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Luna Park Sydney announce ride expansion


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12 hours ago, Wil_i_am_not said:

Thanks for the info @HussRainbow87! Would you happen to know what sort of work have they done on the restraints? And if they still use the Lap Bars? 

Not 100% sure, but I know it had extensive work done on the restraints, apparently HUSS made them in such a particular way, that attention to detail is a must, and it cost a pretty big amount to do the work. 

I wish they would just sell their HUSS rides to showmen in Australia that would actually care about them. The way that Ranger and Break Dance (I refuse to call it Spider) are operated is embarrassing to the HUSS name! LPS Honestly have no idea when it comes to looking after their rides, and HUSS rides are built to stand the test of time. Their operators are also terribly slow, and have no idea how to deal with the public. Come and work on the show circuit for a while and learn how to properly load a busy amusement ride.

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Having given these Ranger things a read, I'm just going to say that our Ranger is on the market now at rides4u.com, and LPS is trying to sell the ride for $99k. 

If someone wants to ride the Ranger one last time, I suggest doing it sooner or later, because I expect this ride to be gone within the next six months at the latest, and judging by LPS's previous history with their ride replacements, I have no doubt Ranger will go the way of Flying Saucer, off to the scrapyard.

Edited by XxMrYoshixX
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The ride is most likely not for sale anymore, as a showman was interested to the point a day had been booked to come in and pack the ride up, until last minute that management decided to keep the ride and have the work done (That Rides4U advert was listed quite a few months ago). The UFO was also in fine condition, the main trailer (hydrolic lift arm) was bought by Luna Park Melbourne and is now being used for the Enterprise. The amazing thing about HUSS rides is that they have a fantastic life span. I've seen some models in horrible condition and have been refurbished to look and run like a brand new machine! 

The Ranger would definitely go to a showman before going to the scrap yard. There's a lot of life left in that Ranger, trust me!

Edited by HussRainbow87
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19 hours ago, HussRainbow87 said:

 LPS Honestly have no idea when it comes to looking after their rides, and HUSS rides are built to stand the test of time.


17 hours ago, HussRainbow87 said:

 The UFO was also in fine condition, the main trailer (hydrolic lift arm) was bought by Luna Park Melbourne and is now being used for the Enterprise.

LPS bashing aside , you cannot post 2 contradictory views like this without it being called out. These rides were OLD when they came to LPS in 1994 and the trio remaining are pushing close to 30+ years old. You can not have it both ways. Why would the UFO be in fine condition and yet it was decommissioned? If it was in the "fine" condition as you say, then why state that LPS has no idea when it comes to looking after their rides? 

The reason that UFO WAS decommissioned was that it required a part for maintenance and it was becoming too costly to keep the ride running on a 30+ year old ride. It happens and there are many examples of of our parks refreshing older rides because of this very reason. LPS have successfully run HUSS rides since 1994-23 years. That's a pretty successful record and I refute your claim that they do NOT know how to maintain them. 23 plus years operating them says otherwise anyhow.

19 hours ago, HussRainbow87 said:

Their operators are also terribly slow, and have no idea how to deal with the public.

Again this is a pretty inflammatory and generalised comment to make. I am not refuting you may have encountered this BUT every time? I have had far different experiences from yours. On the whole, I have found their ride operations to be excellent and I would say that they mirror at least the better operations of any of our bigger parks. That might be subjective and I acknowledge that. However, I certainly refute the 2nd part of your claim. The team members I have encountered have been nothing short of fantastic. I have seen excellent interactions from them with the paying public and have seen first hand excellent customer service in this area. What you have stated is simply wrong when applied to LPS team as a whole. I am sure there are other Parkz members who have also had positive experiences at LPS.


18 hours ago, HussRainbow87 said:

The Ranger would definitely go to a showman before going to the scrap yard. There's a lot of life left in that Ranger, trust me!

 This may be the case and there is truth in it , as LPS HAVE listed the ride for sale. However, the Flying Saucer WAS never listed for sale nor offered for a listing. The reason for it was obviously that it was simply not viable to maintain as a whole working unit and why parts of it are now being utilsed for LPM's Enterprise.


I get that you are a HUSS fan- your monologues on the now mostly defunct AAF site are more than enough proof of that . That's fantastic-I think HUSS rides are excellent and well engineered as well. However,try not to let this love muddy the waters when it comes to being biased,however. 

Just a piece of advice- try and avoid generalisations when it comes to making claims like the ones you have stated. I get they are your opinions and thats fine but do expect some push back at some point.<_<


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Enjoyed read @Jobe I truly admire your passion for the smaller/"fun" Park arena.. 

