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Carnivale 2016, Movie World, Sea World & Wet'n'Wild

Theme Park Girl

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4 hours ago, AlexB said:

If that foldback wedge hadn't been in the foreground, it would have made for an awesome promotional shot!


I'm pretty sure this discussion was had a year or two ago. I made a post listing an option for every month of the year. I'm just too lazy to find it.

The Winter thing is an issue - even Superhero nights wouldn't be great, as many of the superhero costumes are lycra - and no way are we getting people to do that in the dead of winter... But if you got away from the 'lycra costume' issue, I could see MW doing something with a Winter vibe - heartwarming food for the soul, costumes consisting of fur coats etc, get more value out of the snow machines from White Christmas... but I guess if they've already had a poor experience with Carnivale in the cold, they probably don't want to touch that end of the calendar again. I'd like to see something else to fill the gap though - perhaps just not dead in the middle of winter!

I wasn't the one asked to go on stage to get the promo shot - that was the other photog who was there. I swear that pic they took was posted but I can't seem to find it now. I got a bunch of other shots which I haven't posted yet but I've given them to the park and to Cyrus' reps. Not sure if/where they'll turn up if they do. 


I think the winter thing is pretty well covered with Christmas, however it would be nice to have something during actual winter when it's cooler and less likely to rain. In saying that, the DC stuff might fill the gap, but that's not due til around FN anyway.  

4 hours ago, Theme Park Girl said:

I can't see that photo. Says it's a broken image? 

That's weird - it even shows up in your quote. 


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Id be happy to keep the number of events they have, but maybe put on an adults only night/weekend for halloween and really ratchet things up a notch without having to worry about the moral/public outcry because of kids.

Edited by Levithian
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