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Green Lantern incident at MW


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So, to follow on from what was speculated by a MW employee in my last post, this is my theory... they couldn't get it up and running in time for July school holidays, so now they are aiming for the September school holidays instead. Makes complete sense to me! 

Either way, I am very excited... have only ridden Green Lantern the one time in 2012 whilst we were down on the GC for a family holiday, so can't wait to give it another whirl (or 20 ?) as a local pass holder now ???

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The theme park social network have said that there is a chance it could be open in August. I wouldn't say this is the most reliable source, but thought I'd post it

Oh look - another TPSN prediction!

I could publicly announce on facebook that there is a chance it could be open tomorrow - all movieworld needs to make the ride operational is to turn it back on and and start operating it. It's highly unlikely for many reasons not the least of which would be the ongoing investigation, and the potential legal ramifications of doing so without ensuring guest safety - but anyone could really pick ANY date and say that. I recall after the incident with BSG at USS that people had dates left, right and centre on when it was supposed to open - and few of them got close.

And my response to that one.

A friend of a friend (yeah, I know, reliable hahaha) works at Movieworld and told her that GL was supposed to be up and running for the school holidays. Who knows if it's true. But if it is, these problems encountered during testing cycles could explain why it wasn't ?

Here's another 'inside story' but since OG is not known for sprouting wild speculation, i'm inclined to be cautiously optimistic that her source is reputable, and likely to be correct...

Theme park social network have posted saying that there is a chance it will reopen in September.

5 hours after OG posts in Parkz saying her source suggested it would be up for the School Holidays - TPSN is now posting there's a 'chance' it will open in September - use of weasel words! Chance means if it doesn't - don't blame them... but if it does, you heard it hear first folks! what an exclusive!!!


With their track record for information, it's not the most reputable. 

^ I agree. But sometimes they do get things right.

^Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

The theme park social network is just a Facebook page run by someone who clearly loves theme parks, just like us!

So what if he sometimes speculates and makes mistakes, don't we all?

Why so much hatred, and for people who obviously have something in common with you?

Chillax! :)

Push - there's a difference between a person who is a member of a forum, or a facebook page going on the page with info and\or speculation, and the SITE OPERATOR or PAGE OWNER throwing around speculation.

The recent release by Sea World announcing the rides for the children's area - and in particular the type of coaster that was coming - was fact checked by Richard and confirmed through different sources before Richard posted the article. That's responsible journalism.

I would speculate that the TPSN's "source" for the September rumor is no more than what they read, on Parkz, as posted by OG, which they've claimed as their own and posted. That's shoddy journalism, yet this page acts like it's THE only place to get park info... when it gets it's own info from other sources. It's a sham.

It's ok to make mistakes if you're just a person, sprouting your own opinion... but when you're holding yourself out to be this:

Welcome to the official Facebook Page of the Themepark social network Learn about Park updates, news, and special backstage info here.

A little more professionalism, and a little less "oops" is kinda a prerequisite to be taken seriously, don't you think?

I mean - come on - here's the post referred to:

Reports that green lantern coaster will be open in september! reports are vary at the moment but stay turned for more information!

  • No source - just 'reports' - not even 'our insiders in the park are saying...'
  • I won't pick on capitalisation but i should.
  • "reports are vary"
  • "stay turned"

Enough said.


Push - I think you would have figured out by now that nobody (not even the Community Leaders) really give a shit about your Kum-Ba-Yah feelings towards the world. You're misguided if you think "everyone is filled with goodness". You obviously have something in common with me - but you don't see me rushing out to buy you a beer, or swerve to miss you in my car...

Some people just don't get along. Some people earn themselves a reputation - TPSN has earned a reputation on these pages as a thief of information, and a plagiarist of content. They spout rumors as news, and they don't care where those rumors come from - so long as THEY'RE THE FIRST ONES WITH IT!

And I think that reputation is fairly obvious by the number of people on this site who treat information from them with disdain. The only thing they ARE good for is regular photo updates of the parks - which I presume is because they don't have a job, and probably still go to school.

Here's a rumor you can take to the bank - in 2-6 years, "reports suggest" the page operator will graduate high school - and chances are there will be a massive downturn in the content TPSN provides, and it will die quietly like so many others. Parkz has been around for over a decade - and is still going strong... it's the only news source I need for Aussie parks.

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Looking at facebook - the time difference is closer - the quote is 5 hours after your post, but the Facebook post was a few hours earlier - so there's every likelihood they've seen your post, gone straight to facebook and posted it as a 'report'.

...I have no proof that the two are related - it just seems very coincidental... and this isn't the first time for such coincidences!

To be honest though - I'd have no problem if they posted something like:

"the word over at Parkz is that it might reopen in time for the September school holidays! Stay tuned for more! <link to thread>"

It just pisses me off, and is generally the reason why I don't share insider info until i've seen it come out from other sources... because I know some asshole is going to go and use it and claim it as their own.

Edited by AlexB
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I used to know the guy who runs ttpsn. His name is Clayton. Almost everything he posts comes from here (except some photos). Me and some other guys on facebook where having huge problems with him stealing content. And when we where "friends"on facebook he added all my friends and asked them to like his page. 

