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Theme Park Maintenance Schedules 2017


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I always personally tug on the belt just to make sure my son is secure, which i did today as always. 

As for the ride ops, I don't think they really pay any attention to it other than making sure you have it over your lap. They never asked me to pull on the belt or checked themselves 

Edited by Brad2912
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1 hour ago, Brad2912 said:

Was also at DW today, and whilst this is only a very minor issue due to the completely soft nature of the ride, but halfway through Big Red Car, my son's seatbelt released. Now my son is 4 so he told me Straight away and I put it back on him. 

When I alerted the ride op on return to the station, he completely dismissed me, saying "well you must not have done it up properly to begin with". When I told him I most certainly had, I've taken my son in the ride 100 times and know how it works, he smiled and said "well you mustn't have" and turned his back on me. 

Again, and I stress my son was in no danger whatsoever, but i would have expected a much more sympathetic, "Thanks, 'll have someone look into it straight away" response Than what I got 

From memory back when I worked there if a seat belt that's been fastened before dispatch comes undone during the ride cycle the compressor (which is what the doors/seat belts work off) shuts off and the cars all come to a stop.

This was a few years ago however.

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2 hours ago, Brad2912 said:

When I alerted the ride op on return to the station, he completely dismissed me, saying "well you must not have done it up properly to begin with". When I told him I most certainly had, I've taken my son in the ride 100 times and know how it works, he smiled and said "well you mustn't have" and turned his back on me. 

That just makes me angry honestly, Dreamworld's staff have been doing so well since the accident being friendly and cheery, I know this is one staff member amongst many great ones, but it still annoys me that someone had to be like this on a kid's ride of all rides.

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COW was closed today alongside with all of the other slides where sandblasting is occurring. Interestingly the waves were still cycling through, and the pool looked normal, but there were cones out and the Jets were not operating that come out of the ground.

TOT reopened after thoroughly testing the ride today. Lots of rides closed due to wet weather which were reopened shortly after. The shockwave is having it's walls repainted. Mine ride is opening at the end of the year according to a staff member, however this may not be accurate.

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57 minutes ago, Jordan M. said:

Dreamworld did make it offical in their last media release that the mine ride was returning (alongside Rocky Hollow and Vintage Cars).

They did??? I think you'd find the return of mine ride would have been heavily discussed on these forums if that was the case. Care to direct us to this particular media release?

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13 minutes ago, GoGoBoy said:

They did??? I think you'd find the return of mine ride would have been heavily discussed on these forums if that was the case. Care to direct us to this particular media release?

Those on the list would have received it, I assume @Richardand @Slickwould have and can possibly confirm?

Screen Shot 2017-06-11 at 10.53.03 pm.png

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This was put out a few weeks ago and was disscused on park quiet a bit. I find the most interesting point being how it says, "Not only will we be looking at brining back old faverioute including the Log Ride, Vintage Cars and Mine Ride LATER THIS YEAR." However if we were to see a replacement for Mine Ride reopen this year you would think construction would have begun or starting immediately. 

Edited by Tim Dasco
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On 10/06/2017 at 5:42 PM, Brad2912 said:

Was also at DW today, and whilst this is only a very minor issue due to the completely soft nature of the ride, but halfway through Big Red Car, my son's seatbelt released. Now my son is 4 so he told me Straight away and I put it back on him. 

When I alerted the ride op on return to the station, he completely dismissed me, saying "well you must not have done it up properly to begin with". When I told him I most certainly had, I've taken my son in the ride 100 times and know how it works, he smiled and said "well you mustn't have" and turned his back on me. 

Again, and I stress my son was in no danger whatsoever, but i would have expected a much more sympathetic, "Thanks, 'll have someone look into it straight away" response Than what I got 

I would assume any regular safety system would have monitoring on the seat belts and if it had come undone part way through, the ride would have had a safety stop. I realise the ride is as harmless as they come, but if your child had come out of the car, and been hit by a following car, the car would have won.

Its disappointing that the operator responded in that way, but what's worse is that the ride didn't have a safety system to immediately detect the problem.

10 hours ago, Jordan M. said:

Dreamworld did make it offical in their last media release that the mine ride was returning (alongside Rocky Hollow and Vintage Cars).

They made it official, you say? The mine ride is definitely returning you say?

8 hours ago, Jordan M. said:

Those on the list would have received it, I assume @Richardand @Slickwould have and can possibly confirm?

