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What do you want done in Gold Rush Country for it's anniversary this year


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River Rapids given a more cohesive and relevant story / experience and opened for the entire day.

Mine Ride replaced with a more interesting and up to date wild mouse coaster.

Small spontaneous shows throughout the year instead of just during school holidays.

Bring back the bushranger outfits for Kenny and Belinda so thy can hang around that area for photo ops during the day.

Give staff working Rapids a refresher course on addition and counting to 6 to help ease long waits for the ride.

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3 minutes ago, Wyncenuros said:

Mine Ride replaced with a more interesting and up to date wild mouse coaster.

If it was to be replaced, I'd want to see a spinning coaster. Replacing a wild mouse with a wild mouse is a bit boring. Replacing a wild mouse with a spinning coaster makes it a completely different experience, while appealing to the same audience as the mine ride.

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One small thing, i've always thought it was a waste that they haven't done anything with Thunder River Rapid's reservoir during the day. For them to add a couple of water canons that fire off periodically or even just a few fountains to give people something to look at (plus some ambience) would be a great little addition to liven up the space.

Mine Ride's a given.

As a long term strategy for the park, moving out towards Blue Lagoon is going to eventually happen (I think it's the perfect spot for a major attraction to be built in the future) and replacing the now defunct chairlift station with an attraction that's group focussed, fun, and helps to extend the crowds out into that corner of the park would be ideal. Something like Intamin's Drunken Barrels (http://www.intaminworldwide.com/amusement/RoundRides/Drunken+Barrels/tabid/141/ProductNumber/Drunken+Barrels/language/de-DE/Default.aspx) would fit the theme perfectly, matched with a small show stage, a food & bev outlet etc. it'd bring life to that corner of the park again.

Edited by Slick
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9 hours ago, Slick said:

One small thing, i've always thought it was a waste that they haven't done anything with Thunder River Rapid's reservoir during the day. For them to add a couple of water canons that fire off periodically or even just a few fountains to give people something to look at (plus some ambience) would be a great little addition to liven up the space..

Put some coin operated TNT Geysers into the lake.

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I think expanding town of gold rush into the defunct blue lagoon and skylink station  areas giving a larger footprint for one additional large attraction with a show building element and a eureka /gold rush themed Reastraunt of some kind would be great and I agree with a thunder river Rapids themeing upgrade with a storyline and eureka mine ride refurb is a given 

Edited by Themeparkfan
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Things I'd like to see in the Gold Rush area:

  • Re-do the stairs and ramps between Gold Rush and Rocky Hollow. Too confusing for infrequent visitors.
  • Expand into Blue Lagoon and theme it Gold Rush as well. Even if not demolishing Big Brother Auditorium, that's a massive increase in area. The train ride around there serves no purpose other than visitors seeing SBNO attractions.
  • Gonna be bold here: Demolish & replace Eureka Mountain. Going by the pics from the tresspass, it's too far gone. I'd love to see a brand new Cart/Mouse at DW somewhere, maybe even in the Blue Lagoon takeover. The Mine Cart is one of the best ways of doing a Mouse.
    • The Mountain isn't really a signature feature of that part of the park from the outside any more, BuzzSaw is, then big trees behind that.
    • The footprint (keeping in mine part of the Rapids ride travels underneath) is big enough for a decent non-coaster ride. Maybe something with height that can add to the skyline of the park from the carpark/M1.
    • Eureka was a fantastic ride, well themed at the time, loved the corner bringing you out into the daylight and implying you were about to fly out into the lake.
  • A Mine Train coaster or Mine Cart coaster (like Indiana Jones at Disney Paris) would go well, especially in replacing Eureka Mountain. Leveling Blue Lagoon would give plenty of room to build a new mountain that could incorporate two to three attractions/rides.
  • Add a saloon.
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It would be cool for them to have a bar in the gold rush area,and expand gold rush. I feel like gold rush is a good theme. Take over blue lagoon and big brother house and in blue lagoon have a spinning wild mouse winding all through it and maybe a themed ride for the big brother space! For the spinning wild mouse you would make a hill which is a bit sandy and that

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Ooh an Aussie BBQ/Bar with verandah, either over looking the end of the rapids ride or taking over the old Sky Link station, I like!


I'd like to see what ever happens to Eureka Mountain happen, wether it's re-opening the ride, gutting the mountain and starting again, or demolishing the mountain and putting whatever there.  Throw in a few small elements to Thunder River (particularly more ways to get wet) and I think that's concept enough.


I also think expanding Gold Rush Coubtry to include the old Blue Lagoon site is a waste of a big plot of land.  For my taste I'd like to see Blue Lagoon's plot of land be given a dark sinister theme.  Something like X-Sector at Aton Towers would fit the bill nicely.  You could easily open it with one coaster to start off with too and grow it over time.

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