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^And he spells cool as kool, along with many other spelling and grammar mistakes. And what does get a little annoying is we get told everyday what MW and SWs park hours are. Look, I know people could say 'well just don't like the page', but it would be nice if he at least made sure the spelling and grammar was right. He is usually one of the first to post photos of new things in the park or construction updates, which is great. But it is a shame that he doesn't say, as mentioned earlier: 'It is to my belief, based of information found on Parkz, there is a likely chance that the Green Lantern Coaster could be reopening in September. This is currently just speculation, but be sure to stay tuned for updates.' If the person behind TPSN is reading this maybe just consider some of the points a few of us have stated. I understand it's your page and you can do what you want, but you have quite a few people liking your page and they may find some of these things beneficial.

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Yep - as I said - i think the photos the page provides are great (I don't subscribe to it - I only see it when someone posts it here to parks - usually with all due credit, or at least with watermarks showing) - they usually are the first to get photos of stuff - it's the content when they cite other people's material that i have the problem with...

what does get a little annoying is we get told everyday what MW and SWs park hours are.

I can understand that. I follow a page for a certain wholesale warehouse store, and the people on there ask the same questions every day - what time is it open? what time is the attached side-business open? are they open on XX public holiday?

So many questions are asked there that have either been asked 1000 times before, or are freely, easily and readily available on the website... and people still ask.

He's probably found so many people ask the hours, that he just provides it every day to try and avoid the question being asked!

People are stupid! (And this is why they invented www.lmgtfy.com )


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He still does stupid shit. I can recall one time I was at movie world with him and he walked in front of a group of tourists taking a photo and they got pissed off and I asked him why and his response was "there Asians, no one cares" but they all spoke English. I eventually apologised to the group. On another occasion I was a movie world again and I had pissed him off (I dont remember how) but he was chasing me all over the park and I ducked into a corner near guest services and he saw me and pulled me into the middle of main street and was trying to bash me shouting all this abuse at me. I got away from him and ran straight into guest services and gave them all his details. Security where notified but he had already left the park. It was scary. I'm not being rude here but he defiantly has some sort of condition. Just the way he acts and stuff he posts. He tried to convince me he was making a site to compete with parkz. Every time I see him at a park he just death stares me.  


Rant Over

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If that's true, that's horrible.  I'm not going to talk shit since I don't know him, but I will say it's quite bad that he doesn't reference his sources. Is it really that bad to say "Some people on Parkz have found..." or "Footage from Parkz"?. Richard had the integrity to message me regarding a screenshot of mine, and I really appreciated it. That speaks volumes to me, as a screen capture of Facebook isn't something that I had to work on. It's not like it had to get correct composure, lighting, as well as framing. I can only image how mad you'd be if he stole a photograph thats of a high quality, such as some of the shots taken by Reanimated, Gazza, and OurWorlds. 

Now I'm just wondering if he's one of us. Lurking, secretly, behind his computer screen. Plotting his revenge against all those that have defaced the name of his page. 

Edited by Zanstabar
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^Even a broken clock is right twice a day.



What if it was broken to the point it where it would always move time too fast? Then it would never be right. And if you counter that to say you could keep setting it to the right time, then it would never be wrong so it would be right more than twice per day.  

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If it moved time too fast, and no action was taken to correct it - it would eventually catch up to the 'correct' time once it had accelerated 12 hours beyond normal time.

Or are you saying it keeps correct time, but it is set incorrectly? In which case in your example if you set it to the right time and it keeps correct time then it would be right more than twice per day but at the same time, it wouldn't be broken then, would it?

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It may be that Clayton has a minor learning disability of some kind. 

That would explain both the incorrect spelling and his apparent lack of comprehension of a few social media norms. 

That's only my guess as I don't know the guy. I'm quite sure his intentions are all very good though, and to me that's the most important thing!

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It may be that Clayton has a minor learning disability of some kind. 

That would explain both the incorrect spelling and his apparent lack of comprehension of a few social media norms. 

That may be correct. It would explain a lot of personality quirks both with him and his page. However...


That's only my guess as I don't know the guy. I'm quite sure his intentions are all very good though, and to me that's the most important thing!

He still does stupid shit. I can recall one time I was at movie world with him and he walked in front of a group of tourists taking a photo and they got pissed off and I asked him why and his response was "there Asians, no one cares" but they all spoke English. I eventually apologised to the group. On another occasion I was a movie world again and I had pissed him off (I dont remember how) but he was chasing me all over the park and I ducked into a corner near guest services and he saw me and pulled me into the middle of main street and was trying to bash me shouting all this abuse at me. I got away from him and ran straight into guest services and gave them all his details. Security where notified but he had already left the park. It was scary. I'm not being rude here but he defiantly has some sort of condition. Just the way he acts and stuff he posts. He tried to convince me he was making a site to compete with parkz. Every time I see him at a park he just death stares me.  

So would you call someone who is abusing a guest at a park to have good intentions? If this statement is true, then I find it hard to believe so.


Anyway, how about we stop bitching about him like a bunch of Real Housewives and get back on topic? He is the only person that goes to the parks and prominently takes photos of future additions and construction.

Edited by Zanstabar
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