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Arkham Asylum - VR coaster at Movie World

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You will find most workplaces (Village Roadshow properties included) have differing degrees in their WHS practices...

The first stage is...  If possible, remove the risk completely...  (Not allow staff to perform the activity risk)

Then introduce different ways of doing the activity to reduce risk...  (Walk around using another route or wait until the ride is not operating)

Finally if there are no other alternatives introduce protective gear and systems to limit the risk as much as possible...  (Lock out tags, dead man switch?)

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I'm very well aware of risk management.

What i'm saying (and we still need @Spotty or the like to confirm) is that if the ride is still set up for multiple trains, and requires manual operator intervention to advance the train from the final brake run to the station, then the block would be both cleared, and secured for pedestrian access immediately after the train departed the station. the hazard WOULD be eliminated by having the same 'crossover' compliance that scooby does... ensuring the control room operator is aware of the crossing, and doesn't advance the train beyond the final brake run until the operator crossing is clear.

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Are you suggesting that as long as MW covers itself (by being able to blame an operator and they (MW) are legally in the clear), but there's still a risk to employees being hit should the operator make a mistake, they'd be ok with that and endorse the procedures?

Edited by mission
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Wow, this is going crazy pedantic..

its not about being able to shift blame, it's about accountability and diligence

organisations have safe work practices and policies designed to keep staff and customers safe. In most organisations, after training, staff are signed off as being understanding and compliant to these policies. If an accident were to occur, whilst the organisation will be ultimately liable due to the accident occurring on their property, the staff member if found to be in breach of trained and acknowledged skills and practices, could be liable for fines from a regulating body, and disciplinary action/dismissal from the employer. 


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I'm only casually reading this conversation, but I'd say there would be multiple layers of protection (Swiss cheese model perhaps) to minimise or eliminate the risk. There's probably a lot of tasks that always have some risk, but having multiple layers of protection will hopefully reduce that risk to something easily manageable.

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I have not personally had experience operating Arkham Asylum myself, but from what I understand the only mechanical difference to the ride when it was refurbed was removing the initial brake run and replacing it with the magnetic brakes as currently seen. So I can neither confirm nor deny if this has been removed, but as it currently stands the ride is fully automatic from dispatch to unloading.

As far as crossing the platform whilst the floor is dropped, if you did that you may as well be walking out the door instead of crossing the platform. As DjRappa has stated with Scooby Doo if an operator needs to cross the track if they are on the load platform they can hit a button which turns on a little green light above the main control panel. When this is illuminated no further cars will dispatch until it's manually turned off on the MOCC. A light also turns on under the track to make sure the staff member doesn't fall flat on their face.

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VR has been card, they only have eftpos terminals there, no cash register. They send you to the photo booth thing in the front of the park if you want to pay cash.

Alex, it might have changed when they changed the brakes in trim station 1 to magnetic brakes. The train doesn't seem to stop and hold anywhere for any real period of time and when you come into trim station 2 you can hear the drive motors ahead of you turn on to bring you into the station. If it wasn't automated you would expect the time to vary a bit, but it all seems about the same.

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  • 1 month later...

I got my fist VR experience today. You pay by card $5. You need to sit at the back of the train. I felt my headset was about to fall off during the ride so I had to hold it to stop it from slipping. I don't think the staff checked it before they started the ride. Otherwise it is a great experience, I will do it on each visit.

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I have shared similar sentiments in another discussion - i thought the slipping accent was distracting. I'd have preferred no accent to that.

I was at the Australian Celtic Festival as a herald last month, and I did not attempt an accent - we had people praising our performance and compared me to 'that other guy in the main arena' because he was trying (and failing) to do an irish accent. They'd said they preferred no attempt to a poor one... and I kinda agree in this case too.

ETA: let me just say though that given the more specialised load procedures with the new Arkham trains, and the additional load process when VR is involved, this video was long overdue, and its great to see something that makes it very clear how the load is supposed to occur.

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53 minutes ago, joz said:

Took me 3 attempts to get through it.  The production values are good, even the acting is fine, but my god 2 accents was just hell to listen to.

I cringed at the entire performance not just the accent.  It was unnecessarily melodramatic, and really inconsistent.  It just felt really awkward and some of the edits were pretty jarring - especially at the end.

It's a bit of a shame, because a video like this could really be used to ramp up the fear/creepy factor with a unique experience like VR.  But instead it feels a bit cheap and flat.

Watching her performance and the performances of the people on the ride, it makes me feel like VR is a hassle for them, and they're tired and bored of people wanting to do it.  I think a lot of that is because of the Script too.  Bizarre creative choice in my opinion.

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