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Movie World Hypercoaster - colour, theme and announcement speculation


Pink Track  

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  1. 1. Pink track: what's the theme?

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@Slick I've worked on TV ads for Movieworld. So you're not the only one that has worked with them or continues to work with them.

MW are making the right decision to not advertise this early.  It would be a risk, not least because this is a brand new custom coaster and there is no guarantee that it will even open in time for the September holidays.

Ride testing might reveal problems that could delay the opening by weeks.  A shipping container carrying a piece of the track might end up in the ocean during rough seas (which is common), meaning that it may need to be re-made and re-shipped.  The coaster trains might need modification...

There are a whole number of things that could push back the opening by weeks or even months.  Advertising this early when they could take a much more conservative strategy and do an ad Blitz during September ramping up to Fright Nights, Summer Holidays and White Christmas - all of which would roll out while the ride is operational - would be too much of a risk.

There are massive differences between overseas parks, and overseas ride advertising and what is appropriate for a park in Australia.  Especially when overseas parks might miss an opening date by a few weeks but still open in the summer season, and MW missing their opening date by a couple of weeks and completely missing the School Holidays.

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1 hour ago, mission said:

I don't get why people are saying MW is doing such a bad job (or not doing anything at all) of marketing it, unless of course the people saying that are experts in marketing theme park attractions so they actually have some credence to their comments.

You don't need to be a marketing expert to say that what they've done (not done) goes against the grain of EVERY. SINGLE. PARK. (seasonal or not)

1 hour ago, Cactus_Matt said:

While I disagree with how MW have marketed their coaster so far, I suppose there's some ways I can understand why they haven't. As far as online or television marketing, when it comes to something of this tremendous size and aesthetic quality, sometimes words aren't enough. Just giving it a name and saying it'll be 2xx feet high (or 6x meters) isn't as impressive as having a completed track or even just completed lift hill and first drop to show off. That's the only reason I can see for having taken this long to formally announce the coaster, name and layout.

Either that or they're still deciding what to call it. :P 

Actually, big coasters are marketed in advance with visuals done by 3D rendering. POV videos of the ride etc. Not having it built is not a barrier to effective imagery to market.


The discussions on these boards for months have all pretty much agreed - they are stupid for not marketing \ announcing this earlier than they have. Its the popular opinion, and its the right one. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but to say they are right in not marketing it by now is just plain wrong. Even VRTP agrees with this - all one has to do is dig up @Jamberoo Fan's fridge magnet, which was based of facts disclosed by VRTP in annual reports and other media releases that it was their intention to announce the coaster mid-late last year -  which puts a nail in the coffin of anyone suggesting that their present marketing strategies are anything planned, or intentional.

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But what's stopping them teasing or posting ride construction pictures? Even if they don't announce it they could come out and say what was on that banner, "the best attraction in the Southern Hemisphere coming late 2017". Then they are not giving an exact date and they are building hype. They could post that on Facebook and give some teasers. Just look at what Abyss did for AW they advertised and teased the f*ck out of that and that exceeded projections by 200%. Thanks to teasers and marketing strategies. You build it and people will come, but they had to know about it in time to come. Like also mentioned people need time to book holidays and not everyone wants to go to all of the parks when they visit they might only choose one and MW needs to give them that reason.

GL's announcement video had animated POVs in the video, so it's very possible to do that. 

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14 minutes ago, AlexB said:

The discussions on these boards for months have all pretty much agreed - they are stupid for not marketing \ announcing this earlier than they have.  Its the popular opinion, and its the right one. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but to say they are right in not marketing it by now is just plain wrong.

So a bunch of random people that likely have no idea about marketing, especially marketing a theme park attraction, have agreed on something so it must be true!!


Have you ever considered that MW have actually done their research and planned very carefully what they are going to do?  But because it's not what armchair critics expect or want, and is in contrast to what other theme parks may have done, then it's wrong?


Maybe you should go to the park, speak to management and tell them your concerns. 


