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Dreamworld Q&A

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^ Thanks :) 


Alright, so a while back in one of these threads you may remember we were getting some messages from Dreamworld's social media team that I was relaying between them and Parkz. 

Then they went quiet and I didn't hear back from them for a while. 

I got a nice reply from them on Tuesday which I got sidetracked and didn't mention on here. 


Once upon a time 1 little person used to respond to all correspondence, then the volume increased and a team of people were added so that little person could reply to just the juicy, escalated, or more complicated feedback. Then Social Media came along and that little person was also replaying all over the place in 1 million different directions, and became dizzy. Then one day the team who helped with our general responses also started helping with our Social Media, and we got some SM experts to come and help us play.

So now your buddy just pops in and out to check our response times and to check on the general "vibe" of what is happening around the place. They sometimes check in on Parkz.com to see what the chatter is there, to sometimes smile and nod whilst reading, and sometimes look quizzically at the screen to wonder where those thoughts are coming from.


You may also remember that I asked for photos which were not provided. The reason being the maintenance guys were under pressure to get everything done on time and now obviously they're still quite busy with a few rides down currently. That's fair enough. If it wasn't for the crappy weather outlook for the weekend I'd try to get some pics myself (of whatever is safe to do so obviously). 

The person who's been responding to me calls themselves "The Original Belinda" and there is a possibility they will join the forums in an official capacity if time permits. The good news is, judging by the response above, they already know we're a little crazy. They also know that they're going to be inundated with questions around Eureka which will get old and annoying fast and quite possibly make them run for the hills, so lets try to play nice.

Also a lot of us, myself included, don't always have a perfect track record with new members making claims they're from a particular area/park/team/where ever. So, if they do join officially let's try not to be too rude to them, and maybe, just maybe we can develop a great relationship with them like we have with Mark Shaw.


Finally, just to get the obvious out of the way so no one else has to....

Dear Original Belinda 

1 - Why did the mine ride close?
2 - When will the mine ride open again?
3 - Why hasn't the mine ride opened already?
4 - Why haven't you gotten rid of the motocoaster?
5 - Why haven't you moved the vintage cars back where they were and gotten rid of the motocoaster?
6 - Why are you still reading this when you could be reopening the mine ride? 
7 - Is the mine ride open yet?

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9. Why is the motocoaster still there? 



But seriously - We need an 'official' rep from the parks here. I'm not saying they should weigh into every discussion, and clearly there are things that can't be discussed - but there are also very simple things that could be - like "we will eventually paint over the patch on the wipeout that was repaired" or "we're installing these rails on the rapids to improve safety and reduce instances of rafts entering the holding pond" etc or 'that new structure next to the new ride we're building will be a shop'. 

I totally get that things can't always be revealed, but it would be good to have a source for things than can be answered as many discussions here roll around in endless speculation for weeks when a quick question on facebook gets an answer in less than a day.

I hope to see 'the original Belinda' on the boards soon...

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Hello There, 

Thanks for the welcome and the excitement of finding the expected questions waiting for me :-) Lets get those out of the way. 

1 - Why did the mine ride close? - Well it was old, was no longer meeting safety specifications, and needed a lot of investment to keep her going and update to her to meet new requirements. It is still there because we loved it as much as the guests who still ask about it near on 10 years later, and we were not ready to let it go either. 
2 - When will the mine ride open again? Good question. As you well know, we have done some preliminary testing and signs are positive. We have also been working hard on refurbishing, updating, and getting back on top of a lot of general maintenance that fell behind during some lean years. Significant investments such as the TI project are very much the priorities. It is all about available capitol, where to slot a "cross your fingers" project in to what we have already committed to. Cross your fingers is not because it is not a win we want to have, it is because there are a lot of maybe, and we think so, around what needs to happen to get it where it needs to be. So for now we are doing what we can, when we can, in-between everything else. Long answer short, I don't know yet. 
3 - Why hasn't the mine ride opened already? See above. 
4 - Why haven't you gotten rid of the motocoaster? Because, and stay with me here because I think this might come as a shock, it has major throughput, and holds much love for many. When the motorcoaster is down we hear about it as loudly as we do for Buzz and TOTII. 
5 - Why haven't you moved the vintage cars back where they were and gotten rid of the motocoaster? Because that would be a major investment for a marginally loved attraction into prime real estate and what do we gain? 
6 - Why are you still reading this when you could be reopening the mine ride? Who says I don't have tools at the ready, while I am replying? 
7 - Is the mine ride open yet? see above. 

