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Mid North Coast Water Park Survey

Mr Me

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So i was snooping around the net the other day as usual when i stumbled across this https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Y5Q5M57 it's a survey about mid north coast water parks with questions like "when was the last time you visited a water park" and "would you visit one on the mid north coast?". Try it out and tell me what you guys think it could mean

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12 minutes ago, Mr Me said:


Cool. Well, feel free to prove me wrong then. There appears to be no other mention of this link or any current active backlinks. Generally that means the page has only been created within the last hours/days. 

So what site did you "stumble across" this on?

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I was on skype with a friend because he was talking about fantasy glades reopening plans being in the paper today and we were looking it up when he stumbled on the survey and sent it to me. we were pretty sure it was fake but we put it up here just in case it was of any interest to you guys. He wouldn't of made it and i sure as hell wouldn't of, but you're right it most likely is fake

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11 hours ago, Mr Me said:

I was on skype with a friend because he was talking about fantasy glades reopening plans being in the paper today and we were looking it up when he stumbled on the survey and sent it to me. we were pretty sure it was fake but we put it up here just in case it was of any interest to you guys. He wouldn't of made it and i sure as hell wouldn't of, but you're right it most likely is fake


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23 hours ago, Mr Me said:

I was on skype with a friend because he was talking about fantasy glades reopening plans being in the paper today and we were looking it up when he stumbled on the survey and sent it to me. we were pretty sure it was fake but we put it up here just in case it was of any interest to you guys. He wouldn't of made it and i sure as hell wouldn't of, but you're right it most likely is fake


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  • 2 weeks later...

yeah i guess you have a point. I wouldn't rule it out completely though, I don't see anything wrong with a stock picture and 2 spelling mistakes/typos aren't too big of a deal. There is spelling mistakes in hundreds of surveys and even the news sometimes

Edited by Not Elmo
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Yeah, and we don't take those sites seriously either.

It's still just survey monkey. it's not Orima or Roy Morgan.

If it's even a remotely serious company - they aren't gonna use Survey Monkey. I'll believe it when they're using a company that actually does market research for a living (and generally proof reads their shit before posting it)


If this is just for a school project or something - just be honest about it - you're more likely to get people willing to help you out if they know the truth.

edit: i'm also wondering if the mods can check out his IP against the other instigators.

Also - And any truly serious proposal here would be specifying the mid north coast of what in the title. the internet is a bit bigger than just one coast...

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