because the doctors didnt like how much weight I had gained on it. Since then my weight has pretty much stayed consistent between 135-140kg. People automatically see fat people and judge them because of their size. It's hilarious when people tell me to stop eating fatty foods. The fact my weight was gained from meds not food is shown by the fact that I'm obese but have normal sugar levels, optimum blood pressure and LOW cholestoral lol. 

And thank you. Excitement is an understatement. We have been long distance since 2010 and in 76 days we find out what is happening in our future. I'm getting very nervous for the answer though. 

Your kind words are very much appreciated :)

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I'm about 5'10" and 140kg...  I am unable to do scooby, road runner, motocoaster, Madagascar, jet rescue, tower of terror, claw and buzz saw.  Sadly 12 months ago I was able to do most of these.  I am close to being unable to fit on Wild West.  I also carry almost all weight around my stomach.  I agree with your comment about people assuming it is simply food related.  Almost 12 months ago I had surgery and my weight has steadily built since then thanks to a combo of meds and the surgery. My advice is try each and see how you go as you never know.

Edited by Wyncenuros
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I'm about 5'10" and 140kg...  I am unable to do scooby, road runner, motocoaster, Madagascar, jet rescue, tower of terror, claw and buzz saw.  Sadly 12 months ago I was able to do most of these.  I am close to being unable to fit on Wild West.  I also carry almost all weight around my stomach.

I am almost at the point where I'm just gonna say stuff it and try. I'll wear a body suit which will suck me in and if I fit I fit and if I don't I don't.

Wearing that bodysuit at Disney helped a LOT. I fit into Space Mountain much easier than I otherwise would have because of it

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Superman Escape can be a little bit iffy for larger guests. My advice for Wild West Falls if your unsure, sit in your own row so you can spread out a little bit to get more comfortable. It also makes it easier for the lap bar to come down. Batwing is fairly lenient too. From an ex MW op :) If you have any other questions I will do my best to help out.

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Superman Escape can be a little bit iffy for larger guests. My advice for Wild West Falls if your unsure, sit in your own row so you can spread out a little bit to get more comfortable. It also makes it easier for the lap bar to come down. Batwing is fairly lenient too. From an ex MW op :) If you have any other questions I will do my best to help out.

I'm one of those rare people that is 140kg but has a 60kg boyfriend xd. Though I very much appreciate getting some insider knowledge. I've never been on Batwing or Wild West Falls. I always chickened out. But with this going to be michaels first time I want to try whatever he wants to go on. Though saying that I will still probably chicken out lol

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As you say - if you carry most of it around your tummy, you may be ok. I've visited parks with friends who carried most around the midsection, and were able to 'lift' up, lock the bar in and then relax over the top on rides with lapbars like Scooby.

Every ride is going to be different - and depend on where you're carrying it. Silver Bullet at Knott's for example is unforgiving to those with a wide backside, but perfectly ok for those with a big tummy... I say - go on a quieter day when an operator is more inclined to spend a little extra time trying to see if they can make it work, and give everything a go... you never know...

Edited by AlexB
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Being 'significant' myself, the best option I can say is try it and see.  Scooby is not friendly to tall people (legs become an issue,)or larger people so if there is a long queue, come back later, or ask the op on the door if you can jump ahead, see if you fit and then re-join the queue.

At dreamworld be wary of wipeout the last time i went on it i burst a small blood vessel in my eye.  The first time I went on it 8 times with no problems, a few years and a few kilos later a different story.

The plane ride at dreamworld (no idea what it is called at the moment...) some of the planes are slightly bigger than others... aim for the back row... I had a few issues getting in that row, but i got on... the middle row was not possible.

I sincerely hope he comes across and you both have a great time :)

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I deliberately am aiming for a November mid week vacation for the purposes of having smaller ques xd. I never thought of the lifting and then setting the bar down option haha. I am so paranoid about this thing that I posted on the movieworld page that I'm paranoid about not fitting on scooby and is there any way I can test it before lining up. If they say yes I will screen shot it and use it in the park if need be lmao. 

Thank you so much to everyone wishing him to come here. It's been a long process if five years long distance. I'm trying rather unsuccessfully not to get my hopes up too much as things can go either way



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