8 - When are you getting a good rollercoaster or dark ride? - It is in the 10 year plan so sometime in the next 10 years. ;-) 

Thanks for the invite and I am happy to have the open conversation. I also appreciate the introduction reanimate35. I will answer what I can, when I can. 


This was fun, what else have you got?

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I'll have a crack while you're asking :)

1: It seems there's a deliberate strategy around getting the overall standard/presentation of attractions to a high level at the moment - what sort of factors or data lead to the decision to prioritise iteration of existing attractions in preference to new attractions?
2: Is there a concern that potential visitors don't value the upkeep of existing attractions as highly as they value the installation of new attractions?
3: If so, what strategies are in place to manage this?
4: The park dedicates a significant proportion of its footprint to areas which are not guest-facing, yet seemingly not utilised (such as the river/island, Big Brother Studios, ex-Blue Lagoon). Many of the other parks are quite restricted in the availability of footprint - how do you see Dreamworld utilising this competitive advantage?
5: There's been much discussion on these forums concerning the launch power (and achieved height) of TOTII having been reduced over the years, and while it's accepted that differing launch weights and atmospheric conditions have an impact it's generally understood that the experience now is considerably lesser than when the ride initially opened.  Are you aware of what has changed, and why such a change has become necessary over time?
6: Does the park sell more single-park passes, or more world passes?
7: The refurbishment of the Cyclone is one that has been generally positively received - were there any tasks or ideas that you can share that the park would have liked to have implemented prior to the re-launch of the ride that didn't make it?
8: If there was one 'world' within the park that you feel is in the most need of resources (money, people, etc), which do you feel that would be?

Appreciate your time and candor!

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I do have a couple of questions if you don't mind @The Original Belinda Brown


Whilst I don't personally agree it's a "big thrill ride" as such, I do see it's fit with the park to appeal to others, even though it seems out of place with the other attractions around it. Are there any plans on freshening it up a bit? I noticed it has no maintenance scheduled for the rest of the year. Did it recently come out? The coaster cars look very bland with all the stickers removed at the moment and the track is hugely faded. Also having a motorsport themed ride with a yellow track just doesn't make sense. Especially with it going through un-themed bush. I'd suggest painting the track black, re-doing the bikes with new logos and maybe throwing in a bit more of the theming. Obviously all personal opinion and there's plenty of cost involved. 


SEQWater has not imposed any water restrictions for at least 3 years now. Is there any reason you ('you' being Dreamworld in this case) can't just replace the pump system and get the waterfall operating again? 

The future:

Other than the significant investment in Tiger Island, are you able to confirm if there's any other big draw card on the horizon in the lead up to the 2018 Commonwealth Games?  Fair enough if that's all hush-hush at this stage though.

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  On 16/06/2016 at 4:19 AM, reanimated35 said:

I do have a couple of questions if you don't mind @The Original Belinda Brown


 I noticed it has no maintenance scheduled for the rest of the year. Did it recently come out?


Yeah it did, it was down for annual maintenance from 6th-12th June :)

Huge welcome Belinda Brown, so awesome to have a Dreamworld official on Parkz! I don't have any questions off the top of my head, and you're already being bombarded lol, so I'm just gonna say hello for now and that we are really grateful to have you on our forums ?❤️

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  On 16/06/2016 at 4:17 AM, webslave said:

I'll have a crack while you're asking :)

1: It seems there's a deliberate strategy around getting the overall standard/presentation of attractions to a high level at the moment - what sort of factors or data lead to the decision to prioritise iteration of existing attractions in preference to new attractions?
2: Is there a concern that potential visitors don't value the upkeep of existing attractions as highly as they value the installation of new attractions?
3: If so, what strategies are in place to manage this?
4: The park dedicates a significant proportion of its footprint to areas which are not guest-facing, yet seemingly not utilised (such as the river/island, Big Brother Studios, ex-Blue Lagoon). Many of the other parks are quite restricted in the availability of footprint - how do you see Dreamworld utilising this competitive advantage?
5: There's been much discussion on these forums concerning the launch power (and achieved height) of TOTII having been reduced over the years, and while it's accepted that differing launch weights and atmospheric conditions have an impact it's generally understood that the experience now is considerably lesser than when the ride initially opened.  Are you aware of what has changed, and why such a change has become necessary over time?
6: Does the park sell more single-park passes, or more world passes?
7: The refurbishment of the Cyclone is one that has been generally positively received - were there any tasks or ideas that you can share that the park would have liked to have implemented prior to the re-launch of the ride that didn't make it?
8: If there was one 'world' within the park that you feel is in the most need of resources (money, people, etc), which do you feel that would be?

Appreciate your time and candor!


