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Fright Nights - 2015

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Hey all, brand new to this site and thanks so much for this forum catching me up on all Fright Nights related stuff. I'm super excited about Fright Nights, have the Ultimate Terror Tour package (again) for this Friday 2/10. Couple of questions that (I haven't seen answers to them yet, sorry if they have been posted already)

1. What time does the event finish each night (I did notice that the last Panic Room that can be booked is a 22.40 so I guess it's sometime after that!)

2. Is there a Hollywood Stunt Show this year? I remember one year they had zombie cheerleaders and themed show which was bloody awesome!

Thanks guys, its going to be excellent!

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  On 29/09/2015 at 5:35 AM, Gilberty said:

1. What time does the event finish each night (I did notice that the last Panic Room that can be booked is a 22.40 so I guess it's sometime after that!)

2. Is there a Hollywood Stunt Show this year? I remember one year they had zombie cheerleaders and themed show which was bloody awesome!

Thanks guys, its going to be excellent!

1. the event usually finishes at 11pm I believe? (Someone else can confirm that)

2. MW hasn't said that there's going to be a show at the Stunt Driver arena just yet

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  On 29/09/2015 at 6:59 AM, Zanstabar said:

Quick question, has anyone here been through the Bedlam Manor house a few years back (2009 I believe)?. It's the only house since the events creation that I have heard nothing about. It would be great to hear what it was like from those who were lucky enough to experience it.

Hey I didn't go to this Fright Nights but i have found an image on it for you. It was in the scooby line like Cannibal Clowns and The Darkness in the past


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  On 29/09/2015 at 6:59 AM, Zanstabar said:

Quick question, has anyone here been through the Bedlam Manor house a few years back (2009 I believe)?. It's the only house since the events creation that I have heard nothing about. It would be great to hear what it was like from those who were lucky enough to experience it.

didn't attend FN's that far back (6 years ago!). From memory though the event was more family friendly back then though. I think it was around 2010-11 that they really upped the ante

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^Ah ok. Maybe it's gates close at 11 or they've changed it from previous years. They start letting people in at 5 because there are so many people to get into the park, and at 6 they do the release of the scare actors down Main Street, so if they didn't let people in until 6 then they wouldn't be able to do that.

Regarding the arena not being used, I'm just assuming it won't be a show because they haven't announced anything, and since it starts in a couple of days. And it has been said that it's being used to show the film competition finalists. And I would say the 4D show would be the replacement show instead of having one in the arena.

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  On 29/09/2015 at 8:58 PM, The_Ninja_59 said:

just got my UTT booked for 24th and I also got The Playpen Panic Room booked for the same day, :) anyone going to the launch day? let's hope it's not a mess like last year

Yep, the UTT on 2/10 opening night. I hope it does go all ok! Last year went on the Saturday instead of the Friday on opening weekend. Lil bit sad we miss out on the meet and greet back stage before the park opening this year, but I have to say, meeting the characters last year before going through the mazes did take me out of the scariness a bit, since we'd seen them out of character before hand, so it's no big deal.
Can't wait for all that delicous food again too, yum!! Anyone getting dressed up?

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Mazes usually close at 10/10:30 right? Or the mazes cut off line is 10 but if you're still in line they'll let you through till 10:30?  So basically the only attractions that will be open ( after 10) is the panic rooms and the 4D show.


on another note, saw the RoadRunner 4D show for the first time yesterday and I must say it's much better than Rio, Journey or Ice Age. Definitely as good as Marvin & Shrek. 

  On 29/09/2015 at 10:56 PM, Gilberty said:

Lil bit sad we miss out on the meet and greet back stage before the park opening this year, but I have to say, meeting the characters last year before going through the mazes did take me out of the scariness a bit, since we'd seen them out of character before hand, so it's no big deal.

you may still get the opportunity ? That's included in the UTT


Edited by FoolishMortal999
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