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If Joz ran Sea World


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Dark ride - I'd say keep the shooting, but have it where pirates are invading the castle. Possible pirate ghosts. Or set it on a pirate ship. Either way, I'd definitely say keep it, and I'm warming to the original theming idea (as, after all, loads of piers around the world with rides have rides that aren't connected to the sea).

Plus, must remember that Pirates Of The Caribbean 5 was partially filmed in the Gold Coast. Cash-in, maybe? Of course, it couldn't be official - Disney would rise from his grave specifically to slap you across the face.

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Another question, I know it's in the video but it's always moving. How many cars are on Serpant's Fury and how many trains can be on the track? 

My other question is for both coasters. What kind of theming will they have. Will Serpant's Fury have a decked (theme wise) queue and station house? Or will it be a very nice generic looking station like Corckscrew? 

The spinning coaster I guess is just themed to a pier style coaster? Just much nicer then most pier coaster station houses! 

The other thing I'd love to see as a nod to the old Sea World is the disappearing UFO trick from BT back in some way on the shooting dark ride, just obviously not a UFO. 

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20 hours ago, DWP said:

I was about to suggest the dark ride concept could be defending whales from whalers on a ship but the fact so many Japanese tourists vist the park that wouldn't go down so well I'd say. 

Reminds me of when I visited last year from the UK, and at Wet 'n' Wild there was a family (don't know where from) hunched round an iPad watching what appeared to be a cock fight (no, not that kind of cock...).

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Well just to pick up a couple of on topic points, I don't think it's strictly important to have a conservation theme in the dark ride.  I feel like there's so much conservation stuff at Sea World that if you did more people would just tune out the message anyway, so you may as well just make it something fun, so long as it's not at odds with the conservation theme.  That's what I tried to do with the dark ride I made, and it definitely should be a shooting dark ride, as the idea of turning it into basically a giant ticket game that you can also ride for free is kind of the whole point of having it.  It's meant to get people into the arcade, but also be a revenue source.


The theme of the coaster is also something that took a while to get down.  The idea is that you're in a sea side port, and sailors are swapping stories about their encounters with Sea Monsters.  Some old bugger says something like 'If I'm going to tell this story right, you're going to have to sit down' and then coaster.  Yeah, it's pretty generic, but I don't think you really can do an elaborate theme with a big outdoor coaster and have it work.  I'm open to other ideas for the theme though, and a deep Sea Exploration theme might work better with Jet Rescue near by.


As presented, the whole thing isn't perfect.  For one thing there's not enough shade, and there really needs to be another couple things on the Pier to give it some more atmosphere.  The big coaster has a capacity of around 1000pph, which is very high, and the spinning coaster has a capacity around 550, which for a ride with mass appeal might be a little low.  I think on balance though what has been presented is realistic, and would work well with the rest of the park.

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I don't know...  I enjoyed the Pokemon Island thing that MW did back in the day where you ticked off the different Pokemon as you found them...   I was 19 at the time but working in child care so I guess my enjoyment of the attraction came from how excited the kids that were in the groups we went...

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The Pokemon Snap game on the N64 was cool for what it was. It was a lot like a virtual reality boat ride and they judged your photos on their artistic merit, like the composition and size of the subject.

The 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea ride is a great example of a pseudo underwater dark ride where you shine a light on different creatures and they react. 


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In a strange way I almost feel like that ride is too good to go with my proposal.  When the time eventually does come for a new dark ride, that's the sort of thing I'd like to see replace the 3D theatre, or maybe even at the front of the park taking over the area from the skyway station around to the HR building.  It's too good for what I've done.


I also think whatever the shooting dark ride is, it should just be fun.  No trying to learn stuff, no skewing too young, no hard to follow setup.  I feel like trying to photograph animals, or shine a flashlight skews too young, and don't forget the shooting dark ride is supposed to be a giant real life video game you can ride, as well as paying homage to the original ghost train at Grundy's in Surfers.

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If you want a "pier" style to it, why not combine different carnie style games? A mash up of the little trailer mounted games from sideshow alley. 

Shoot ping pong balls into clowns mouths, pick (instead of catch) the fish, lucky dip (shoot at little doors that then spin to reveal a score). 

The more points the better the reward, like a 10% off voucher, free drink, free meal, etc

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I like the idea of Boardwalk games more than spongebob.  Don't get me wrong either the SpongeBob idea is good, it's just when the license or interest for SpongeBob goes away you're stuck with a dark ride you need to fix up.  


I think if you can take traditional Boardwalk carnie games and turn it into a shooting dark ride game you can play with a laser blaster using practical sets then you might be on a winner.  

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