1. These all would really require in-depth answers, so I hope you don't mind if I give you the gloss version. Its not a new desire, just one being realised due to the ability to restructure resources to try and achieve both new projects, keep up the existing assets and stay on our annual maintenance schedule. Having a bigger park comes with bigger requirements but we seem to have found a way to get this all happening. An old park looks quaint and blended, when you put new in the effect is often that rather than dazzle guests, it highlights what it old. So, we are trying to keep up with a makeover one precinct at a time. I would be surprised if you have been able to avoid doing one of our smartfeedback survey's when visiting the park, and this feedback comes to us in real time, the data is amazing and allows us to monitor sentiment and desire. We listen to what guests are actually asking and what ranks highest, gets the most attention. Of course this is mixed in with what we collect from calls, social media and email feedback. 

2. the first answer actually touches on that, and yes we watched and listen. 

3. That is the benefit of approaching this as a 10 year plan, we have the ability to know what is in the pipeline and can be fluid as required. This is also why we do our big announcements only once confirmed, as we have learnt it does not benefit anyone if I say, "Mine ride is opening 2016", then due to what we are hearing from our guests we decide that it needs to be pushed back to 2017. The loud message is then mixed with..  but you said Mine Ride in 2016. So what is 100% confirmed is what is put in lights. 

4. I think a better question is, will be utilise this competitive advantage. The answer is yes, absolutely and there are plans. 

5. Yes, all changes have been to reduce faults. The ride is one of our most sensitive and we operate to its maximum ability within stabilising measurements. And yes, this does change frequently as we update and alter rides and manufacturer specifications.

6. Currently it is close to 60/40. But this is during a campaign for B3G1F and launch of Memberships coinciding with an off peak period. What we sell changes around 4 times a year and this is why we leave our gate interchangeable in structure. 

7. The Cyclone was a nice surprise that we managed to sneak in around other bigger projects so the reveal was on spec. 

8. Gold Rush.

  On 16/06/2016 at 4:19 AM, reanimated35 said:

I do have a couple of questions if you don't mind @The Original Belinda Brown


Whilst I don't personally agree it's a "big thrill ride" as such, I do see it's fit with the park to appeal to others, even though it seems out of place with the other attractions around it. Are there any plans on freshening it up a bit? I noticed it has no maintenance scheduled for the rest of the year. Did it recently come out? The coaster cars look very bland with all the stickers removed at the moment and the track is hugely faded. Also having a motorsport themed ride with a yellow track just doesn't make sense. Especially with it going through un-themed bush. I'd suggest painting the track black, re-doing the bikes with new logos and maybe throwing in a bit more of the theming. Obviously all personal opinion and there's plenty of cost involved. 


SEQWater has not imposed any water restrictions for at least 3 years now. Is there any reason you ('you' being Dreamworld in this case) can't just replace the pump system and get the waterfall operating again? 

The future:

Other than the significant investment in Tiger Island, are you able to confirm if there's any other big draw card on the horizon in the lead up to the 2018 Commonwealth Games?  Fair enough if that's all hush-hush at this stage though.


Moto - Well we do have a few things we would like to do to Moto, and plan to before worrying about the track colour for now. More on ride cycle and greater comfort. But, we don't disagree with you it is all priority. Do guests talk about track colour or the experience? This is where where have to make the decision. The fencing around that area also doesn't match, so it is on many hits lists but will get to the action list when we can. 

Waterfall - Strategically we are moving faster towards water conservation with active changes rather than just following council restrictions. Water collection for more grey water use etc is one of the background changes we have been implementing. Thinker smarter and longer term. As we can upgrade to make older features more efficient then we can bring them back to life. 

Future - Yes I can confirm. Is it ready for discussion? no. Do I think it is the answer to the prayers I read here? No. but I think you will see the logic in where we are headed? Yes I do. 

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@The Original Belinda Brown Hello and welcome.  I think you would look good in a Parkz shirt.

The one question I have for you, if I may is.

Many years ago WWW was looking at building a stage 3 which included a lazy river and so on.  This was just before the world did a 180.  Is there any plans for WWW to continue with those plans in the future or will WWW now focus on smaller additions to the park?



Edited by skeetafly
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Wow this is an exciting day!  We've never had an actual koala join the forums before so this is a first! 


Seriously, thanks for answering so many questions in such a surprisingly frank and honest way.  


I have one(ish) question; over the past few years there has been a noticeable improvement in the upkeep of the park, with many facilities having been renovated and refreshed.  From the information you've gathered, have the guests noticed that the park is looking better?  Is guest satisfaction higher, and has this translated to better attendance/per caps?

