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Silly little things that should be fixed


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Mark I think you and the team do a fantastic job of addressing the little things as they come up - many of them before people have a chance to have a whinge.

The few things that do get that far, don't last long (Abyss weeds as an example, and the pathway to Kraken as another).

I think it's awesome that you'd ask for our opinions on this, but in reality, I think we're all very well aware of how approachable you are, and we'd let you know if we felt there was something you should be doing, but aren't.

I've got nothing. Keep up the good work.

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2 hours ago, Mark Shaw said:

Curious to know if anyone has any "silly little things" suggestions for Adventure World that we aren't already aware of/addressing?


Mark Shaw

Chief Executive Officer

Adventure World

Just checked it out because I was aware there was a park in Perth which I visit a couple of times a year with mates for business - the website might use a couple of small tidy-ups.  There's a lot going on here on my screen - lots of scrolling without any obvious cues to let me know how I can pause the scrolling to read the text - and some of the text is obscured by other page elements.


  • Abyss page has images full of text in the scroller - it scrolls way too fast to read them and some are cut off at the top.  As they are images search engines won't find them either.
  • Opening hours page suggests you're closed May-August this year.  Is that right, or does the calendar just not go that far yet?
  • On the main page there's three horizontally scrolling elements visible at once that scroll automatically at different speeds/times.  Since this is the first page I hit on your website this is where I'll spend the longest to get a feel for your layout so that I can navigate.  Having it constantly switching under me (and large amount of it that are content links) seemingly at random really makes me have to concentrate to be able to get where I want to go.
  • On the main page two of the links in the main content link zone are for merchandise and corporate bookings.  Unless these are a really large part of your market you might consider swapping one or either of these out with a link to attractions.  Visiting your site for the first time I was keen to see what you have in the park, but that's not an option presented to me prominently.
  • Oh, wait, I just saw that there's a list of rides directly underneath this zone (but it was partially off-screen at the bottom).  Partially disregard the above point, unless that's something you're not looking to achieve.  I like the list of rides and their names below them, however the list looks like it's meant to scroll off the right of screen (I can see part of an image of another right hanging off the right), but there's no button for me to click to see what it is - only a link above for 'more', although the 'more' is sort-of in a strange area, but I assume the 'more' relates to rides.
  • I've just clicked through to your rides and attractions page.  I like the images, and I know I can put my mouse over the tiles to see the names, but I'd rather see the names presented to me first.  Just a personal thing, probably.  Also, the rides don't really seem to be in any sort of order.  Thrill level order might work for me, but if you're looking for the family demographic you don't want them thinking it's an all-thrill park I suppose.  I'm a little unclear - are you primarily a water park?  Is the water park separate?  How, as a guest, should I best manage my day as I wouldn't think you'd want me on the rides if I'm wet?

Anyhow, please don't take these as criticism, but more as observations by someone with an interest in attending your park.  Free market research I suppose.

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2 hours ago, Mark Shaw said:

Curious to know if anyone has any "silly little things" suggestions for Adventure World that we aren't already aware of/addressing?


Mark Shaw

Chief Executive Officer

Adventure World

I guess it depends on how picky you want us to be. 

I too will focus on the website as I've never been to the park, although Perth does seem like a nice place to revisit. Maybe for a 2017 getaway. 



Everything from here down is just ...... yuck. 

IMO there should be a menu with all the stuff rather than scrolling down and seeing a cluster of images and stuff. It's too "busy" for me to be bothered reading.


Why no alt-text on any of those links/images either? Alt-text is a nice easy way for vision impaired people to navigate the site. 

Example of the cluster


Also quite a few images seem to be broken on your photo claiming site. 




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On 3/3/2016 at 0:59 PM, Mark Shaw said:

Curious to know if anyone has any "silly little things" suggestions for Adventure World that we aren't already aware of/addressing?