On topic, who's not excited about a full sized Wave Swinger coming to LPS? Possibly my all time favourite Flat ride, the addition of the elevated  (former U.F.O.) platform will no doubt offer some amazing views and extra thrills as Riders feel the forces beneath their seats as it dips high over the Crowd below.

A PERFECT fit for LPS. It's delightfully  good to see the direction of the "Classic Amusement Park" being fostered.

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Thanks for the reply @Jobe I'm not here to start trouble, just discuss my love of rides and parks. From my experience last sunday at LPS, it was a shame to see the park thriving (i've never seen soo many people in the park before) while a staff member running the Ranger was more worried about talking to her friend that had finished for the day. The park was closing at 6pm, there was a full line and the ride was being loaded extremely slow. Nothing i've ever seen before. Myself and others found it quite frustrating.

It may be great that LPS have maintained their HUSS rides for such long periods of time, but it was a shame to see the Break Dance in such bad condition looks wise. The backdrop is in desperate need of a paint and the ride itself was looking very tired. If you think thats how a park looks after a ride, then you should visit parks and travelling carnivals overseas that treat their rides with the utmost care. Presentation is a big deal for parks, Movie World keep all their attractions looking fantastic, LPS on the other hand, I honestly don't feel like they care about ALL of their rides equally. I hear they have quite enough money to look after their rides to the highest standards. LPM also is in the same boat, their rides are running, but don't look too great. I hope one day both Ranger and Break Dance are sold and given the proper love that they deserve. I may be biased about HUSS rides, but that is only because of the superior quality I have experienced year after year in Australia and overseas. The Europeans keep their HUSS rides as if they've just come out of the factory. It will be interesting to see how some of our KMG rides hold up after 20 years of service.

In other discussions, I really hope LPS would have gone for a Zierer model....Go for the best of the best i say, and they look incredibly beautiful!

Edited by HussRainbow87
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Hi there,

I am new to ParkZ, but have been reading @Jobe's LPS fourms for a while now. I have a Gold Annual Pass and go to LPS every Sunday at 10:00 AM for an hour and a half, (I went today because its Sunday) and the first thing I have noticed is the lighthouse is now just some wooden frames. I asked the staff at Guest Relations and it is being taken down due to wind damage (because of all the wind last week) and water spray from storms.

I also noticed, while on the Wild Mouse, The Flying Saucer's spot has got stars painted on the walls, and they repainted the New York skyline. Last week, sadly, I noticed that the Ranger is closed again and is still closed. The Spider/Breakdance's music system (or whatever it is called) is broken. The music kept turning on and off while loading people on and did not play at all during the ride. I have also seen some of the paint has fallen off and it is now showing it's original paint. Some gondolas have been taken off the Ferris Wheel for repairs. Every week there is gondolas being taken off and put back on. Also, with the ferris wheel, the light bulbs have been taken off. (just a last minute edit...)DAZ81BCUAAAfQhG.jpg:large

In this photo, you can see there are gondolas missing (above the red one over the carousel).


The face also needs some work. They are working on the spires, which are now next to the Rotor. (I actually like it because it kinda looks like its the 80's.) There is also moss growing on the forehead and nose, and under the nose paint coming off (making it look like snot...). I have also noticed that on the bottom of the face, a hole has formed and a water bottle is trapped in the eyelashes. I hope LPS does not hesitate to work on the face (Like LPM did.) I have been to LPM and got the book. It is more of facts and photos than the LPS book, but it does say "The last time the face had a revamp, Mr Moon looked like he was a man who had barely escaped a house fire". I would hate tourists at the opera house, looking over at LPS like "That is one giant, ugly face" I hope all these are fixed in the next 5 years.

Anyway, Thanks for reading this. :)  (should I use these old emoticons?)

On 12/07/2017 at 6:49 PM, Jobe said:

The first new ride, a Wave Swinger,

is scheduled to open in March next year. It is currently being built in Europe ( most probably by Zamperla) and will be a 64 seat version ( including 8 double seats) It will have the highest capacity of any Wave Swinger in Australia. Its colour scheme and theming is being designed to match the new building theme's throughout the park and it will help establish and enhance the classic LPS feel and aesthetic. I am not certain, but the obvious spot for the new ride would be on the Flying saucer site, to match this section's new look when it is completed:




Wait, is the lighthouse turning into a helter skelter? NO!

Edited by Nimble
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