Anyway, no ones going to agree..... I've got no more to say on this.




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Maybe they did have animated POV's all lined up for when they intended to announce the ride last year, and maybe because of 'events' they had to rename / retheme the coaster meaning the POV's were at least partially unusable?I'm just spitballing here, truth is nobody here knows the reasons it's taken so long, and short of getting insider information or having it all explained to us when the announcement does come we likely won't ever know, so speculation is all we have.

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They have said sometime last year an announcement would be made in the next 60 days. That time frame has long gone so I think they always planned to announce it early but some things happened in October so they have decided to wait. But I do think that enough time has passed to move on. (My point of view and other may have different feelings)

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3 hours ago, wikiverse said:

@Slick I've worked on TV ads for Movieworld. So you're not the only one that has worked with them or continues to work with them.

Me too! 2LI makes some fantastic stuff, they set the bar super high, and i'd go as far as to say they're an asset to VRTP's campaigns. However, if you're basing your opinion off data inside a client brief that either VRL or OMD supplied to say 2LI, you're still ultimately going off information provided by folks who have yet to add a mobile portal or disability access to their core websites, a move that's definitely impacting their search rankings, and thus, their digital strategy as a whole.

First of all, if you're not advertising because on an inability to pick the right contractors for the job to deliver a project on time that by and large the rest of the world is totally capable of pulling off (with a few notable exceptions), then yeah, you're right, you shouldn't advertise, because your company has bigger problems at hand it needs to worry about. This isn't the case with Movie World. They've got a great GM at the helm supported by great ops folks and the company has picked vendors and contractors to build this very carefully.

IF this ride was what you're probably used to producing TVC's for i.e. Fright Nights, Arkham Asylum VR etc. etc. i'd totally, 100% agree with you, because if it was for a small to medium capex attraction or event, everything you say would checkout.

But, to be clear, let me say this again, this is Australia's biggest spend on a single attraction so far. This isn't something you market like everything else, because if you market it like everything else, you're going to lose huge sums of money in the process. Major capex spends like this follow a trend the world over, a trend that isn't being followed.

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29 minutes ago, mission said:


So a bunch of random people that likely have no idea about marketing, especially marketing a theme park attraction, have agreed on something so it must be true!!


Have you ever considered that MW have actually done their research and planned very carefully what they are going to do?  But because it's not what armchair critics expect or want, and is in contrast to what other theme parks may have done, then it's wrong?

Maybe you should go to the park, speak to management and tell them your concerns. 

Anyway, no ones going to agree..... I've got no more to say on this.

There seems to be a really nasty habit here of late where people only partially quote something to suit their argument, so for your benefit, here is my original post - i've highlighted the bit you might have missed:

38 minutes ago, AlexB said:

The discussions on these boards for months have all pretty much agreed - they are stupid for not marketing \ announcing this earlier than they have. Its the popular opinion, and its the right one. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but to say they are right in not marketing it by now is just plain wrong. Even VRTP agrees with this - all one has to do is dig up @Jamberoo Fan's fridge magnet, which was based of facts disclosed by VRTP in annual reports and other media releases that it was their intention to announce the coaster mid-late last year -  which puts a nail in the coffin of anyone suggesting that their present marketing strategies are anything planned, or intentional.

Do you need a hammer?

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Side-note here, if Movie World's reading this and thinking i'm bitter, i'm genuinely not, for the love of god folks, all I want is to see you, your team and your park do its absolute best. When it comes time to hold a press day to announce this, invite @Richard & I along - our combined ability to reach a global digital audience through sheer size and quality of content alone would save you tens of thousands of dollars in marketing dollaridoos. I make no reservation in stating that when I was reporting on Dreamworld earlier in the year, I was netting tens of thousands of unique hits a day from written content alone, and without sharing Parkz data, being the #1 non-official site for your brand means the second people are done watching channel 9's news segment, they're coming here and reading the full scoop.

Don't believe me? Here's some Google research to get you started.

