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L.A. or Orlando?

Adam C

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The missus has launched the idea of returning to our honeymoon hotel in Cancun either next year or in 2017.  I liked the idea but added that our 3 teenagers would struggle with effectively a beach holiday on the other side of the world.  So I ran the idea of a 2 centre holiday taking in Cancun with either LA or Orlando which she thought was reasonable.  

Now we've been to Orlando in 2014 but not to LA which leans towards California but I'm lead to beleive the theme parks are quite far apart.  Also, Orlando has the new Sea World coaster in 2016 and the new Universal Water park in 2017.  Also, we didn't do either Unversal parks last time.

Any thoughts?

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If you've never done it, LA is a must. Stay anywhere near Anaheim, and you'll be fine, with loads of options on how to get to the parks. Knott's is only 5 minutes up the road, Universal is accessible by coach tour, hire car etc (and there are plenty of options) as is Magic Mountain. I wouldn't use distance between parks as the reason for avoiding LA - Disneyland is something you must do at least once.

Sea World is a bit more of a hop - last time we went we stayed overnight in SanDiego and spent some time looking at other things whilst we were there, but you can do it in one (very long) day. We were out of Sea World around lunch time having seen all that we'd come to see, so it may not be that long of a day depending...

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Definitely, there is no park on earth like the original Disneyland, no matter how they try to recreate it bigger and better. 

California Adventure is also now a wonderful park. 

As a coaster fan one just can't miss the chance to visit Magic Mountain and Knotts is a wonderful park and really a hint at everything Dreamworld could/should be. 

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I'm a huge fan of Orlando. I feel it's a perfect amount of relaxation mixed with the parks, instead of crazy LA. In saying that, first timers love LA because there's a lot to do other than the parks themselves. The parks' distances aren't too bad; USH and SFMM you can easily drive to if you're staying in Anaheim (but it is still a treck). Knott's is only around the corner from the Disney parks. SWSD I've done in a day, albeit it's a lengthy drive.

We're going back to LA and Orlando and we're spending most of our time in Orlando. LA we are only staying in Anaheim because it's a nice location, and we *might* do one day at Disney.

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We've been to Orlando a lot and wouldn't hesitate to go there again, BUT we live in the UK and it's pretty easy and accessible from here.

I remember going to LA a few times as a kid, but would love to go there again since there's just such a huge range of parks. As good as Orlando is, they don't have anything like the roller coaster park that is Six Flags Magic Mountain (or at least, I've heard good things about the place). As you know, the parks in Orlando concentrate on theming and family rides first and foremost.

So, I don't know about travel to and from the parks (AlexB and ash.1111 say it's not bad though), but if you've got a choice I would say do LA. You've done Orlando a fair bit recently - time for a bit of a change. If anything, I should imagine LA doesn't necessarily have the "quality" that Orlando does, but it'll have more in the way of variety.

Edited by djmcbell
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I'm leaving next week to go to LA for the first time :) Just a little excited :D 

We are doing Knotts & Disneyland/CA in one day, as we are only there for 10 days so just trying to fit everything in. Would rather spend more time at Disneyland/CA as there is a lot more to do & see, but still not going to miss Knotts! We are then doing a 1/2 or maybe full day at Universal & then a obvious full day at Six Flags. 

Would anybody be able to suggest some 'not to miss' attraction at these parks? :) thanks

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10 days in LA  and you're spending so little time at Disney? Are you doing a lot of non park stuff as well? 

If not give yourself at least 2 maybe 3 days at Disney. Include a weekend so you can see fantasmic but you'll need 3 night so you can do World of Color and Parade/fireworks. Paint the night IS NOT to be missed. 

Knotts do on your 3rd Disney day. You should knock it over in 1/2 to 3/4 day. Don't miss Xcelerator, best launch there is. 


Do not miss Tatsu, X2 or Colossus at Magic Mountain, they are just amazing. I would also make sure you ride Riddlers as stand up is very cool. And the surprise HOLY SHIT ride for me was Green Lantern, a must do. 

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Not forgetting that you've travelled around the world to get there (have you planned time to rest after the flight?). I can't see how someone can go to more than one park in a day, unless it's to see a fireworks show at a neighbouring park. How many hours can you or your family last in any one day? I'm pretty exhausted after 7.

