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Planet Coaster


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Absolutely loving the game so far, but my only gripe is the lack of scenarios. Having endless possibilities just isn't all that fun to me, and I find that my best work comes amidst constraints. That said, I adore everything else about the game, especially the soundtrack. I just find it incredibly charming.

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had a play round with the trigge4rs in pirate cove. i built a coaster and made the cannons in the fort go off when a coaster goes by. i also added some exploding barrels at the bottom of the drop and made them go off just before the train passes. so much fun! but man adding triggers is a bit of a pain why the hell does a trigger start always at the station and you have to drag it around the track?!

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Loving the quality you're all achieving in the game. @reanimated35, a spooky car ride? :o@pin142 that RMC looks great, yeah I'm using a trigger in that overbanked turn in mine from earlier in this page, just the falling dust one and simulated waterfall as the coaster passes through the element.

I'm already re-doing this ride, based on a LOT of research into RMCs. I've never sat and watched so many YouTube coaster vids at once before! Zero G rolls/stalls, 90degree-plus track rotation on straight or corners, off-camber interruptions to corners, and the occasional dive drop & dive loop! Of course now Silvarret has nailed one.. :huh:


In the short amount of time I've spent in career mode, I found it very hard to be creative in building design. I feel I don't have enough time to create, Management is the priority.

Edited by Glubbo
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