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Goliath - Adventure World’s new Intamin Gyro Swing

Tim Dasco

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Like I said it had been a while since I had been on so I probably was just overreacting. I completely agree with the coat of paint the track really does need it. Probably something they will do next off season. Also, look what came in the mail for me today! Thought the card would have Goliath on it but I guess not. (Its the usual main drop of Abyss) :)


Edited by ABYSS
Clarification x2
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I haven't been to Adventure World in a long time, but I can tell you that I've ridden Arrow loopers that are smoother than Abyss was when I rode it. Abyss is a good ride, but putting OTSR's on it was a huge mistake. It would be significantly better ride if it had lap bars, like Dare Devil Dive at Six Flags Over Georgia.

Mark has said on here why Abyss is rough at times on an earlier thread years back - from what I remember, it is because of the ride running fast because of Perth's hot climate.

If Adventure World gives Abyss a coat of paint by next season, I will be very impressed, as they have done something Dreamworld can't seem to grasp. 

Edited by XxMrYoshixX
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  On 28/09/2017 at 12:10 PM, XxMrYoshixX said:

I haven't been to Adventure World in a long time, but I can tell you that I've ridden Arrow loopers that are smoother than Abyss was when I rode it. Abyss is a good ride, but putting OTSR's on it was a huge mistake. It would be significantly better ride if it had lap bars, like Dare Devil Dive at Six Flags Over Georgia.

Mark has said on here why Abyss is rough at times on an earlier thread years back - from what I remember, it is because of the ride running fast because of Perth's hot climate.

If Adventure World gives Abyss a coat of paint by next season, I will be very impressed, as they have done something Dreamworld can't seem to grasp. 


It wouldn’t have has anything to do with the weather yesterday though, as it was quite cold and cloudy throughout the majority of the day. However yes, when it is hot the track runs faster. If the temperature exceeds 41 degrees, Abyss has to be closed so the track doesn’t bend. Also I agree with the lap bar restraints. That would be a dream for me. However it wasn’t done as Mark sai did it would have made it a lot harder and taken a longer time to complete the process of coming to agreement and obeying the Australian safety standards.

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On a side note I forgot to mention that when I went yesterday hardly any of the seats on Goliath were in use. Most of them were down and had the seatbelts on due to what I think I said because the parkz wasnt empty because there was only one time of the day where all the seats were open due to a full cycle of people were being loaded on.

Also, black widow now has full on seat belts along with the OTSR. I don’t know if this was added last season or this season. 

  On 28/09/2017 at 12:32 PM, Tim Dasco said:

@ABYSS they managed to do it with Goliath now.


I think it would have been more harder as Abyss is more extreme and it was four years ago and rules probably would have changed. But eh, don’t rely on me I’m just a young, learning enthusiast. :)

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Well DC Rivals has lap bars now. Mark did say that the team thought it would make the ride to scray for younger riders. I believe Black Widow always had the seat belts.

Last week on Saterday (opening day) they were running Goliath with 4 team members. But the ride was running in half load mode. After we were loaded they had to open the lap bars and ask us to leave for 10 minutes. As they needed to change the ride into full cycle mode. So it was cool to see maintenance come and do cheeks change the mode and then do test cycles. 

But before that in half cycle mode, the ride opp was telling me how balancing weight is important. If the ride is half loaded and the load is only on one side, the ride when it finishes the cycle will not lock in properly, which is a pain to fix.


@ABYSS you are correct the seat belts are new for this season. Maybe an extra perfusion post DW accident? They defiantly looked like an after thought when on the weekend. They look like standard car seat belts that have been cut and bolted to the ride. Will try and get a pic tomorrow. I find a picture that was on AW's website that they updated a year or so ago and it has no seat belts.

Edited by Tim Dasco
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Ok So I will post pictures later. But here is a few points I want to mention.

The Park was more busy today then last week. But still very empty. Longest wait was 1 or so cycles. Inferno and Goliath were operating with near full cycles every go. Goliath seems to be the most popular attraction at the moment. 

Goliath got Christened a few times by some people with weak stomachs. While on Inferno (with @ABYSS) the ride restraints locked but didn't register on the ride. So we had to wait 10 minutes for maintenance to come and re set the ride before going on the ride. 

Ran into Ross (senior staff member) and spoke to him about Goliath and the parks future. He seems positive that the ride will do well when the weather warms up. He said he will try and get Andrew Sherry (CEO) to sign up on parkz. If you are there Andrew please sign up. :) (We are friendly. Well most off us.)

I have reached 22 rides on Goliath, Abyss back row is smother than the front row. 

Edited by Tim Dasco
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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 13/10/2017 at 9:58 AM, Aimsley81 said:

I’m hoping to get over to Perth the second week of November so that I can visit Adventure World. Would 2 days be enough time to allow to experience everything there? Is it very crowded then?


November is school term time so on average it’s a lot quieter.  If you come on a weekday, 1 day will be enough. If it’s a weekend, buy one day as they will offer you a return ticket for a reduced price. Last year, local Woolies stores had 2 for 1 ticket offers on their till receipts which expired on Christmas Eve.  I’ll keep an eye out and post it if it happens again.  And one final note, AW is only open 5 days a week.  Closed on Tue, Wed.

Edited by Adam C
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  On 13/10/2017 at 10:49 AM, Adam C said:

return ticket


Also if you do plan on buying a return ticket in park I don’t think they are selling them yet as I went two weeks ago with a mate without a season pass who asked to buy a return ticket and they said that they don’t sell them this early in the season. However this could have changed by now.

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Cockburn ARC, which is ten minutes down the road, is also worth checking out.

Popped in to AW, today, to try out my new mirrorless camera. The park wasn't empty, with the after school crowd coming in to get some relief from the 30 degree heat. Ironically, it was beautiful weather when I got there and it was lightning on my way home.






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I’m sure we’ll have a designated thread in the future but any thoughts on what Mi4 might be?  I’m guessing it’ll be a water attraction of some description.  Mark did previously talk about a lazy river.  Personally, I’d like to see a donut flume starting next to the Kraken and winding its way down to the go karts.  Also, I wonder if I AW have decided what’s coming yet?

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  On 14/10/2017 at 9:16 AM, Adam C said:

I’m guessing it’ll be a water attraction of some description


100% agreed. Not sure if it’s ever been stated by Mark or Andrew but, every year so far, there has been a rotation between the maximum impacts being a dry ride than wet. (Hence Abyss, Kraken, Goliath). I’m sure this pattern will continue. Would like to see some type of lazy river or flume ride or even another ProSlide or hydrocoaster. 

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  On 14/10/2017 at 11:35 AM, ABYSS said:

100% agreed. Not sure if it’s ever been stated by Mark or Andrew but, every year so far, there has been a rotation between the maximum impacts being a dry ride than wet. (Hence Abyss, Kraken, Goliath). I’m sure this pattern will continue. Would like to see some type of lazy river or flume ride or even another ProSlide or hydrocoaster. 


I’m not sure about the cost, but the Krakatau aqua coaster in Volcano Bay looks great.  I think I’d move house to live by it.



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  On 14/10/2017 at 10:39 AM, iwerks said:

So there will be no attraction code-named MI-4 or they'll never add a new ride? 

Either way, that's a dark premonition.


I didn't mean ever, I just don't see the yearly large capex injection continuing and i wouldn't be surprised at all to see no new large ride next season.

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