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Farewell Wonderland!

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Ummmm no! All the ride operators were drinking and there seems to be a law against operating machinery while under the influence of alcohol.
A couple of ex-operators couldn't even operate the glass elevator at Panthers without getting stuck in it :D Wouldn't wanna see what would happen with a ride!! Its okay, ex-maintenance staff were ready to assist!
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Also there would of been no one to clean up all the spew, the cleaners drink the most out of everyone. Oh wait, there was no reason to clean the rides as there were no guests in the park today. Hehehehe, yeah I saw that. For some reason it kept stopping between floors. :D "The Bus is now leaving for Clean Skin Pocket Creek, Western Australia"

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  joz said:
Well, I did contact blacktown council, and got an answer rather quickly
Funny you should mention that as I have done quite a bit of research today and found out (the long way) the same thing, even to the stage where Ive got some letters ready to fire off to to the relevant ministers. It's actually wrapped up in a thing called SEPP 59. The Dept of Planning controls it, and the relevant local government basically is obliged to rubber stamp it - except that they do get a say first. As for timing it seems the Stages 2 and 3 of SEPP 59 have been approved but the part referring to Wonderland is not yet formulated. It will probably take the DOP about 12 months to get that far, after consulting both BCC and (no doubt) ING. Then it is gazetted, and BCC have 6 months to approve it or make changes before it is either approved by Council or by the Minister or both. Only then does it go ahead. So basically we're looking at about 18 to 24 months before anything happens to the land at Wonderland - which seems to match the suggestions placed on the Wonderland FAQ at their web site yesterday. So as you can see, yes we can have an effect on what happens to Wonderland, albeit small. The least that can happen is that the pressure is felt at Government level and if the effort to save all or part of Wonderland fails then there will be more pressure to establish an alternative theme park site near Sydney to replace it. And thats what this is about isnt it? I will be getting more active in the issue soon and will probably set up a web site to act as an information portal for saving Wonderland and / or establishing an alternative site, as well as following what happens to WL's assets. So get writing. Youve got nothing to lose and plenty to gain. And as for Wonderbus.. don't worry, you can still make a mint driving coaster fans to Dreamworld in the meantime. ZordMaker
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Let me just say that I am aware that a very small number of staff did 'make use' of the park during the party. This included running around the entire park in pitch darkness in a semi-drunken state. Many areas were accessed, even all the way down at Snowy River, without any intervention from security. I believe there wasn't any damage done or anything like that... it was just all in good fun and a way to say a final goodbye. I know a lot of people that have been devastated by Wonderland's closure and a number of staff who do not have new jobs to go to. It's a very sad time for anyone or anything associated with the park and I think the ramifications are a lot bigger than most people realise. Zordmaker - I think your campaign website would be a great idea. It would be good to get the various contacts for those key people in the State Government

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Zordmaker- Do you want to get in contact with me about the website, i would be extremely intrested and have some contacts in local and federal governent through my father that could try and save it. My email is scream@ozthrills.com send me an email a.s.a.p and we will tkae it further from there. I would be able to provide web software including hosting and online petitions so it's worth a try. Cheers

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  Jaggie said:
Zordmaker- Do you want to get in contact with me about the website, i would be extremely intrested and have some contacts in local and federal governent through my father that could try and save it. My email is scream@ozthrills.com send me an email a.s.a.p and we will tkae it further from there. I would be able to provide web software including hosting and online petitions so it's worth a try. Cheers
I have spent a few little bits of time here and there throwing something quick together over the past few days, I should have it up probably by the weekend. Perhaps we can use that as a guide and do something better afterwards including online petitions etc. JUst when I get it happening depends on how much time my 14 week old daughter needs each night. I guess there's a dream that when she finally grows to be taller than 122cm.. then she should be able to ride the Beast. It only stands to reason :-) More as it happens. I will email you direct also, soon ZordMaker
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  Nightshifter said:
very interesting site, poor feller who did the site, its pretty clear that wonderland isnt going to reopen again.
Fair enough, and Ill admit there's a less than 10% chance anything will come of it. But I just have a problem with things going quietly into the night, that's all. Too many people have put in too much effort and too many other people have had a good time there simply to accept fate and just forget about it. I guess we'll know at least that someone tried. I dont care if it works or not, this is more about creating demand for (any) theme park in Sydney, not saving Wonderland particularly. Compared to some of the doomed things I have turned around over the years Wonderland probably has the best chance of succeeding. Im more used to 1/100 odds. And yes, I have my failures too, like the three separate attempts in 10 years to save a working Telephone exchange all of which dismally failed. But then I prefer to remember the ones that worked - particularly the Red Rattlers where the odds must have been 10,000 to one that we could get any saved at all let alone restored and running. I'd rather take my chances with Wonderland than Lotto anyday. Its cheaper, and the rewards much greater. And if we ever do suceed in saving even bits of Wonderland I bags first ride on the Beast if it ever runs again either in its current or new location. Dont worry guys, you can have the front seats, I prefer to ride up the back ZordMaker
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  • 2 weeks later...