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7 hours? I think my record is about 16/17 but you can't keep that up for more than a couple days. 

Having said that I'm not one to 'do' a park and attack credits. I like to spend a nice spontaneous day in the park. It's for this reason the idea of heading back to Orlando and My Magic + really isn't exciting me. The idea of planning my leisure time weeks in advance just doesn't appeal to me in the slightest. 

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We do have a lot of other stuff planned for our trip, so when we were planning it we were just trying to cram everything in. It is my first time over there, however the friends I'm going with have been there before and done every park except six flags. When we also planned this, we were allowing a 2 night trip to Vegas, however we were talking about it lately and might just leave Vegas for another trip. So this will give us more flexibility for Disney. 

My friends and myself are in our 20's, so we should be able to power through a full day. I am more excited about the rides, however I'm assuming the shows at Disney are amazing. Is it worth seeing any other shows at the other parks?

Six flags is the park I am most excited for, as I would love to try the different style rides to what we have here (flying, stand up, etc). 

Thanks for the tips :) 





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And if you are only staying at Disney/CA for half a day you can't even really take much advantage from fast pass as you won't be around later, meaning more queueing. First visit, I'd say a 3 day park hopper is the minimum needed to experience it without returning home thinking "I was there and can't believe I missed ......"

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If you're visiting Vegas, there are lots of coaster's around the place. The stratosphere tower has some really awesome flats, but if its coasters that you're looking for, definitely check Desperado as it is a pretty nice Hyper and if your into shitty Togo loopers than check out the Big Apple roller coaster at the New York hotel. Also there is a pretty nice park called Adventuredome with an Arrow corkscrew and an El Loco and a few great flats like a Chaos! But some aside from the coasters, a couple of games of black jack can't hurt, can it? ;)

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To be fair I think two nights in Vegas is selling it short. So don't sell both Vegas AND Disney short. Save Vegas for another visit when you can spend several nights and take in the many very cool things it has to offer. As for the coasters around Vegas, they are all beyond shit, don't waste you time. The only decent once is Canyon Blaster and it's an old Arrow. Go ride the old Vekoma at Disneyland, it's called Space Mountain or something like that, it's a tad better. 

As for shows, if you go to USH, DONT MISS Waterworld. Easily the best theme park show ever made. 

If you go to Knotts, don't miss Log Ride, the real gem of the park. 

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Several nights in Vegas? No way, 4 TOPS if you have the skills to cram. El-loco is worth a visit, however it is very short and expensive, $12 a ride I believe unless you stay at Circus ($6). If you do go to Vegas and miss out on tickets for a Cirque show go see Absinthe, heck see it before a cirque show! It's in a tent at Caesers and only seats about 70 people, you do have to be 18+ to see it.

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I've been going to vegas for over 11 years now and this "no way" thing is wrong (I'll ignore the fact that the definition if several is pretty much 4). 

Why would you want to CRAM on a holiday?

Apart from that Vegas has heaps of things to offer, and to get a decent experience you need hours at each, so a few nights with evaporate quickly. I just spent 6 nights and all of then were chock full. 

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@djrappa What about the new(ish) El-Loco at Circus Circus? It looks to be pretty decent.

Sorry to interject, but I've ridden El Loco many times now. It's a great coaster, the custom layout is nice and having no brake before the first drop gives it some bite. Adventuredome always puts on an awesome Halloween event, so it makes my itinerary every October. 

I went to Orlando and LA last month and did all the parks except the California Disneys. Like other's have said, if you haven't been to LA before well worth it, and less travel. Instead of just going to Scary Farm, I really explored Knotts during the day and had a lot of fun. Universal, Magic Mountain (you can have a good day there if you pick the right day, we did - 15 mins for X2 and 20 for Twisted Colossus). Universal is well worth a visit, and enough said about Disney. Also there's plenty of other cool stuff in LA.

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On 19 November 2015 at 10:04:00, djrappa said:

Why would you want to CRAM on a holiday?

When there are lots of places you want to see in limited time and you can't make up your mind what your priorities are?

My general approach is to sort parks into two categories; the ones that I definitely want to do and the ones that I'd like to do. I'll then plan my days out, and the ones in the "like" column are put in as optional hits at the end of a day if I'm finished with the primary park.

I've been travelling the same way for ~15 years now and my method works around 95% of the time :)


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