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Fright Nights - 2015

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Great review thanks. Much appreciated by me.

Take no notice of anyone on here who is rude. Some people seem to have nothing better to do than insult strangers on the internet.

I sometimes wonder if they're the sort of people who'd do the same face to face, or if they have a sort of duel-personality thing where they're pleasant in real life, but horrible on the net. Not sure!

Anyway, as I said, a great review.

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  On 04/10/2015 at 9:10 AM, pushbutton said:

Great review thanks. Much appreciated by me.

Take no notice of anyone on here who is rude. Some people seem to have nothing better to do than insult strangers on the internet.

I sometimes wonder if they're the sort of people who'd do the same face to face, or if they have a sort of duel-personality thing where they're pleasant in real life, but horrible on the net. Not sure!

Anyway, as I said, a great review.

I appreciate that your intentions are good, but there isn't a need for you to comfort me. The comments that were made only occurred because my writing was sub-par. I am highly thankful for the comments because now I'm going to be much more careful when writing as to not progress backwards and cause the same mistakes. Honest criticisms, as painful as that pill is to swallow, is valued much higher to me than empty compliments. 


How about we just leave it at that and just get back on topic? It is called "Fright Nights - 2015" after all.

Edited by Zanstabar
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Alrighty, FN review - 

Arrived around 1715, walked straight in and even after standing around for 15mins was able to walk straight up to outside the Roxy without any issues. 

There seemed to be less people than previous years, or maybe everyone just showed up later than they used to.

Didn't see much of the opening act, but that's going to wait til UTT when I'll be at the front. Got stuff into a locker then headed over to Wyrmwood. That was a good and bad maze. Good for the fact it was new and different, bad because thanks to strobes and smoke, in a few parts, you could not see anything in front of you to try to find your way through. Both this maze and Friday later, the group got stuck and the actors had to point which way to go. I'd give it 8/10

Friday - didn't think there was going to be any Jason in the maze for a while. The first sign we saw was a photo on the wall. Began to think they'd really cheaped out on this maze until he appeared at the end. 7/10

Evil Within - I'm quite shocked they managed to fit everything into the smaller space, but they did well. In saying that, it was a recycled maze so it was kind of 'meh' if you've done it last year. They really ruined the lighting on the 4 armed chick - with the strobe positioned the way it was, you really couldn't see anything except the white light. Given the lighting issue, and the recycled, slightly smaller maze, this time it only gets a 6/10

Didn't do WC2 last night, was busy taking (and mostly failing at taking) photos. Said photos will be posted here, and also on my page and instagram if you want to see higher res versions of the same shots. 

A bit annoyed they closed the rides/mazes early but I can understand why. Finale was decent enough. 

The 'precincts' were.... odd. Didn't see many if any actors wandering around the fountain, but maybe I was just there at the wrong time. Most actors were stationed between the Roxy and the panic rooms with a mix of clowns, scantily clad women, uncle sam for whatever reason, and some old guy pretending to lift heavy weights while not at all being themed to fright night. Sure it fits the carnival/circus area, but they should just throw a bit of make up on him to fit the theme. Fire dancers were good, same ladies and gents as last year. The 'gothic lair' (read: band stage) was ok, but could have been better with a few more actors hanging around. 



