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Arkham Asylum - VR coaster at Movie World

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12 hours ago, wikiverse said:

Watching her performance and the performances of the people on the ride, it makes me feel like VR is a hassle for them, and they're tired and bored of people wanting to do it.

Think you've taken this too seriously or something. I don't mind the whole bored from repetition theme. See it as no different from someone interacting the same way when this is applied to a checkout worker which I think is what was aimed for here. Will agree with the others in the worst thing was the accent and how it was varying.

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Accent was a bit hit and miss, but overall a good video. I'm not in any position to criticise though, couldn't have done anything better myself. 

It gets the point across, it's something that works and fits the theme. I like that they didn't waste a crap load of money on some over the top video that people aren't going to pay much attention to anyway. You're in a asylum/jail. You're not supposed to be bubbly and excited. It's meant to be mundane and dreary. It's not a holiday home.

What they got instead was something that works and does what it needs to while not breaking the bank. 

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I agree, hopefully it gets the point across to hold the headset in your hands until you're seated. The amount of people I have seen putting them on and trying walk blindly to the gates astonishes me. Though I have to say most culprits appear to be non-English speaking tourists so not sure how much impact the video will have.

I think it would have been awesome if they found someone to play Harley Quinn dressed as a nurse giving the spiel. As it currently stands the video is jarring with the story of the queue line that the Joker has already taken over the Asylum. 

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On the other hand how much better would it be if instead of the character in the video projecting boredom and disinterest at you, they were instead taking a perverse pleasure in the 'therapy' that was in store for you?  How much better might it fit the story of the ride?


At the very least what are the chances of getting someone with an actual accent to redub it rather than struggling with a fake one?

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On 08/06/2017 at 9:03 AM, rac2703 said:

I think it would have been awesome if they found someone to play Harley Quinn dressed as a nurse giving the spiel. As it currently stands the video is jarring with the story of the queue line that the Joker has already taken over the Asylum. 

Going by the last couple of years' SupaNova (etc), there's no shortage of amazing Harely Cosplayers they could have used. But that's not the angle. It's about the asylum staff advising you, not spoiling the fact that the inmates are loose.

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13 minutes ago, Glubbo said:

Going by the last couple of years' SupaNova (etc), there's no shortage of amazing Harely Cosplayers they could have used. But that's not the angle. It's about the asylum staff advising you, not spoiling the fact that the inmates are loose.

That makes no sense the whole premise of the ride is the fact that the inmates are loose - the very first room upon entering the ride queue has a TV (on the guards head) with a news report explaining that the inmates have escaped and taken over the asylum. 

The current video spoils the continuity set up by the queue. 

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2 hours ago, rac2703 said:

That makes no sense the whole premise of the ride is the fact that the inmates are loose - the very first room upon entering the ride queue has a TV (on the guards head) with a news report explaining that the inmates have escaped and taken over the asylum. 

The current video spoils the continuity set up by the queue. 

Ah, thanks. Been a while since I've ridden it. Last few times I did, it was walk-on so I didn't pay as much attention to early queue themeing as I had in the past.

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8 hours ago, rac2703 said:

That makes no sense the whole premise of the ride is the fact that the inmates are loose - the very first room upon entering the ride queue has a TV (on the guards head) with a news report explaining that the inmates have escaped and taken over the asylum. 

The current video spoils the continuity set up by the queue. 

The TVs could just be on a loop and have been on auto-play since the inmates caused havoc.

This is the second thread tonight that's made me realise why we as a community can't have nice things. Folks want to pick apart the dumbest things that are the very thing that the parks giggle at us about.

Theme parks are about fun and happiness. If you're over-analysing queue line videos for the purposes of bitching without offering anything positive or constructive, or you're nitpicking something as awesome as backward seating on a roller-coaster ( a roller-coaster, might I add, that's so big, it's the very thing we collectively have wanted since these forums started) and you're only whinging because you're worried about waiting for too long, maybe theme parks and having fun isn't for you.

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23 minutes ago, Slick said:

The TVs could just be on a loop and have been on auto-play since the inmates caused havoc.

This is the second thread tonight that's made me realise why we as a community can't have nice things. Folks want to pick apart the dumbest things that are the very thing that the parks giggle at us about.

Theme parks are about fun and happiness. If you're over-analysing queue line videos for the purposes of bitching without offering anything positive or constructive, or you're nitpicking something as awesome as backward seating on a roller-coaster ( a roller-coaster, might I add, that's so big, it's the very thing we collectively have wanted since these forums started) and you're only whinging because you're worried about waiting for too long, maybe theme parks and having fun isn't for you.

Hey I understand you're personally invested in the video, but surely you can see where all the heat is coming from?

You're saying the nursing team at Arkham asylum just happened to be filming a new information video at the exact time Joker made his escape (the  rise in the video mentions at the end in that horrible accent "that laugh, green hair etc" so clearly Joker is out at time of filming) and the video still somehow managed to make its way to the shock therapy ward to be played to patients?

The concept just doesn't work as it currently stands and the execution of the video is even worse (that actor clearly had no direction given to her).  For a place called Movie World it is a rather embarrassing attempt at something that had potential to be a great addition.

As I said earlier it would make sense for one of Jokers henchmen, sidekicks or as I mentioned Harley to be the one in the video, a minor change that would make a world of difference. It's the little things that make a big difference. 

