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Super 8 Aqua Racer at Wet N Wild GC

Theme Park Girl

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  • 2 weeks later...

Now, I know a lot of people are going to disagree here, but from experience, I would love for the Super 8 Aqua Racer to add a small tunnel portion at the beginning. I understand people will say it takes away from the ride, but I personally see it as a fusion of both styles. I've ridden plenty of racing slides a fair few of which had a combination of tunnel and open slide. I personally find the tunnel/open to be the most enjoyable. It gives you two experiences.

1. The enclosed part: slightly scary, your heart pounds as your mind races considering where everyone else is on their slide.

2. The open part: you shoot out into the open and that adrenaline rush comes as you race down with your friends.

I remember at an indoor water park that there were multiple bigger, more thrilling rides right next to it, and after each I got slightly bored, but as I soon as I tried the closed/open racer me and my friends wouldn't stop riding. It was in a pretty small area of the world so lines were very short but I remember continually riding over and over, until the park began closing.

I only get this feeling slightly on the Aqua racer. Yes, it is an adrenaline rush every time, but each row is the same and after a few rides, the adrenaline dies down and I feel the urge to move on. I think this is partly due to the fact that every slide is that same on the tower. I enjoyed the enclosed open one more because each tunnel had a slightly different experience and direction whether the tunnel twisted right instead of left or went up and then down instead of down and then up. I believe it gives a different experience almost every time and with there being multiple slides to try it just becomes a very fun ride to continually line up for.

It also wouldn't cost very much. It would give the same experience as a completely new slide, but only needs the removal of the top half of the slide and some tunnel to fill it in. VRTP is making a lot of big spend on rides and to make sure Wet n Wild isn't forgotten, it would make a lot of sense to go for the cheaper option, while still providing a completely new experience.

I think this style of ride looks great. It would be very cool upon arriving to see a mess of tunnels leading to a straight section, and I'd personally go there straight away. I can also see that the new track is blue yellow and white, kind of like the color schemes seen below. Three colors? The ride does look cool though. See for yourself:




Edited by Intimidator305.
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Looking at these photos, I am pretty sure we are just getting a re-tracking of the super 8 aqua racer with no tunnels. I'm happy with this more than I thought I would be. I've looked at the colors, and I like it a lot. I get the feeling that when you're flying down the slide, you'll feel you're going a lot faster as the colors change below you. I think it may make it feel a lot more like your racing. I believe it's a pretty good decision that VRTP has made. I definitely won't count it as Wet n Wild's new water slide though. I am actually quite impressed with what they've done, considering they never said they were building a new slide, they were just putting Super 8 in a maintenence period. I am impressed.

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