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The future of DreamWorld


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Totally speculative, but given how long the park's been closed for and the general public's interest in the situation i'd dare say the park will have an initial spike in attendance before being quieter for a while.

In saying that, I could be wrong, and the park will re-open to a constant quiet for a while.


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Local passholders will come back pretty quickly and in solid numbers. An influx of locals who have already paid for their tickets will do very little to help Dreamworld.

Asian tourists will be back for their obligatory koala photo. This is decent, high margin business because they just churn through them by the literal busload.

It's the interstate and NZ tourists who are most likely to reconsider their plans, and this is where Dreamworld will hurt most. If this market drops off significantly it doesn't really matter what the other segments do: this is their profit margins gone.

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7 hours ago, Richard said:

 An influx of locals who have already paid for their tickets will do very little to help Dreamworld.

I think it's the complete opposite. An influx of locals is exactly what the park needs, regardless of whether their season pass holders or not. It's all about the optics when they re-open, you can guarantee the media will be following closely and the vision/interviews they do will be broadcast around the world. Having plenty of locals attending and making the place look busy, commenting on camera how great the park looks and how they felt safe etc, is what will bring the tourists back.

Another way to look at it - when your in a foreign country and looking to eat at a restaurant - do you go to the one that's empty or the one that's packed?

It's going to be difficult for Dreamworld initially as there's a fine line between needing to keep a somewhat somber attitude to respect the circumstances and the fact it's a theme park and they're trying to sell a fun day out. They're also entering into their busiest time of year too - so hopefully that will help with drawing the crowds back.

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I can't see any reason that they won't be able to bounce back over time, but the damage has already been done this financial year. I think they will struggle with the holidaymaker crowd this summer, with or without those inevitable news stories of crowds swarming and interviews with Barry from Arundel who reckons that nah it's all good, love bringin' the family here aye.

The sooner it's business as usual, the better. The return to normalcy will absolutely help sway tourists back towards the park, but it's hard to see any way that the overwhelming trend for the summer won't be one of Dreamworld avoidance from cashed up tourists. No shortage of other things to do on the Gold Coast, including visit three other theme parks without a tattered reputation.

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