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'World Best' Attraction coming to VRTP


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Don't thank me yet, I don't think anything I have said has ever come about.  


Man I am screwing my post up today but this one is for Alex.

I haven't solved the staff entrance problem yet but I am working on it   

The thing that makes me think MW has already solved this problem is the 3 applications where lodged on the same day.  One of the applications was for admin buildings.



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I see in the planning applications that one refers to an "Entertainment Precinct", and another refers to "New attraction and Lakeside Precinct". Yet another application is for a "Roller Coaster".

This infers there will be not one new precinct, but TWO new precincts.

It also implies that the new attraction in the lakeside precinct is separate from the roller coaster.

Therefore it does look to me that there are two new attractions coming (and possibly more).

Judging by the names they've chosen for the planning applications, I think the entertainment precinct may NOT be part of Movie World per se, but a separate area adjacent to Movie World. However I'm hoping the Lakeside precinct (and the new attraction that will presumably be within it) will be within Movie World itself. It seems fair to assume that the roller coaster WILL be within Movie World. It would be strange to have one just outside of the park!

If it were up to me, I'd be building a Movie World hotel next to the entertainment precinct! My only reservations in this would be that doing so might limit the land available for new attractions, and unlike Sea World where there is safe monorail or footpath access from the hotel into the park, it could mean residential guests having to walk across the car park to get to and from accommodation, and that could bring safety risks, especially for the kids. Of course, a monorail would solve that, but there's no suggestion that's in the plans at this point!

It's a pity there are no documents available online to show the details. Regardless, exciting times ahead for Movie World very soon I think!!!

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2 hours ago, skeetafly said:

Getting back to MW easement you will find commercial buildings encroach easements a lot.   If you think of Brisbane city and all of the services that would run under the buildings, I think you might understand what I am trying to spit out.

There are still a lot of regulations around BOS/BOI permits though. Fortunately haven't come across the situation where one of those mains breaks and something needs to be done about digging it up to fix it though. In saying that, I'd love to see how that plays out. 

Just to back up what Skeet was saying, these are the only easements (light green) on the land (and the watercourse) 


Also, looking at the boundaries, it has been combined to one huge lot



So at least it looks like it's their land to work with.

I'm not sure when these images were taken, the map claims 4/6/15 but there appears to be a couple of red cars in the stunt driver arena and I thought they'd be gone by then? Although driving school was complete and those cars do look like utes so it must be right. 



As for ideas, incl fixing (I think) the staff entry....

Idea 1



Idea #2

Green area they may not wish to utilise given its proximity to the water tank for the studios.



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Well all that we are seeing is bulk development applications at the moment. Think it is a case of wait and see if they are approved. Will say just because something is approved doesn't mean they will start work immediately either, White Water World has expansion approved with extra slides and stuff and nothing has happened with it since. Really anyone's guess as to when they will start any of the developments.

Will state the obvious and say I can't see it all going ahead at the same time and will be over a number of years.

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1 hour ago, pin142 said:

Well all that we are seeing is bulk development applications at the moment. Think it is a case of wait and see if they are approved. Will say just because something is approved doesn't mean they will start work immediately either, White Water World has expansion approved with extra slides and stuff and nothing has happened with it since. Really anyone's guess as to when they will start any of the developments.

Will state the obvious and say I can't see it all going ahead at the same time and will be over a number of years.

All the applications (except one from memory, not sure which) have already been approved. 

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Ok stop right there.  Skeet has now been show to be 100% wrong.  Earthworks has nothing to do with new roller coaster.   I am going to be out on site most of the day and I need a computer to open the files up correctly.    I'm looking at people like Alex, Brad and Richard to to go to skeeta's source and reveal the great findings.   Richind get your keyboard oiled up I feel another story coming on.   

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Wowza! Was just checking out PD Online and while it's not directly related to the "World Class Attraction", it is something worthwile.

23 hours ago, skeetafly said:

Just to add to my earlier info I found.  The prices MW paid for the OPW would indicate that.

Earthworks size  =  1001m2 to 5000m2

The tree removal is linked to another application.  (what that application is, I do not know)

"Tree works linked to a development application, includes vegetation management plan and fauna management plan when the MCU/ROL requires these plans to be submitted in conjunction with Tree Works application."


I managed to find a site plan attached to the landscaping application, and it turns out that this tree works appears to be a campsite over near Paradise County.

I would link to it, but I'm a little unsure in case that goes against the VRTP's or Parkz's rules. However, this information is publicly available on the PD Online site for the Gold Coast.

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As Zanstabar has alluded. The OPW for Operation Works/Ground level clearing & carpark relates to 'Paradise Country Cabins' which incorporates a reception building, new carpark, 94 tourist cabins, and a camping ground facility. The landscaping OPW is also linked to this. Plans/drawings are publicly available on PD Online. Application is not approved at this stage.



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I really wish people would start reading other people post before writing their own post.  It is so annoying reading the same post over and over.  Another thing is if people are going to jump on PD online it often helps to read the whole document before posting about it. 

There is a method to my madness to why I say only people like Brad, Alex & some others should be pulling information of these documents.  Town planning and certification takes years & years of schooling just to understand these documents so it makes sense to me, only people with more than half a brain should be trying to write about them.


PSSS Brad you forgot to mention that the cabins are not part of Paradise Country Cabins but is called Outback Spectacular Lodge.

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To me a Lodge & cabins would be differing. Cabins are stand alone, a lodge would be a hotel/motel style accommodation. Granted i didnt go through all the documents in detail, but i actually didnt see 'Outback Spectacular Lodge' referenced, i must have skipped through that part.
Project name was certainly Paradise Country Cabins for the info i was looking for, with all plans stamped with that name.

Potentially 2 separate accommodations?


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31 minutes ago, skeetafly said:

There is a method to my madness to why I say only people like Brad, Alex & some others should be pulling information of these documents.  Town planning and certification takes years & years of schooling just to understand these documents so it makes sense to me, only people with more than half a brain should be trying to write about them.

Sorry to annoy you then, Skeet.

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