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Man hospitalised after falling out of Dreamworld Log Ride

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Dreamworld management will re-open the park’s Log Ride today having received the ‘all clear’ from independent and Worksafe Queensland inspectors following an incident that occurred on the ride last weekend. Guest safety has always been and remains Dreamworld’s number one priority and we have a standard process that we follow to ensure any incident is investigated thoroughly.

Edited by reanimated35
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18 hours ago, XxMrYoshixX said:

Honestly, I'm not all that bad with bullshit these days :P 


If you've watched VII and have watched the Rogue One trailer, then you'll know Disney is going full serious with being PC by putting female leads. They're only doing it to be PC, Disney don't give two shits about equal rights, it's just for PC points.

..because Star Wars has never had Female or non-Caucasian fans. :rolleyes:

It's not PC, it's broadening your fanbase with great stories and characters that appeal to not just white straight men.




I came to Parkz today because I heard about an incident on the ride. Figured I'd find the actual reason it happened here. (Eventually).

Edited by Glubbo
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  • 2 weeks later...

Went on the log ride today and noticed that post incident, an recorded announcement is now played to riders when going up the first conveyer Hill... "please remain seated and keep your hands and arms inside at all times during the ride" ?

Also noticed a bit of new theming in the cave, a smaller statue of a bearded man character and a cockatoo lol. They are back to back to the spinning saw, so essentially now the first things you see in front of you when you enter the cave. 

Edited by Theme Park Girl
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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm leaning towards Magician's theory here. There's no need to record the CCTV - it is for live monitoring purposes only. They could hook a recorder up fairly easily, and these days with litigation, they probably should, but I know that for example - Snowy River Rampage had several cameras and monitors, but nothing was recorded.

Maybe they do now with the advent of digital recording... and maybe if they don't, they should...

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To me it would be crazy not to have a big company like DW hooked up to some sort of system that recorded the ride for this very reason. 

The business we had worked on motion detection, every time it picked up movement it begun recording and after a about a week or a month (I can't remember) it wiped those files. 

That legal company though sounds more like its representing the idiot than DW. A quick read of their About on Facebook makes them sound more like ambulance chasers rather than a big firm that would represent DW. 

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