Edited by rac2703
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24 minutes ago, Slick said:

Folks want to pick apart the dumbest things that are the very thing that the parks giggle at us about.

Theme parks are about fun and happiness

Think of this as our way of giving some of that "fun and happiness" back to the park since they offer it to us all the time :P 

11 minutes ago, rac2703 said:

You're saying the nursing team at Arkham asylum just happened to be filming a new information video at the exact time Joker made his escape (the  rise in the video mentions at the end in that horrible accent "that laugh, green hair etc" so clearly Joker is out at time of filming) and the video still somehow managed to make its way to the shock therapy ward to be played to patients?

You've heard of live streaming? 

12 minutes ago, rac2703 said:

As I said earlier it would make sense for one of Jokers henchmen, sidekicks or as I mentioned Harley to be the one in the video.

So while her/their boss is off to cause havoc, you'd expect them to be casually instructing a bunch of people how to SAFELY ride the coaster? 

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26 minutes ago, Reanimated35 said:

You've heard of live streaming? 

So while her/their boss is off to cause havoc, you'd expect them to be casually instructing a bunch of people how to SAFELY ride the coaster? 

I'd buy the live streaming thing if that's how they made the video to look, not the multi-angle infomercial style we got, but yes that's another option that could have worked. 

Obviously the script would have to be reworked a bit. But a character like Harley pulls off sarcasm no worries, so her doing a safety speil is no stretch. 

6 minutes ago, Tim Dasco said:

To me this video has a propose and it fills its purpose. To show people how to set up VR and to make loading more efficient. At least they put effort to make the video suit the AA theme. They could have just put in a random person talking about VR that has no relevance to the ride and theme.

That's what the staff in the VR booth are for. The demand isn't so high and the line moves so slowly at that point that the staff do give the necessary info to each guest at time of purchase. This video is an extra layer they chose to add to the ride. 

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Next time I'll be sure to recommend the park to spend ten times the budget to satiate something so ridiculously minor that no one but you will ever think of. 

Seriously, in pretend make belief world, of which this exists in, the tv's could just be a live feed that the nurse takes over.

So far, I've squashed two of your over-analytical brain dumps with two very simple rationales. Time to drop it mate. 

Ill say this again, we're so lucky that parks go to the effort to bother try and do new things, especially when the reception from their loyal fans is nothing but criticism.

And to put any doubts at rest, I'm not Robb Alvey, I don't give a crap who likes or doesn't like me or my work, frankly, putting yourself out there in the world requires having a thick skin. I have no time for animosity or holding grudges. What's actually giving me the shits is this attitude folks here on the forums have cultivated lately. Chillout, have a beer, remember this isn't Disney, and keep in mind that when you're just negative for the sake or being negative without offering anything of merit to justify a critical opinion, you're bumming everyone else out about theme parks, a place about fun and happiness. 

TLDR: Stop it. Theme parks are about fun. Quit nitpicking and appreciate you're not starving in a third world country. 

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Haha don't get your knickers in a knot, for someone that doesn't care what anyone think your sure are getting worked up about it. It is clear you were proud of the work produced., the reception has been critical yes, but only because I and others here have seen a far greater potential. 

If you truly feel that to reach that potential you would have needed 10 times the budget then I would suggest that Movie World find someone else to make such videos in the future. 

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7 hours ago, Reanimated35 said:

you'd expect them to be casually instructing a bunch of people how to SAFELY ride the coaster? 

The Joker is about to deliver some shock therapy to his victims. Instructing them how to be seated in the torture chair is just efficient, right?

@Slick - mate, you say you don't care what people think, but you are getting worked up and the emotion is showing in your responses.

I don't think the storyline needs to be as over-analysed as it is. The accent for me was the only distracting thing, and for me - she pulled the accent off about half the time - so a couple extra takes, to get the right accent wouldn't have cost much more (except time).

Its a great video, and what I said at the start was that I thought it was great that the park had invested in a ride that (lets be honest) is decades old, to bring it up to the quality and standard of Superman's pre-show.

I think we can all agree it could have been executed better, without a massive increase in budget - however - attach a rider to that one - the park obviously approved what was produced, so they like it, and chances are - 99% of the people who view this video in situ won't give a rat's arse. Hopefully they pay enough attention to it that it speeds up operation of the attraction, and therefore reduces wait time - and we can all just be happy that they've bothered to spend money on improvements, instead of running generic music videos inside a themed environment.

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And this whole thread is why the Parks find this to be a big joke and a great lunch time story 😂 @Slick The park appreciates everything you do and give 100% and also deliver great products! The guys who need to give their two cents don't matter and just jealous of how much the Parks respect your work and why they continue asking you back! 👏🏻👏🏻 

I don't comment on these threads often, I find it more humorous to read, but I can't let you tear into someone for their great work. 


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8 hours ago, Slick said:

The TVs could just be on a loop and have been on auto-play since the inmates caused havoc.

This is the second thread tonight that's made me realise why we as a community can't have nice things. Folks want to pick apart the dumbest things that are the very thing that the parks giggle at us about.

Theme parks are about fun and happiness. If you're over-analysing queue line videos for the purposes of bitching without offering anything positive or constructive, or you're nitpicking something as awesome as backward seating on a roller-coaster ( a roller-coaster, might I add, that's so big, it's the very thing we collectively have wanted since these forums started) and you're only whinging because you're worried about waiting for too long, maybe theme parks and having fun isn't for you.

Well said Slick. 

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