Mark Shaw

Chief Executive Officer

Adventure World

Need to fix the processing of getting people into the park - the double scanning introduced this season has slowed it right down and seems very unnecessary.  Prepaid ticket gate should not open at the same time as season pass holders. Get all the season pass holders in first , then open the prepaid ticket line.  Telling people to 'come after 10:30am' to avoid queues is pretty stupid for a couple of reasons. Patrons want to get there early to set themselves up and experience a full day of action, why would you want guests to come later to your park? Also the queues have often taken well past 10:30am to process.

Couple of very minor things which you are probably on top of most of already anyway:

1) Rusted tin roof over tunnel of terror - gives a poor perception of the park from North Lake Rd - looks rundown which the park isn't.

2) Bridge over the waterfall at the bottom of water mountain needs a repaint of the bubbly non slip paint - its very slippery - accidents waiting to happen

3) The toilets in DK seem to be locked right on 5pm - would be good to keep them open a bit later for kids to use the toilet/change rather than having to pack everything up and take a wet kid (maybe needing the toilet) to the main change rooms. Makes packing up / leaving a bit more difficult than it needs to be with small kids.

4) According to the wife the way the mirrors are in the female main change rooms means you can see right in? or something like that? I don't really know what she is on about but might be worth a look?

5) Kahuna cup refills - advertise/more transparency on it lasting 1 season only. were told we had the wrong colour cup this year, yet we had a choice of colours last year and if we picked a different one last year could have used it this year? explanation to us was weird - haven't bothered again.

These 5 are scraping the bottom of the barrel because overall the park is very well maintained and run.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After a trip to the park yesterday forgot to put in my previous post...

I understand why they fill from the far end in HWSD but as a parent with a pram nothing annoys me more than leaving it at one end, being shuffled to the far end, and then having to wait for almost every other person to leave so I can walk back to the other end and get the pram.  Can they not have an area at the far end to park some strollers and prams?

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It's not an entirely without merit point, and maybe it would work having a second stroller bay at the far end.  Im pessimistic purely because I've seen first hand how angry people get when asked to leave strollers behind, and you know that someone will take their stroller inside only to have a fit when they find out they have to take it out outside again.  Yes the staff would explain it on entry, but people don't always listen, but again, I'm just being pessimistic lol 


Also I just remembered a silly little thing but I don't know if it's still a thing, so I'll phrase it as a question; is the justice league on ride photo still framed in such a way that the only thing in the frame that's not the guests or the ride car is a fire extinguisher?

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Just a thought on the stroller issue - as i'll soon be having these same problems i'm sure...

Could the entrance hosts perhaps have a small laminated card or somewhat that they hand to guests with a stroller. When those guests get to the top of the ramp, they could be directed to the seating closest to the exit?

(let's face it - if little johnny starts getting upset at the loud noises or whatever - it's also a quick escape route without walking past the entire crowd)

I can still see a problem with that - ie - others see people sitting there and try to join them - so perhaps stroller guests are directed to wait in the stroller parking area until called, and ushers can lead them all up as a single group before showtime to an area that has been marked off as reserved?

Entrance Ushers could hold the crowd for a minute or two whilst the stroller guests are led up the ramp, and then continue to admit the rest to fill the gaps, including any previously 'reserved' stroller space that isn't taken up.

I know there's flaws here, but this wouldn't be too hard to implement

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24 minutes ago, Santa07 said:

Alex is pregnant????? :o 

I'm sure most of us know @Wyncenuros is the father of a little one, and he's having problems with strollers.

For me to say i'll soon be having the same issues, for them to be the same, i'd also have to be a father. If I was the mother - I wouldn't be having the same issues, as my issue would be "she's having problems with strollers.

Nevertheless the assumption is still incorrect as my wife and I welcomed a baby boy in January. We're not taking a newborn to the parks, but no doubt, i'll SOON be doing so.

2 minutes ago, Brad2912 said:

Good ideas Alex, most feasible would probably be for the pram parents & their party of guests to wait with their prams until seating is finalised and then be ushered to the nearest-most seating available, whether then be in the first bay or half way down depending on visitation. 

So long as an adequate sized area was reserved for potential strollers (or a cap placed on the number that can be admitted) I think it's the best option.