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I went to Fright Nights on Saturday night and as always it was heaps of fun. However, I did leave a bit disappointed but I will get to that within my review.
I had purchased the Ultimate Terror Tour and this was my first time doing it. The second were got access to the lounge I already knew it was worth it! The theming, free foods and beverages and the atmosphere of the lounge. All the staff were very polite and always there to help with any queries. Within the tour, it included the cast briefing which were escorted to 20 minutes to 6. There was a photo opportunity but the actors were in rush to leave for opening. This when when we were escorted to an UTT exclusive viewing area, adjacent to the Panic Rooms. This was the first time I had watched an opening as I'm usual with the people heading for the Soundstage mazes but it was great!
Now on to the maze reviews:
Wyrmwood: This was the first maze of the night and we happened to get the very front of the line. This was maze great however, it seemed to be lacking in something but I'm not sure what. The scares were great and so was theming. This maze had one of the best endings I've seen in a maze, gave me a good scare! However, I'd like to point out that both of this years Soundstage mazes did seem exceptionally shorter to previous years, perhaps it was due to the secret rooms. Just to touch on the secret rooms, if you are doing the UTT do take advantage of them, they are fantastic! Having the opportunity to scare people in the maze without having to be an actor was a dream come true! Overall, I'd rate Wyrmwood an 8.5/10.
Wolf Creek 2: This was the second maze of the night and although it wasn't as good as last years, it's definitely not far from it. The scares this year were very good and constant. The theming was still good but owing to the size of Showstage it didn't impact on the maze a lot. Overall, I'd rate Wolf Creek 2 an 8/10.
The Evil Within: This was the third maze of the night and was awesome! It followed the same layout with regards to scares and the feeling of being in the game. Once again, Re-bone Laura and The Butcher with the chainsaw still happened to scare me the daylights out of me. Overall I'd rate The Evil Within a 9/10.
Friday the 13th: This was the fourth maze of the night and was outstanding, one of the best mazes to ever grace Fright Nights! Although the maze did seem a lot shorter to previous mazes in Soundstage 2, it still had exemplary theming and terrifying scares! I did enter this maze with high expectations and although they weren't met, it didn't impact on the experience immensely. Once again, do take advantage of the secret room in this maze as it was awesome! I won't go in to any detail because it could spoil the maze but it what was on offer was great fun. Overall I'd rate Friday the 13th a 9/10.

Now on to the UTT "Behind the Screams tour:"

This was amazing! The actors were fantastic and so was the storyline. I can't begin to explain how awesome the ending was, holy crap it was good haha. I won't go in to detail but it's worth it!

Now on to a brief overview of the Scare Precincts: 

Although I didn't seem to find them too scary, I did admire the theming. Zombieland was very well done and provided some good scares, Freaks was cool and provided some scares mainly from the clowns, Gothic Hall was a nice chill-out zone which provided some good entertainment, no scare actors from what I saw. Lastly is Demons Lair which was somewhat scary but it lacked in scares and the actors seemed to just walk around. The immense amount of smoke and strobe lights at the beginning of the precinct though  was a great effect as you couldn't see nor tell who was a scare actor as the blended in. Overall, the scare precincts are exceptional for their first year and a good start for the years to come. 

Last night I had a go at the Devilution Panic Room which was awesome! Sadly we didn't escape in time but the overall experience was great fun! For anyone who is indecisive about doing a Panic Room or not, I'd highly recommend you do one as they are really worth it! 

All in all, this years event is great so far. Although I found to enjoy last years event a bit more, this year is not far behind. I will be returning two more times this year so my perception could change. I'm yet to see the 4D experience which should be good. 

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I think I might know why the Soundstage mazes are a lot smaller this year, and it's not just because of the Secret Room. When I was in the secret room for Friday the 13th, I was spending much more time admiring the reference images and technical drawings for the maze. From what I saw, the back-left corner of the maze (assuming the entry point is the front) was the break room, and it took up a large chunk of the maze. This may also be why we don't see any cast changes from outside the maze, as it all occurs within. 

After looking at some photos of previous years, I felt that this year's event felt a lot more cramped. I remember the Walking Dead from 2013 having quite spacious and large sets while this year contained very claustrophobic hallways. Maybe in preparation for the next event, they could look at some guest feedback and see whether the smaller and tighter mazes are better than the more open and spacious mazes.

I do miss the more grandiose sets of previous years, but if they weren't as well received than the current designs, what's the point of changing it back?

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  On 05/10/2015 at 1:06 AM, Zanstabar said:

I think I might know why the Soundstage mazes are a lot smaller this year, and it's not just because of the Secret Room. When I was in the secret room for Friday the 13th, I was spending much more time admiring the reference images and technical drawings for the maze. From what I saw, the back-left corner of the maze (assuming the entry point is the front) was the break room, and it took up a large chunk of the maze. This may also be why we don't see any cast changes from outside the maze, as it all occurs within. 

After looking at some photos of previous years, I felt that this year's event felt a lot more cramped. I remember the Walking Dead from 2013 having quite spacious and large sets while this year contained very claustrophobic hallways. Maybe in preparation for the next event, they could look at some guest feedback and see whether the smaller and tighter mazes are better than the more open and spacious mazes.

I do miss the more grandiose sets of previous years, but if they weren't as well received than the current designs, what's the point of changing it back?

Just to add to that, at the beginning of the night when Michael did his speech in the lounge I believe he mentioned something about new designers or company that took over for the sound stage houses. I may be wrong but I sure do remember him saying that there is a noticeable difference with the new hero mazes this year or something along them lines. Is there anyone that has also done the UTT that can remember what was said? 