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  On 16/06/2016 at 5:55 AM, skeetafly said:

@The Original Belinda Brown Hello and welcome.  I think you would really look good in a Parkz shirt.

The one question I have for you, if I may is.

Many years ago WWW was looking at building a stage 3 which included a lazy river and so on.  This was just before the world did a 180.  Is there any plans for WWW to continue with those plans in the future or will WWW now focus on smaller additions to the park?



The 180 changed some things but visitation and usage also played a part. How guests view WWW and how they use it became a new world during the introduction of all inclusive passes. It changed the way Themeparks operate enormously. Once a stand alone park, we like to think of it as part of Dreamworld now and that is something that helps make us unique. We are a wet, dry and a zoo all in one. We still have plans for expansion in WWW. The smaller additions to the park are still part of the greater plans, just not as quickly as the perception may have been originally. 

  On 16/06/2016 at 6:04 AM, joz said:

Wow this is an exciting day!  We've never had an actual koala join the forums before so this is a first! 


Seriously, thanks for answering so many questions in such a surprisingly frank and honest way.  


I have one(ish) question; over the past few years there has been a noticeable improvement in the upkeep of the park, with many facilities having been renovated and refreshed.  From the information you've gathered, have the guests noticed that the park is looking better?  Is guest satisfaction higher, and has this translated to better attendance/per caps?


Thanks joz,

Koala fingers make it surprisingly hard to type too. 

To answer you question though... Absolutely. Cheaper passes have meant more return guests and they have noticed, responding positively for sure. 

Edited by The Original Belinda Brown
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  On 16/06/2016 at 6:52 AM, skeetafly said:

@The Original Belinda BrownBe careful of AlexB.  He might have gum leaves in one hand but his other hand contains Chlamydiosis.

Does DW have any plans for the river?  It seems to me an area that is underutilised.




oh no... Parrot fever. 

We do have plans for Ibis Island (:P) & the river. 

  On 16/06/2016 at 6:54 AM, Cooper Olsen said:

Hey Belinda...

is their any plans that Dreamworld had that never happened and we don't know of? What were they if you can answer it!


Well the Dreamworld dome was going to be real. :wacko:

I can't think of one off the top of my head but it is probably time to cook Kenny's dinner now. I will think about it. 

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Welcome to the forums. I read in a recent annual report (I believe it was anyway?) about a second gate linking to the proposed Westfield development. Is this something that is still on the table, and will it be a more low-key entrance or something with a more pronounced Main St/similar vibe?

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1. Why was the Cyclone entrance and exit swapped around in ~ 2008? 

2. Was there ever an intention to replace Thunderbolt with some sort of thrill ride before WWW was announced?

3. Is it true that TOT has had it's speed lowered from 161 km/h to 120 km/h?

4. Is there ever an intention to refurbish Giant Drop or the rapids in the future before the Commonwealth Games?

5. Is there anything major planned from 2017 beyond?

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Hi Belinda, welcome to the forums its awesome that we have a Dreamworld official on parkz so welcome.


I have two question if you haven't had enough questions today.

I'm wondering if Dreamworld have any plans for the old Skylink Chairlift whether it be being removing or re-opening the ride in the future as everything from it is basically still standing the stations and support towers. ?

Why was the Skylink Chairlift closed down anyway its not like it was operating for as long as eureka mine ride or anything. ?


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Greetings miss Belinda, 

1) once Tiger Island is complete, what is Dreamworld's next project that we will see? a new roller coaster, new flat ride? 

2) are you able to confirm what projects you have in the works to replace Kevil? is the Sharknado attraction that was announced on Shark Tank one of them? 

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  On 16/06/2016 at 7:37 AM, XxMrYoshixX said:


1. Why was the Cyclone entrance and exit swapped around in ~ 2008? 
What better way to advertise your new sister-park than have people looking at in instead of a building with run-down theming?

2. Was there ever an intention to replace Thunderbolt with some sort of thrill ride before WWW was announced?

3. Is it true that TOT has had it's speed lowered from 161 km/h to 120 km/h?
Wasn't that answered above?  

4. Is there ever an intention to refurbish Giant Drop or the rapids in the future before the Commonwealth Games?
Wasn't that answered above? (Future - Yes I can confirm. Is it ready for discussion? no. Do I think it is the answer to the prayers I read here? No. but I think you will see the logic in where we are headed? Yes I do.)

5. Is there anything major planned from 2017 beyond?
Wasn't that answered above? (Future - Yes I can confirm. Is it ready for discussion? no. Do I think it is the answer to the prayers I read here? No. but I think you will see the logic in where we are headed? Yes I do.)


Aren't most of these answers already known?

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