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White Christmas 2016


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On 07/12/2016 at 8:29 PM, reanimated35 said:

For the record, as Parkz Crew, @AlexB probably hasn't.

But you know, we wouldn't really expect a "non-genuine enthusiast contributor" to know that. 


See the * asterix, that means terms/conditions apply I assumed he would still see them somewhere. A fool and his money are soon parted :P

The only benefits to Parkz Crew that interest me are "



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First is useful/should be given to those long standing in good reputation members anyway and second is not worth $20 a year. Would rather hire a locker at Superman 10 times. Regardless it seems you were hurt you did not attend perhaps? Here is a single photo taken with an iPad I am happy for Parkz to use! 

Now on topic.....

Tonight was great, they have stepped it up a notch compared to previous years. Will not spoil all the details. But a little birdie informed me @JaggedJanine has taken some high quality shots she will be posting soon.

15356811_10154045481106867_588256893_n (1).jpg

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I didn't think you were dick until your reply :rolleyes: Nonetheless people can be easily misunderstood or interpreted online. A fair few keyboard warriors reside on Parkz who are perfectly nice in person. Just as you have a link to your website in your profile I have a link in mine. Where I choose to share my content is my concern and not sharing it on Parkz does not make me any less of a member/contributor/enthusiast/whatever.

Edited by Jordan M.
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I took 460 photos last night of White Christmas. Lucky I'm going back next weekend as there's only about 4 photos worth keeping. 

As for the event overall? It was pretty good. It's certainly kid focused as expected but a great event none the less. The only down sides I found were the lack of signs to what's happening where. Yes I know you get a map when you go in, but a few extra signs on the facades wouldn't hurt instead of just the A-frames which you can easily miss in a sea of people. 

There isn't really too much going on til 7, so if you're going to eat there you may as well do that between 6-7 then just line up for the parade at 8. There's enough entertainment in the main area to keep kids busy while you wait. 

My only other complaint isn't at the park, but the guests who decide to line the streets with backpacks to secure their large groups a spot for the parade. 

So when you consider my only real complaints are a lack of some extra signs and something the park can't really control, it was a pretty good night. 

I'd suggest going with friends to socalise even if you don't have any kids. It's a good night none the less. 

I'd also suggest if you go back this weekend, that as soon as the parade finishes, get out of the park as soon as you can. Mainly because I want to hang around and get photos of the lights with not many people around. Thanks! :D 

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9 minutes ago, reanimated35 said:

As soon as the parade finishes, get out of the park as soon as you can. Mainly because I want to hang around and get photos of the lights with not many people around. Thanks! :D 

Saturday? Will ensure I am there to lie in the middle of Main St and get in the background of any photo you wish to take ?. 

Regarding the "snow" it is the same as always, just perhaps a little less at the end of the parade than previous years.

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From the very first White Christmas the 'snow' has always been intermittent, it has never run all night long non stop. 

Doesnt seem like this year is any different at all to me. It's a signature part of the event, it would never be cut. 

But it is typical public perception to remember things as better than they actually are so I understand how some might think there is less snow this year where in fact it's just the same as ever. 

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23 hours ago, themagician said:

I've seen a few people complain on MWs FB that there is no/minimal snow this year and instead is just bubbles. Is this true, or is it only a certain points during the night, rather than the whole night?

There was a redic amount of snow this year, particularly in the parade. I should know, every single time they "made it rain" I had to cover the front of my gear. Here's the proof: (fair warning, totally sappy Christmas video that involves listening to an enthusiast mumble on about the holidays)



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