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What is your favourite and worst ride of all time?

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seeing that we have a few new members that joined Parkz recently, I want to hear your favourite and least favourite rides of all time, you can choose rides that are outside from Australia as well, you can also choose rides that originally existed or still operating to this day, here's my list ;)  

my favourite rides:

Superman Escape


Kevil Hill (laser tag)


Matterhorn Bobselds 


least favourite rides

Kevil Hill (maze)

Mick Doohan 

Arkham Asylum

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Hair Raiser (Ocean Park)

Mystic Manor (HKDL)

Space Mountain (HKDL)




Least Favourites

Rotor (LPS), that thing makes me sick

Justice League (the guns didn't fucking work when I was there)

Dragon Express (so rough)



Edited by XxMrYoshixX
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15 hours ago, Santa07 said:

The number of dirty jokes on these forums has been rapidly increasing the past few days.

Anyways for me:

- Superman
- Claw
- ToT2
- Arkham
- Wild West Falls
- Jet Rescue

Least favourite:
- Motocoaster
- Motocoaster
- Motocoaster
- Motocoaster
- Motocoaster
- Motocoaster

Actually, Sea Viper could go on that last favourite list too. And Cyclone before it came HWSW.

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Wild West Falls

Green Lantern (front row with on board audio is surprisingly incredible)  

Jet Rescue

Roger Rabbit's Car Toon Spin

Indiana Jones Adventure: Temple of the Forbidden Eye


Least Favourites

I have an unhealthy hatred for Junior Driving School

I find elements of Snow Whites scary adventure questionable at best

I don’t really care for drop based tower rides

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I'm going to keep my list Australian.


1) Superman - it's the country's best coaster. No contest.
2) Abyss - The best bang for buck coaster style out there.
3) Tower of Terror - The original and the best. When it first opened it was something else. Lap-bars, full speed, full height.
4) Jet Rescue - Out of control, simple, exciting. Who-ever designated is as a family coaster is a crazy man, and I love them.

Bottom of the barrel

1) Motocoaster - Sorry Dreamworld, but it's true. Call it a sign of management at the time, the fact that it could've been a Vekoma Motorbike Coaster and swapped at the last minute for something Intamin somehow turned into a huge mistake. Terrible station design, terrible placement in the park and a bland ride experience. The park would be better off selling it (not hard given the way it was constructed) and turning back into vintage cars. I'm genuinely not one of these overly nostalgic people, change is good, but they destroyed a generational icon in the park and replaced it with something that further ruined another area of the park that was Disney-esque and I really do believe the ride is just so bad that very few guests if any would mourn its loss. Let me put it to you this way, the vintage cars had charm because you could drive it around rides, over bridges, through tunnels etc. all the things the current iteration doesn't have and so if you surveyed guests "would you rather a) Vintage cars back where they were and Mine Ride to open but kill Motocoaster or B ) keep things exactly as they are?" I guarantee most guests would vote the former.

Edited by Richard
latter now says former
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Fave: Outlaw Run - Silver Dollar City

Honourable Mentions - El Toro (Great Adventure), Expedition GeForce, Balder, Maverick, SFNE Superman, Phoenix (Knoebels).

Most Hated: Hades - Mt Olympus - this used to be a fantastic coaster, but went on it the year they added the inversion. Asides from the inversion, it was the most brutal I've been on. Truly was hell.

Dishonourable Mentions: Wildcat - Lake Compounce, any Zamperla Volare, Goudurix.

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16 hours ago, Slick said:

if you surveyed guests "would you rather a) Vintage cars back where they were and Mine Ride to open but kill Motocoaster or B ) keep things exactly as they are?" I guarantee most guests would vote the latter.

Read it again @Slick!!! I think you mean "the former"

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Just counting rides in local parks that are still operating:


Wild West Falls

Superman Escape


Least favourites:

The Claw.  It's my nemesis, it totally messed with my perception of what was the ground, and what was the sky.

The Big Red Car Ride.  Yes, I typically travel with its target audience, and even they thought it was lame.  


I actually quite like MDMC for a family ride (not a thrill ride), it's not a favourite, but IMO not worthy of all the hate.



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Worst for me would have been Gwazi at Busch Gardens... good riddance. Unfortunately Ghost Rider at Knott's is getting very similar to Gwazi. I absolutely loved that ride, until 4 months ago. It just threw me around too much and destroyed my lower back.

I can't really pick a favourite. Everything offers something completely different. Twisted colossus though... wow!

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^I hear you, Ghostrider has been in the "please make it stop" category for a while. Hopefully the complete re-work by GCI will do the trick. Yeah Gwazi was a total POS. It seems open every day (or thereabouts), year round operations and woodies don't work out so well. Even with a month off for Ghostrider each year for maintenance, it was still terrible. 

Hopefully if ever there was any new woodies with year round operations in Australia they would fare better.

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