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39 minutes ago, mission said:

Maybe you should go to the park, speak to management and tell them your concerns

But they read these forums so instead of blowing smoke up their ass and telling them they're doing a wonderful job, if we complain here that we collectively think their marketing efforts suck at the moment, they're bound to see it. 

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An old friend and former work colleague of mine plays a pretty big role in MW's branding nowadays. This person is utterly passionate about the product and has unconditionally devoted their entire working career to the Park and it's reputation.

Like with any big corporation, there are many constraints that departments have to work within (budgets being a pretty big one). External influences beyond the control of businesses can also be pretty challenging when you have a plan mapped out in front of you only to suddenly scrap everything and start all over again. There goes the budget 😐

I have no doubt whatsoever that plans have changed for this new Coaster from it's original - perhaps continuing the whole 'good to be bad' thing? That's why I originally guessed it to be a WW Coaster on these polls. I am also pretty sure that being overly cautious about releasing details of the ride to the Public is a fact and the timing isn't quite right. Yet..

..about 2 more weeks to go peeps!!

For the record, this is all pure speculation!! My insider and former colleaugue is far too dedicated to tell me for sure, I wouldn't dare ask. That and the fact that they know I wouldn't keep my mouth shut about it either! And they would be right😂

Edited by MickeyD
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  • It's "Warner Bros. Movie World", not MOVIE WORLD, not MOVIEWORLD.
  • VRTP's art department has better tools than MS Paint
  • The type is poorly balanced
  • The type is awful
  • There's no DC trademark for the ident
  • No. Just no goldcoastparkz.

Can we all just chillout for one day? @joz pass the peace pipe round, mate.

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6 hours ago, wikiverse said:

MW are making the right decision to not advertise this early.  It would be a risk, not least because this is a brand new custom coaster and there is no guarantee that it will even open in time for the September holidays.

Despite the banner which stated September 2017, latest word I have heard is it is being referred to as opening late 2017.  Sure the aim is still September but as @wikiverse said...  Plenty of things can go wrong between now and then...

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1 hour ago, grrofunger said:

I'm planning a family trip purely for this coaster 

And you're a member of a theme park enthusiast website, so yeah, you would be in the minority that would plan a family holiday around a single attraction at a theme park. I have no problem with that, good on you for doing something you enjoy.

But the notion that the average Australian family would plan a family holiday to the Gold Coast because MW has a new, and fairly intimidating (especially for children), attraction? The large majority of holiday makers (extending to their families) aren't roller coaster enthusiasts and likely wouldn't place anywhere near the importance of this attraction to the same level as the members of this forum.

I like a good theme park but it doesn't rank highly on my destination short listing for family holiday destinations.  A family holiday is far more than a day at the theme park.....

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25 minutes ago, mission said:

And you're a member of a theme park enthusiast website, so yeah, you would be in the minority that would plan a family holiday around a single attraction at a theme park. I have no problem with that, good on you for doing something you enjoy.

But the notion that the average Australian family would plan a family holiday to the Gold Coast because MW has a new, and fairly intimidating (especially for children), attraction? The large majority of holiday makers (extending to their families) aren't roller coaster enthusiasts and likely wouldn't place anywhere near the importance of this attraction to the same level as the members of this forum.

I like a good theme park but it doesn't rank highly on my destination short listing for family holiday destinations.  A family holiday is far more than a day at the theme park.....

You're aware there's movies made about families doing exactly this, right?

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45 minutes ago, Slick said:

You're aware there's movies made about families doing exactly this, right?

You're aware that that there's movies made about alien's invading earth, purpley/blue people that live in trees riding dragonesk creatures, humans wearing trench coats that can dodge bullets, the Death Star is sitting just outside our galaxy and Debbie does Dallas right?

I gotcha, movies depict real life situations.

Carry on.

23 minutes ago, grrofunger said:

Holiday Rooooaaaaaaaaaaaddddddddd

10 points

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