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Speculation: New Attraction Planned for Movie World in 2016

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Hey guys just got some major news coming from one my of mates who works at MW! There's a "major" attraction coming to Movie World next year, no official confirmation on what the attraction will be and where bouts the attraction will go. I wonder what it would be! ;) 

Edited by joz
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lets hope its not another roller coaster or attraction themed to DC UNIVERSE


I'd say there's a very high chance it will be, especially if it's going to be a flat ride. The comic book craze is humungous right now and the fact they have a timeless nature to them means that Movie World won't have to re-brand the ride when the existing theme becomes irrelevent to public eye e.g. Lethal Weapon, Gremlins and Young Einstein. It is interesting though that the only ride that is themed to an actual movie is Scooby-Doo, which they got lucky with because the Scooby-Doo brand is also somewhat timeless with its constant reruns and reboots on kids TV channels and time slots. Where they would put the ride though is a tough call though. I've always had a problem with how Movie World was planned. They really didn't take into account for future expansion and pretty much forced themselves into a tiny corner of the huge plot of land that Warner Village owns. The vast majority of it is occupied by the studios and the horse paddocks for the Australian Outback Spectacular. If they were to theme the ride to something non-DC related, they would theme it to an iconic genre of film, much like how Wild West Falls is themed to western films and not just one particular western film. The only genres that I can think of at this point that would be worth paying tribute to are the classic Sci-Fi and Horror movies that were huge in the golden age of cinema. They've already covered Western, Action, Comic books and Cartoons so maybe something else to add variety?

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It's a fairly easy assumption even without the staff member - friend - connection, but the park frequently tells their staff ahead of time when something is coming - those who have friends in the park usually find out on the sly, but usually specifics aren't shared (and rightly so given their employment contracts).

MW is due for another attraction, with JDS settling in and GL being out of action, i'd say any new installs may have been accelerated a little specifically BECAUSE of the issues with GL.

Only time will tell.

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I think there's a glut of coasters for the size of the park at the moment. I really think MW needs other offerings that don't cost as much as a coaster - then perhaps they can install a few of them to bulk up their line-up a bit more to help with the park's capacity and longevity as a 'full day' park.

There's a reason this site is PARKZ, and not just roller-coaster.com.au... much as they're the flagships - coasters do not a theme park make.

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lets hope its not another roller coaster or attraction themed to DC UNIVERSE


Totally agree. Any more DC themed rides and they might as well go ahead and rename the park Superhero World instead of Movieworld ? Fingers crossed that common sense prevails and they come up with something new and fresh ?





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I have a lot of GP friends who, when given the option, don't tend to go to Movie World just for the shear fact that they don't have as many rides as Dreamworld. According to many of them, once the big rides at MW are done, the day has already just begun. 

While I would absolutely love to see a new coaster, I think it might be wise for the park to invest in some smaller attractions. No park can survive on only E-Tickets. Some well themed and executed flat rides would be perfect, as the can easily chew up crowds and fill in those empty space in the day.

Now's the time were I'm torn between hoping for the addition I want and the addition that I know the park needs. 

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