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Woman who fell over at Movie World sues for half-a-million dollars

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5 hours ago, Wyncenuros said:

"Helena Geragotelis, 26, claims she was not warned of the danger she would face by climbing the raised flowerbed in 2014"...

Is the offending flower bed still even there?

DEATH TO THE FLOWER BED!!! That'll serve 'em right. Those flower beds, coming over here, injuring our womenfolk...

In other news, I just drank some bleach. I now hope to sue the manufacturers because they did not put a label on it telling me it does not taste like Coke.

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Yep, this article pretty much confirms that it was one of the two elevated flower beds in the main plaza area where the big TV screen is...



Court papers state staff should have known patrons regularly stood on the flowerbeds in the park's plaza and signs should have been in place to warn of the danger.




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Can't believe this women. Yes, maybe these injuries had caused her pain, but it happened two years ago, why would you only just sue for a reason like this. And how is it the parks fault that she fell from what, 10cm high. If you step up on something off the ground, then it's your own fault if you fall.

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Sweary rant, but you know what, who cares:


Society has gone utterly mad.  I was out today at a shopping center (Pacific Fair FWIW) and a kids ball had landed in a water feature, and was out of reach, the fountain must've been maybe a bit deeper than ankle deep, MAYBE knee deep and had a flat bottom.  What's fucking mental about it is there was a group of about 3 or 4 staff trying to figure out how to get the ball back.  Like it was some impossible challenge that simply couldn't be solved.  I watched for a good 4 or 5 mins until the wind happened to pick up, which brought the ball back, if it hadn't I think they'd still be there trying to figure out what to do 5 hours later.  We're so far up bullshit public liability creek as a society, a bunch of adults couldn't bring themselves to take off their shoes off and walk though a small amount of water to get the ball back. 


$500,000 for a garden bed fall?  Fuck what's left of society love, have a million!  If some staff saw you standing there, that's basically the same thing as if Bugs Bunny himself had personally clubbed you in the kneecaps.  Lady, if you happen to read this; thanks for making it that staff and customers have to be involved in confrontations about where they can and can't stand because of your inability to function as a person.  Thank you for adding to the culture of a lack of personal responsibility.  Just so you know though, society is fucked, and it's YOUR fault, and anyone who is even a little bit like you. 

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Yay sweary rants!

Or even better, sweaty pants!

People are too quick to jump on the blame bandwagon nowadays. Here in the UK, my child's nursery can't even tell me if he's had a tantrum through the day because some parents just don't want to hear it and get insulted. Seriously? He's a toddler! He's going to have tantrums!

And if I were in the position of the staff where a kid had lost a ball then I'd probably get a broom or something to try and fish it out. I wouldn't be against going in there but it does depend on if the fountain can hold a person.

Has this woman never stood on a chair to replace a lightbulb? I don't think you're supposed to do that, and it isn't the safest of things, but everyone does it. Likewise her standing on the flower bed. It's her own stupid fault, and doubtless now all Movie World staff are going to have to tell people not to stand on the flower beds.

But... what about the pavements around that area of Movie World? You've got to take a step up onto them, and they're not as visible as the flower beds. Screw it, let's just take out the road area and make it all level. People can't be trusted with slight deviations in height.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

So just saw this on DW facebook page...

Po's Kung Fu crew coming right at you! Rumour has it that spirit of the Furious 5 flows through this fountain and all who pose with it are gifted secret kung-fu moves ;)

@eelizuli's crew defintely were!


So from this post their social media department are actively encouraging people to do this...  Hope their legal liability insurance is up to date for when the first person falls and injures themselves and tries to sue...  


Personally if you are silly enough to do this and hurt yourself well you're an idiot...  But DW should also not be actively encouraging this...


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2 hours ago, pushbutton said:

What's wrong with her? Can't she read?


Bit further down...


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