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On ‎26‎/‎02‎/‎2016 at 3:45 PM, Wyncenuros said:

Also Movieworld:  Put a wheelchair/stroller ramp where the pathway to Superman meets the roundabout instead of further around where you need to walk on a thin strip of footpath annoying other park guests who are then standing in the way

Couldn't agree more with this one. image.thumb.jpeg.f4cb39076e8920febd708f2


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I totally agree this is a big annoyance for differently abled or stroller bound guests - i'm just imagining the alternative during construction?

They'll have to reprofile both the guttering, and the slabs behind them to slope them up for a suitable ramp - which is probably best done by removing the slabs and pouring new ones - potentially causing issues for guests to reach two major attractions.

I guess they could just profile one side of the pathway (ie one slab, not two) but my OCD says it should be symmetrical.

Part of me thinks a cheats way out on this would be a ramp affixed to the guttering sloping down to the road, but I shudder to think what possible impacts there might be on extremely large parade floats - maybe a removeable ramp?

if they do go with this option, they mustn't use raw checkerplating - that shit gets incredibly slippery in the rain - it needs to be a grit\grip texture.

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Well said Alex. Perhaps they could do it one slab at a time to still allow access. But I see how doing this would create havoc with foot traffic and there is no real way to get around it. There is no real spot for a temporary access path/point without jumping the hedges and trampling the garden beds. Kinda sucks that that is the only entry/exit point to that whole area.

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I am surprised that MW have never addressed this issue.  The Queensland Discrimination Act ask not to Indirect discrimination a particular group.  Indirect discrimination occurs when there is a practice or condition in place for all people which negatively impacts on a particular group.   For Example -

When the Brisbane Convention Centre was built the shit hit the fan and it changed laws forever. 

A whole group of people were sued by a group because if you had to use the lift to get access upstairs, you had to travel a further distance than if you were an able person and could use the stairs located out the front.

As a results The National Building Code now calls out Australian Standards relating to the Discrimination Act.

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5 hours ago, skeetafly said:

I am surprised that MW have never addressed this issue.  The Queensland Discrimination Act ask not to Indirect discrimination a particular group.  Indirect discrimination occurs when there is a practice or condition in place for all people which negatively impacts on a particular group.   For Example -

When the Brisbane Convention Centre was built the shit hit the fan and it changed laws forever. 

A whole group of people were sued by a group because if you had to use the lift to get access upstairs, you had to travel a further distance than if you were an able person and could use the stairs located out the front.

As a results The National Building Code now calls out Australian Standards relating to the Discrimination Act.

I won't profess to be an expert on building codes or the various DDAs in effect across the country, but being built in 1991, wouldn't the current guttering and pathway be grandfathered or something like that?

The foothpath is themed to the roadway for mainstreet - it needs guttering. The footpath has pedestrian ramps \ dips scattered along both sides of the path all the way up main street. The guttering was laid prior to park opening, when the attraction in that area (the studio tour \ MMSFX show) queued back down near batwing - conveniently right next to the ramp

I'm not aware of the BCC issue, but i'm guessing the lift was a long distance away from the stairs? The park has a ramp on the other side of the cul de sac, not even 10 metres away - and when you enter the park, you do enter on the level of that path - you'd have to go down onto the roadway and walk across before realising you have to go back up? If that was where you were heading, wouldn't you just walk around in the first place rather than negotiate two ramps, when you have to go around the fountain anyway?

Edit: Just looked at nearmap, and my estimates are a bit out - the ramp on the opposite (entrance) side of the cul de sac is about 25 metres away, however it appears there is a path ramp approximately 7 metres to the right of the SE entrance - in front of the ticket\tour sales booth, and I seem to remember this area being fenced off on a visit quite a while ago.

Given the obvious access issues relating to a single pathway during construction, I don't think a ramp 7 metres away should be cause for an issue. I stand by my previous post that it'd be nice if they had a ramp AT THAT POINT, but 7 metres isn't really a hardship, is it?


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