Screen Shot 2017-06-11 at 10.53.03 pm.png

We will "be looking at bringing back old favourites......later this year"

That to me does not say "We're definitely bringing it back by the end of the year" it says to me that "we're going to look and see what is viable" and "we're going to do that later this year"

It's hardly what I'd call "making it official that it's returning"

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Wow, and here I was thinking Jordan M. had just made up something completely. Sorry Jordan!! I'm just surprised, considering how much the mine ride has been dissected to death on these forums over recent years, that the old thread doesn't even seem to have been revived with this major confirmation. I am really surprised about this announcement for so many reasons. I thought, as I'm sure many others did, they'd be looking to remove all traces of Gold Rush and build an entirely new precinct in the area. And I certainly didn't think considering everything that has happened they'd take a chance in recommissioning an old ride like this one, not that I'm against it. Unless it is going to be an entirely new ride, which seems unlikely. They can't get Wipeout up and running -- how are they going to manage mine ride?

Edited by GoGoBoy
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I think its safe to say that the mine ride will not be the same cars or track. Especially since the TRRR accident. Considering its age and not operating for so long and not been maintained. The tracks would have rust and cracks and it would cost shit tones to insure. Plus the bad PR of opening an old abandoned ride. I think we will see the track replaced and new cars. However DW will keep the name and theme of the existing ride.

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1 hour ago, Tim Dasco said:

I think its safe to say that the mine ride will not be the same cars or track. Especially since the TRRR accident. Considering its age and not operating for so long and not been maintained. The tracks would have rust and cracks and it would cost shit tones to insure. Plus the bad PR of opening an old abandoned ride. I think we will see the track replaced and new cars. However DW will keep the name and theme of the existing ride.

You're probably right, but then if that was the case why bother? Why not do something completely new and get the marketing mileage out of it? Why not remove all traces of the Goldrush theme?

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You probably don't need to replace all the track. Even if it hasn't been used for awhile, if its not obviously being drowned in water, once you get a coating of rust on the surface of metal it slows down the process. Might be able to get away with having it all inspected and reusing the same track.

Edited by Levithian
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The problem is I believe the coaster was manufactured by an Australian company that does not mack coaster or track any more. So replacement parts will not be possible. Plus from all account the Mine Ride track was super rough and would not be pleasant compared to a brand new hyper coaster down the road. 

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I also don't think you'd effectively fit a completely new coaster within the confines of the current mountain unless you completely gutted it and started again, also taking note that there is damage to current facade as noted a few weeks back from the Cyclone a couple months back. 

For me if you've gotta gut the moutain and install new track and get new trains, why bother? Demolish the whole precinct minus Buzzsaw and start again 

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First of all IF the mine ride was going to reopen they would probably make a whole new ride. That thing won't have the part availability, which was discussed more than 10 years ago and above. If it was rebuilt, it would turn out to be something like the gold rush at rainbows end, computerised. To me the chances of the original opening seems so slim that it's barely even worth talking about. Its almost impossible. If I own an original Macintosh computer it may still work for a long time but when it does need something replacing and there are no parts available I can't just go and say 10 years later that I'm going to fix it and have it working again. 

As for the Wipeout , in its current state right now the chances of reopening on June 28 seemed silly anyway. The whole ride is in pieces and this hasn't changed for a long time. Permanent closure may be possible but also unlikely considering it's popularity. Although the amount of operational issues it has is significant and expensive. I would just give it a couple more months. 

Although demolishing gold rush entirely minus buzzsaw would be a great idea, it just won't happen and we all know that. Thats what dreamworld is like.


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1 hour ago, themeparkaddict said:

Although demolishing gold rush entirely minus buzzsaw would be a great idea, it just won't happen and we all know that. Thats what dreamworld is like.


I don't think it's totally out of the question.

with the removal of the TRR queuehouse, and what the infill of the ride channels, there isn't much left of Gold Rush anyway 

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The wipeout is a bit like my old VL...

Absolutely loved it to fucking bit's, but there come's a time and place when it's spending more time getting repaired than actually getting driven around, and when your hole pay check is pretty much going in to the repair's. The love disappears pretty quickly, thats when you know it's time to part ways with the old girl.

I'm not saying it is but i wouldn't be shocked if we got the announcement that none of us here want to hear by the end of the year..


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I'm really hoping with Wipeout that they just don't have a definite date for the maintenance so they have decided to put closed on there instead rather than having to keep constantly chaning the dates and dissapointing guests. What I think has happened is after the audit that took a very long time, that Dreamworld would have recieved feedback and findings that need to be fixed, repaired or replaced and it's taking a long time, the ride itself is quite complex.

Maybe Vekoma/3rd partys are making and sending parts from the Netherlands? Maybe the work behind the scenes is a lot and is just taking more time than originally thought? Considering the Wipeouts age, I would think Dreamworld are taking no chances and are doing everything that the audit has told them to do with recommendations and feedback to ensure that it is as safe as it possibily can be.

I hope when it reopens it looks brand new again as it did 2 and a half years ago after the massive refurb it had. The Wipoeut is a classic, there is nothing else like it with the uniqueness and the scenery and the park would sound dull without those gearbox noises ;). The Wipeouts day will come for retirement but I and I hope Dreamworld believe there is still a lot of life ahead for the beast. 

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