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Nice write up Richard. Might need to modify the bit about the brake checks of a morning though? Id expect the brakes at the end of arkham to be checked every morning like other rides too even if they only slow you down when you are heading towards the station. Might sound like some other rides don't use brakes or aren't checked which would be pretty frightening.

Edited by Levithian
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Torque stripes

The nuts and bolts on roller coaster carriages, track and support structure use torque stripes, an indicator that is painted on. It gives an immediate visual and tactile indication of whether the bolts are correctly tightened. 


I'm probably being picky but I don't think this reads correct, unless my understanding is wrong.


The indicator is there for a visual check if the nut has loosened or changed in tension, it isn't a visual indicator that the nut is at the correct torque.  If the nut was not torqued correctly prior to the paint stripe going on then it only indicates a change in the incorrect torque, it doesn't verify that it is at the correct torque - if that makes sense :/


i.e. if the nut should be at 50lbs put was incorrectly tightened to 30lbs, and then painted.....


Other than that, good read - thanks.

Edited by mission
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I'd think that it's pretty self-evident that the stripe goes on after -- not before -- the nut is tightened to the correct torque? I clarified this though in the article to leave as few grey areas as possible.

You're right @Levithian, for simplicity I was considering the final brake run as part of the station area checks but again it's worth leaving no grey areas.

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I guess it depends which way you read it.


To me the stripe doesn't indicate whether or not it's been tightened correctly, rather it gives an indication if the nut has moved since it was tightened, and it may not have been tightened correctly i.e. to the torque specifications.

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Yes but for Christ sake this is an article for the general public to read so in that context it makes perfect sense. 


Obiously the nut is at the correct torque (unless the stripe as move of course) because that's part of the assembly procedure before the stripe is applied and signed off on. 


I dont understand why when people have good in depth information they use it to nit pick stupid shit like this rather than contribute meaningfully to discussion. 

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2 hours ago, mission said:

The painted line does not indicate that the nut is correctly tightened, it's as simple as that.

But it absolutely does indicate that they are correctly tightened if we're to logically assume that the bigger picture maintenance program includes applying the stripe after the nuts are correctly tightened, i.e. to the correct torque, and signed off as such.

I wouldn't say anyone's feedback is coming under fire. You're doubling down on your opinion and others are doing the same with theirs. People offer constructive feedback on what I write all the time and I'm all for it if it makes the site better.

As I noted earlier, the wording was revised after your initial feedback. At the end of the day this article was intended as a commentary on a video that left a lot of people confused or overwhelmed. Three sentences to quickly sum up a split second on screen seems more than adequate; it's not a technical manual, it's to explain that the tech in the video wasn't pretending to tighten bolts with his fingers.

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19 hours ago, mission said:

As usual, any feedback or opinions that differ from the fanboys comes under fire in this forum.

Well if you're going to try and argue the mods of parkz are fanboys then there is no sense trying to continue this debate. It's widely known that parkz mods are probably some of the most highly critical people of the parks on this site so I don't like to think we're pretty objective. 


Out of curiousity how how would you word the article in relation to torque tripe? THAT would be constructive criticism...

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