I also prefer more spacious sets in comparison to low detail cramped hallways. It puts you in the story and feels more immersive. It also gives you know idea where the actors are going to come from. I just love it! I really hope they give the next year sound stage mazes a larger set design. 

Edited by maxito
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I went on Saturday night. The lounge for the ultimate terror tour was great, though you don't get as much stuff as last year - just a hat rather than a whole bag of stuff. Though that's not really important to me.

As observed previously the 4D movie was a bit average, very abrupt and it used the remake I think. Which is a shame, because some of the kills in the original series especially number one are impressive (including Kevin Bacon pre-fame meeting a grisly end) - though Jason wasn't the killer in the 1st of the original series, but his kills in part 2 especially were insane.

The opening was pretty cool, very well presented.

Loved walking straight onto the front row of superman with the Ultimate Terror Tour pass, also a free locker for the night was a nice perk - they changed it from the Green Lantern area from the first night.

The ultimate terror tour was spooky and fun, a very well performed presentation.

The mazes I found were a bit disappointing. The Friday the 13th maze had some nice atmosphere in places, but it was strange not having scenes of Jason actually killing people. I guess I'm used to HHN where Jason is in every room doing the nasty on someone. Wyrmwood had some nice parts, but seemed a little barren and neither of the hero mazes seemed that cohesive in terms of story telling. Wolf Creek was like last year except all the gory scenes were gone if I recollect correctly. Evil Within was good, but I guess familiarity from last year lessened it's impact. I'm no violence fan, but the mazes seemed toned down from last year.

Good atmosphere in the streets though scare actors seemed a bit thin on the ground. The night seemed rushed because everything seemed to shut down at 10pm. Unfortunately, I missed the closing ceremony because I was in a panic room, it sounded impressive though. The general entertainment stuff was good, like the band, though I'm not sure about the midget stripper.

Did the cirque panic room which I thought was ordinary, no actors in it, and impossible to solve with out phoning them. Really unimpressed not worth the money. Happy to give anyone tips on how to beat the clock if they want it. Not worth the money IMO.

On the whole, still a heaps fun night, though there were some shortcomings as I mentioned.




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  On 02/10/2015 at 7:20 AM, Brad2912 said:

one of the girls who works for me called in sick for her shift last night, before uploading copious amounts of photos of the VIP event on social media.

i'll get her to come on here and give you a review right after I have a meeting with her tonight - she'll have plenty of spare time for review writing moving forward 

LOL someone is on a power trip and wants everyone to know about it.   My guess is a manager of a shitty supermarket.  Pretty creepy if your spying on employees.  



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  On 06/10/2015 at 1:44 AM, skeetafly said:

LOL someone is on a power trip and wants everyone to know about it.   My guess is a manager of a shitty supermarket. Pretty creepy if your spying on employees. 


Reading your posts across multiple topics this morning, you appear to be trolling for an argument? Grow up.

my comment was made someone tongue in cheek, nether the less, don't assume or pretend to know who I am, what I do or why I do it.

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  On 06/10/2015 at 2:15 AM, Brad2912 said:


Reading your posts across multiple topics this morning, you appear to be trolling for an argument? Grow up.

my comment was made someone tongue in cheek, nether the less, don't assume or pretend to know who I am, what I do or why I do it. 


Dude pull the cactus out of your ass.  It was a joke.  Did you not see I was laughing?    I thought my post today are funny and not argumentative.   You can see my other performances at the comedy open mic night.  Scan that through your checkout.


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  On 06/10/2015 at 2:29 AM, skeetafly said:

Dude pull the cactus out of your ass.  It was a joke.  Did you not see I was laughing?    I thought my post today are funny and not argumentative.   You can see my other performances at the comedy open mic night.  Scan that through your checkout.


putting LOL before a sentence does not mean it's a joke. Where do people get that idea from? I also referred to your posts in other topics that were also less than funny (oh but you put LOL next to them so that must be ok). I somehow doubt you'd be allowed in an open mic comedy night, given you are coming across as a 13 year old who may have an issue getting into a bar/pub.

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  On 06/10/2015 at 8:44 AM, Zanstabar said:

Well, I just made an impulse purchase and got myself a season pass to the event, rather than just going once more this season. I'm excited to see if the event changes from weekend to weekend...

I wouldn't expect too much to 'change' as such, but be more refined and well prepared if anything.

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