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Mt Druitt water works?


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Sorry guys back on the topic of the thread. Mt Druitt Waterworks was great for us westies. Does anyone remember the colour coded mats and the coloured lights indicating when you could go on the slides? The Waterworks was very popular when I was a kid. How about Wild Waters behind Macarthur Square Shopping Centre at Campbelltown. 3 slides and 2 Screamers as they were known. Once again very popular with us westies at the time and a real shame when it closed.

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  • 1 month later...
Can anybody help me on this one? I remember a theme park in the 80's in Sydney it had a very large castle with a bridge, an oversized shoe the size of say a house...paddle boats, swimming areas..I do have old photos its just nobody can remember anything about it....... Cheers Sean
Sean you're talking about Paradise Gardens!! which is now Riverside Oaks out at Cattai near Windsor. I was looking on the net to see if there was anything on it and I came across your message There was a big lake with dinosaurs in and around the edges that made noises and "there was an old woman who lived in a shoe", a big shoe the size of a house!!
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  • 1 month later...
You can still see part of the "old water works" from the train line. It was converted into a pool shop after it closed..and now I believe abandon.
The Tron - you have been through every thread on this forum in the last 24 hours like a whirlwind.... try reading the entire thread before you post. Also, before you endeavour to make any future posts, might I also recommend that you read the COMMUNITY GUIDELINES in regards to the language and grammar that you post.
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I think i recall waterworks being now being a Gardening place. If they gardening center is there still
I went past there on the weekend and the place is very derelict and hasn't been used for sometime. It is currently for sale as a development site. You can still see where a couple of slides came down the 'mountain' of which there is only half left. "The Bus is now leaving for Warren Water Works, South Australia"
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  • 3 weeks later...

Im sure I went to Mt Druitt waterworks in about 1984 but someone said it opened in 85.Anyway on the particular day i went the people who were working there and suppose to be watching the slides took off so we were left to do what ever we wanted which meant we got our mats and blocked the water at the beginning of the superslide and we all went down the slide so fast that when i came out the end i hit the concrete at the bottom of the pool and grazed all my knees,well it was'nt my idea to do that. There was also this water rapid ride where you went down on a tyre and at one stage you'd fall off and practically drown as other people would in turn fall off their tyres and land on top of you.If it wasnt for the guy working there pulling everyone out of the water and putting them back on their tyre and pushing them back down the last mini waterfall id say that ride would have been way too dangerous for me.I had a great time though and its something ive always remembered .Did anyone work there?

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  • 5 months later...

Waterworks mt druitt - the best! Waterworks manly - the most famous cos it was in BMXBandits Wonderland - big lines, short slides. Elcabalo blanco - dark with a big drop ( the gneric 'black hole'). pretty good. Paradise gardens - high drop at the end, pretty cool. Magic Kingdom - lame ONeals adventure land - lamest. There were probably more, especially in the zany south west of sydney. In the eighties, it seemed that every guy with a ten acre block was trying to flog his place off as an amusement park. Funny! I guess they spend their childhoods fantasising over disneyland. Did african lion safari have waterslides. I can't remember? To the person who remembered the overgrown forest full of fibreglass warnerbros cartoon characters near african lion safari - I do too. I was quite young when I saw it, and it was the first time I ever got that depressing 'decaying theme park' feeling. Little did I know that within 10 years, all but one of the ten or so themeparks in Sydney would be closed. Re: water works. the speed slide and the cascade extensions were opened at the same time, and were definitely there for the summer of 1987. I remember seeing the ads when I went and saw Labyrinth at the Hayden Theatres cinema. The cascades were chaotic, and fat kids would graze their asses gonig over the waterfalls - but they were awesome! Altho chaotic, they worked surprisingly well. The problem was that you would always tend to hang about in a particular pool, especially if it was the one that went through the cave. So the poor attendents had to come along and push people over the waterfalls. When they did, they would crash into the tire filled pool below, and in turn, push people out of that pond over the cascade, and into the next one, and so on, and so one. down the mountain! Its a shame in todays age of risk management and corporations, and insurance, that we will never see their likes again!

