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Speculation and media beat ups - Thunder River Rapids incident


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22 minutes ago, Brad2912 said:

This was posted on QPS (Qld Police) FB page this morning.. 

SURELY this person is absolutely full of BS..


Jesus Christ. Some people crave fucking attention.

It seems everyone knows someone who knows someone who knows someone who thought they were almost killed on this ride.

Edited by AllegroCrab
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16 minutes ago, ashhole157 said:

any updates beside what we already know?

@www worker 2.0


None that I can talk about until the QPS make it available, expecting another press conference some time this afternoon. Have had a few employees quit today which is completely understandable. Had to view the CCTV footage last night quite horrific.

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29 minutes ago, www worker 2.0 said:

None that I can talk about until the QPS make it available, expecting another press conference some time this afternoon. Have had a few employees quit today which is completely understandable. Had to view the CCTV footage last night quite horrific.

that must have been hard know what you were going to see

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@www worker 2.0 I’m starting to think you are full of shit.  No manager from DW/WWW is going to go on here and tell us about seeing the footage.   Only the very senior management of DW would see the footage.  Why would anyone from DW go next door to WWW and say come and have a look at this. 

I just got a major ping on my bullshit radar.


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i'm of the same opinion skeet, but i am mindful of the fact that:

  • senior management probably dont access the cctv footage on a regular basis, and may require a junior manager who utilises it on a regular basis to access the system on their behalf in order to assist police with their enquiries
  • WWW Worker has been on the boards for some time, and given what we know lately about the park appearing to 'absorb' WWW as part of DW, its always possible that 'WWW Worker' is a manager who crosses the boundary - perhaps even moving over the DW in the off peak
  • its also possible the name is no longer accurate for the reasons mentioned above.
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Long time viewer, rare poster here.

I worked at Dreamworld for many years in operations and did in fact operate this ride. All my opinions are expressed personally and do not reflect the values or represent Dreamworld in any way today.

1. The media is enjoying the bait with this story yes but that is expected. If your wanting real facts without being superstitious you will need to wait for a full report to be released from the investigative team. 

2. In my years with the company safety was incredibly important and we were pushed to write and submit reports of anything we saw or experienced that was out of the ordinary. Our training was very hands on and involved more then just checking your seatbelt and dispatching. Every morning as early as 4am an engineer would inspect a ride thoroughly and then once again before the park opened the operator and team would also do a less broad but intensive check on ride systems, gondolas, fire extinguishers, test run etc then sign the ride off/start up. Also as well as daily checks there is Annual Maintenance schedules. 

3. There are modern fail-safe systems in place for human to machine related input and while I'm not an engineer I have experience in the day to day operations of the ride. As what QPS describe the raft seem to have snagged onto the raft in front and flipped back onto the conveyor system. I've never experienced such an occurrence before in my time working there, keep in mind things may have changed since then. 

4. As I may have a general idea on how this could have happened I'm not willing to give my opinion until a full investigation is completed. All I can say is that when I heard about this story I was deeply shocked as I believed it was impossible for such an event to occur. My colleagues that still work for dreamworld are in complete an utter shock and could not believe that in 35 years this is the first case of death on the premises. 

5. People need to realise that theme parks don't just build a ride and put people on it. There is a massive process beforehand in design, risk assessment, training, engineering, maintenance as well as consistent updates from ride manufacturers well after opening. Most rides designed these days have multiple fail safe systems that backup onto each other in certain "what if" "If this does this" scenarios. As for the age of this ride yes that is a point but it's control system has been revamped with the current only being a few years old.

6. Yes possibly operator error, maintenance, design or unruly guests on board may have caused this accident but it's the Swiss cheese effect that brings us to this outcome today, We shall see what the investigation brings.

You're more likely to be in a car crash then hurt during a ride so all I can say is that this is a rare tragedy that in turn will educate and improve the industry overall. 

My condolences for those who were lost as well as to the operators, first responders and families affected.

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@AlexB It was only a few weeks ago WWW Worker was banging on about the new slide at WWW and what was going on at WWW.  If anything he/she might be a team leader of the ice-cream shop but in any case I don't think he/she would be asked to operate the video.   If he/she is a manager @AlexB and he/she worked for me,  I would have sacked him/her by now.

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@www worker 2.0 said she was originally a worker at WWW when she joined as WWW worker. She then later joined as WWW Worker 2.0. However she said she was in senior management at Dreamworld. (I believe) Bush Gardens have closed their water rapids rides now waiting for the investigation to finish.

Edited by Tim Dasco
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10 minutes ago, tonalitex said:

There's certainly plenty of precedence of rafts flipping over: http://www.rideaccidents.com/rapids.html

Impossible in the unload area. The conveyor system would have the force to do so if there was a jam, then comes the question of why were there so many rafts before the unload jack, as well as why the conveyor was not stopped by the system or operator. We don't know yet.


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53 minutes ago, POP said:

This happened exactly 24 hours ago.

Having a moment of silence.

Still feel sick.

Enough Pop, seriously, we get the idea.

Meanwhile, what's happened to the ABC lately? I have always had immense respect for our public broadcaster and believe it plays a very important role in our democracy. But some of their coverage recently, particularly ABC News Online, has been no better than the Daily Mail or Daily Tele. It's all starting to seem like rushed, poorly researched, sensationalised clickbait and churnalism. The latest example is an article that refers to an 'expert' claiming that the DW incident could have been caused by "poor maintenance". But he's literally just pulled that out of the air. To give any weight to such a possibility at this point when the investigation has barely started, and for the ABC to report it, is reprehensible. It is total speculation -- entirely fact and evidence free.

Edited by GoGoBoy
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13 minutes ago, MayfairProductions said:

Impossible in the unload area. The conveyor system would have the force to do so if there was a jam, then comes the question of why were there so many rafts before the unload jack, as well as why the conveyor was not stopped by the system or operator. We don't know yet.


Thanks @MayfairProductions - It is genuinely interesting to hear the perspectives of those who have worked there, so thanks for the post. 


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39 minutes ago, MayfairProductions said:

Impossible in the unload area. The conveyor system would have the force to do so if there was a jam, then comes the question of why were there so many rafts before the unload jack, as well as why the conveyor was not stopped by the system or operator. We don't know yet.


I am a layperson but you'd think that any system that has the torque to drag 6 adults and the boat up the hill would have the torque to flip the same boat if it jammed against something (i.e another boat). 

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IN RESPONSE TO @www worker 2.0 SAYING HE/SHE VIEWED CCTV FOOTAGE OF INCIDENT (I don't know how to edit and include the quote sorry)

→It is in my opinion no Dreamworld worker or manager would be allowed to access or view what is essentially vital evidence from a CRIME SCENE. 

I agree with the above, @www worker 2.0 is a sociopath

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Not sure if anyone has seen these but went back a few pages and I cant see the photos themselves posted here. I am trying not to stay updated with the situation as the only thing that matters is lives were lost and we hope that it doesn't happen again.

I've been told that they photos may be from the Telegraph.




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1 minute ago, AlexB said:

That's precisely what I was describing yesterday @JaggedJanine thanks for posting the pictures so it is much clearer to everybody.

(i wonder where they got their info from?)

Logical conclusion from the images we have seen i guess....Maybe there is a half decent journo out there!

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