it was great to be in sydney for the last ever day of wonderland. i thought it was going to be a very sad day but instaed the vibe was great. i saw heaps of familiar faces and had a long chat with simon and phil, two of the rides supervisors i met when i used to visit the park. got heaps of photos taken, and memories that will last a lifetime. the space probe would have to be the highlight of my last visit. as you ran through the tunnels, staff jumped out near the tv screens yelling 'run, run, evacuate!'. it was awesome! goodbye wonderland. thanks for the graet memories!

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I noticed this a while ago. Nothing big though, they simply replaced their index file (index.html or whatever) which meant that anyone who types in www.----URL removed for non-compliance with Community Guidelines---- will get the "Now Closed" and can't access the previous site. They haven't yet removed the remaining files, so if you know a direct link to one of the pages on their old site (as above), you can effectively get into the old site.

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  SeanM said:
On another note, if you wish to have one last look at wonderland's website you can get in from: http://www.----URL removed for non-compliance with Community Guidelines----/funzone/promo...motions_fr.html It seems to be all active...strange? Cheers Sean
I have archived the entire site, actually. I had the links on my Explorer history after trawling the site extensively in the final week before it closed. I will get around to putting up a "phantom link" on the savewonderland site soon. The crucial page about "the future" (the one that appeared for only two days after the closure and then vanished again) has been deleted from their server though. If you havent seen it, Its on http://savewonderland.artelex.com Ive got the local community station behind it now. They have a link on their front page and they are playing a special promo for the site a couple of times a day. ZordMaker
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MMM... yes some "closet" employees and ex employees have remained well hidden. Bussy ur right- kevin was in the park about 4 days a week. i haven't been a member here for long but i get the idea u guys don't like shifty very much.. hehe. anyway wonderbus, Richard's figure is right. i believe the correct figure for the hallowe'en Fright night 1992 was 23,476. bear in mind though that this is trade from 10am through to midnight, and also the $5 after 5pm (or similar) offer at the time... Throughout its years, the park saw many transformations. i would urge anyone who feels strongly enough to write a letter and go on record, but it is highly unlikely that the park will ever return in present site or form. Kevin had a souvenir book that had photos from the december opening week back in '85, and to see the comparison between it now and back then is saddening to see. I think the highpoint of wonderland's life was when Kings Paramount were administering it. but i ramble... anywho... i guess its thanks to Virgin Blue for the cheap tix to brissy where we can now ride the closest thing to theme park rides in the country. I would be nice to see such rides as the demon, zodiac, and of course the one of a kind (well almost) Bounty's Revenge moved up to QLD and themed in with the existing parks... sea world could perhaps replace their pirate ship with bounty, for the sake of the inversion. Not sure about the zodiac, though, she's getting very old now... and as far as demon goes, she was one of Vekoma's first models, and the new versions of boomerang are wayyyyyy better. maybe DW or WBMW needs to get an INVERTED boomerang... now THAT would be cool. what do we all think???

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I would just like to let you guys all know that the Wonderland Website is now Closed forever. It can no longer be accessed. A bit dissapointing isn't it. I reckon what they should do with the site is create a new one with pictures & history of the park. THat would be neato.

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