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I dont know if any of you remember African Lion Safari in Sydney?... Next door to it was this really crappy park that I have been told never opened it looks like it was totally home built ..chicken wire and paper mache it was called FunLand or something..and its still all there rusting away..
I am not 100% sure but what you are describing sounds like what lies out near to Warragamba dam at Wallacia, There is a small industrial area just before you get to the dam and if you make a left turn there not far down that road you will come across what I am writing about.
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  • 2 weeks later...
To throw another one into this mix there was also another park just near Magic Kingdom called Dizzyland... all I ever saw of it was an old defunct sign outside what used to be the entrance many years after it closed and that was back when i was 12 or so.
Yes! Dizzyland. I have the vaguest memory of kids at school going "Have you been to dizzyland?" and I would be like "don't you mean Disneyland?" - and they'd be like, "No, D-i-z-z-y-l-a-n-d!". I can't even remember whether I saw the same rusted sign you spoke of, but I do have a memory of an event which proved its existence and left me all "ah, so that kid at school wasn't a complete nut afterall" PS. My earlier posting was me listing of all the waterslides in the sydney basin that I can recall going on. Living in the NW, I was unfamiliar with places like Wild Waters in Campbeltown, but they sound pretty cool.
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  • 5 months later...
Apparently Mt Druitt Water Works was right near the station, from what I can find is that they stored slides where the new Shop Smart Factory Outlet is... Will take a look when I am at Blacktown Library next. Neil
it been years but if my memory is correct it was on the other side of the railway station to shopsmart.
I am not 100% sure but what you are describing sounds like what lies out near to Warragamba dam at Wallacia, There is a small industrial area just before you get to the dam and if you make a left turn there not far down that road you will come across what I am writing about.
i use to live at silverdale,near warragamba.the parks called devils playground Edited by peters
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Can anybody help me on this one? I remember a theme park in the 80's in Sydney it had a very large castle with a bridge, an oversized shoe the size of say a house...paddle boats, swimming areas..I do have old photos its just nobody can remember anything about it....... Cheers Sean
Hi sean.Do u have photos from paradise gardens? Can you post some on this page.I went there a few times in early 80s,I have mate that now works at riverside oaks, which is the golf course, but he cant help.It would bring back some memorys.
Waterworks mt druitt - the best! Waterworks manly - the most famous cos it was in BMXBandits Wonderland - big lines, short slides. Elcabalo blanco - dark with a big drop ( the gneric 'black hole'). pretty good. Paradise gardens - high drop at the end, pretty cool. Magic Kingdom - lame ONeals adventure land - lamest. There were probably more, especially in the zany south west of sydney. In the eighties, it seemed that every guy with a ten acre block was trying to flog his place off as an amusement park. Funny! I guess they spend their childhoods fantasising over disneyland. Did african lion safari have waterslides. I can't remember? To the person who remembered the overgrown forest full of fibreglass warnerbros cartoon characters near african lion safari - I do too. I was quite young when I saw it, and it was the first time I ever got that depressing 'decaying theme park' feeling. Little did I know that within 10 years, all but one of the ten or so themeparks in Sydney would be closed. Re: water works. the speed slide and the cascade extensions were opened at the same time, and were definitely there for the summer of 1987. I remember seeing the ads when I went and saw Labyrinth at the Hayden Theatres cinema. The cascades were chaotic, and fat kids would graze their asses gonig over the waterfalls - but they were awesome! Altho chaotic, they worked surprisingly well. The problem was that you would always tend to hang about in a particular pool, especially if it was the one that went through the cave. So the poor attendents had to come along and push people over the waterfalls. When they did, they would crash into the tire filled pool below, and in turn, push people out of that pond over the cascade, and into the next one, and so on, and so one. down the mountain! Its a shame in todays age of risk management and corporations, and insurance, that we will never see their likes again!
Last time I was in the area, the warner bros characters were still there.(around 5 yrs ago).The lion safari does have what is left of what could of been slides.I vague remember there ,well....told i went when very young but dont remember at all if there were slides or not.Hope thats of asistanance. Edited by peters
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I remember the good ole waterworks... Spent many days out there when I was younge with my dad. They used to have the best tube slide Im still yet to see beaten. It was a serious of pools interconnected with slides that you progressed down through winding around the mountain (hill) that the slides were on. It also had a heap of enclosed slides, a large pool and some other things like a speed slide that was never open and bumper boats. Was one of those run down type places but was still fun. Pitty it never really got improved and eventualy just closed. Would have loved to have seen it when it first opened, I'm sure it woudl have been quite good.
i assume u a talking a mt druitt water works.went there 2 or 3 times in the 80s b4 it closed.the speed slide was open but had a age restiction,15 if i remember correctly as last time i went i was about 10 or 11 never had a go on it.the speed slide stop operating b4 the park closed down due to people getting injured on it,due to being to steep.park closed down.due to a few morons that put razors on the slides and they got shut down,not due to disrepair
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Peters, as this is the first time I have seen you around the forums, I am only presuming you are fairly new - so first off welcome to the forums! Can I kindly ask you to take a trip over to the community guidelines section of this forum (found under the FAQ) and read them through. Your posts are quite disjointed, and poorly laid out, which makes for difficult reading, and I'm sure a lot of our other members would be as appreciative as I would be, if you could make the effort to type and spell properly. Thanks, and welcome again, Alex.

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Peters, as this is the first time I have seen you around the forums, I am only presuming you are fairly new - so first off welcome to the forums! Can I kindly ask you to take a trip over to the community guidelines section of this forum (found under the FAQ) and read them through. Your posts are quite disjointed, and poorly laid out, which makes for difficult reading, and I'm sure a lot of our other members would be as appreciative as I would be, if you could make the effort to type and spell properly. Thanks, and welcome again, Alex.
sorry alex but my grammer and spelling may not be as good as others,i will do my best to improve.I just read guidelines and i will try to give more constructive critism over certain subjects.As i am very opinionated,especially on subjects relating to god in anyway.As you would see if you go to john paul passing,it is just my nature to respond.I will try to improve.
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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...

I remember paradise gardens. I have heaps of pics from there too. i knew about mt druitt waterworks (i was born and raised in blacktown) but never went there. I do remember the razor blade rumor with paradise gardens too. if I remember corectly they had a animal farm there as well. i was feeding the animals and had a bag of food behind my back while petting another animal and a lama or goat (I cant remember now I was 5 years old) grabbed the food and my hand and bit through to see bone. they took the animal away after that. i hope no one minds me posting in old topics. perhaps even start more memories flooding in. or perhaps just call me shirly valentine and ill continue to talk to the walls lol

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  • 4 weeks later...
I remember paradise gardens. I have heaps of pics from there too. i knew about mt druitt waterworks (i was born and raised in blacktown) but never went there. I do remember the razor blade rumor with paradise gardens too. if I remember corectly they had a animal farm there as well. i was feeding the animals and had a bag of food behind my back while petting another animal and a lama or goat (I cant remember now I was 5 years old) grabbed the food and my hand and bit through to see bone. they took the animal away after that. i hope no one minds me posting in old topics. perhaps even start more memories flooding in. or perhaps just call me shirly valentine and ill continue to talk to the walls lol
hi sarahjau i remember that paradise gardens too , all dinosaurs and stuff. do you think i could get some copies of your pics from back then i have told people about the old dinosaur park there but no one believes me regards fish17
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