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The largest roller coaster ever built in Australia will crown Movie World the Southern Hemisphere's thrill capital

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The largest roller coaster ever built in Australia will crown Movie World the Southern Hemisphere's thrill capital

It's the largest roller coaster ever built in Australia and likely the country's largest ever investment in a theme park attraction. Warner Bros. Movie World are cementing themselves as the thrill capital of Australia and putting themselves on the global map.

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Hmm. Thrills have their place, but they're not everyones idea of the main point of visiting a THEME park.

I really wish Movie World would focus their investment on providing a better range of MOVIE related experiences (including, but not limited to rides).

I can see that a big rollercoaster is a headline-grabber because it's so physically big, but honestly that's just not what it's about for me, and I'm sure I'm not the only one!

Like most of us, I'm pretty much housebound today as nothing's open, so I've been watching one of Warner Brothers all time classic family films "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. If ever there was fantastic potential to base a new ride on, that's surely it. Timeless and appeals to all ages. Maybe one day!

Oh, and they can claim back their song from Dreamworld when they do!

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1 hour ago, pushbutton said:

Hmm. Thrills have their place, but they're not everyones idea of the main point of visiting a THEME park.

I really wish Movie World would focus their investment on providing a better range of MOVIE related experiences (including, but not limited to rides).

I can see that a big rollercoaster is a headline-grabber because it's so physically big, but honestly that's just not what it's about for me, and I'm sure I'm not the only one!

Like most of us, I'm pretty much housebound today as nothing's open, so I've been watching one of Warner Brothers all time classic family films "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. If ever there was fantastic potential to base a new ride on, that's surely it. Timeless and appeals to all ages. Maybe one day!

Oh, and they can claim back their song from Dreamworld when they do!

The thing is, we have world class dark rides already, having lost Bermuda Triangle and LTRR, I agree that we are possibly ready for another addition.

What we don't have and have never had is a coaster of this sort of quality on this sort of scale. It's mind-boggling that you don't realise how massive this thing is for the park, physically AND metaphorically. I've wanted something like this at our parks since as long as I can remember.

The money that they make from this is the money that can feed into your future dark ride wet dream. For now, just enjoy what the park is building, because this IS happening.

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We all understand your taste in rides and experiences @pushbutton And as you state, I'm sure you are not alone...

but I'm sure even you can recognise that a ride of this magnitude and stature increases the pulling power of not just MW but all GC theme parks as tourists usually do more than 1 on a visit. The additional revenue from holidays makers and increased annual pass sales is what will pay for future attractions like your longed for new dark ride. 

Edited by Brad2912
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Most of you know I am more about the themed areas and shows / experiences...  Villains Unleashed is now where I spend about half my day at Movie World yet haven't been on Doomsday Destroyer...  But damned if I am not looking forward to this coaster...  Especially since the largest coaster I have been on was Thunderbolt...  (Blackpool Pleasure Beach was closed when we were there in 1998 and haven't been able to get overseas since) :( 

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To me they need to stop focusing so much on the rides... they need another dark ride. If I Was them I'd put a darkride in the DC supervillians unleashed area because it could be either a The after or a dark ride like Justice League and you could be going around the city and you see all this villainous stuff happening and you have guns or something and you help save the city from the supervillians, the entrance could be where the bank is or where the farcade is.

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15 hours ago, pushbutton said:

Hmm. Thrills have their place, but they're not everyones idea of the main point of visiting a THEME park.

I really wish Movie World would focus their investment on providing a better range of MOVIE related experiences (including, but not limited to rides).

I can see that a big rollercoaster is a headline-grabber because it's so physically big, but honestly that's just not what it's about for me, and I'm sure I'm not the only one!

Like most of us, I'm pretty much housebound today as nothing's open, so I've been watching one of Warner Brothers all time classic family films "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. If ever there was fantastic potential to base a new ride on, that's surely it. Timeless and appeals to all ages. Maybe one day!

Oh, and they can claim back their song from Dreamworld when they do!

Someone correct me if I'm wrong but since Movieworld is now owned by Village Roadshow, not Time Warner, it would be much harder / expensive for the rights to just any 'WB' movie? As such they will use a licence they already have or purchase one which their parent company is already linked to? Someone on here mentioned Mad Max which would be perfect as Fury Road is produced by VR and Distributed by WB and a sequel is in the works.

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Dreamworld will no doubt respond to this with their next attraction  I feel the park has a lot to prove  and will respond to competition I predict they will either invest in a big coaster/thrill ride to compete or focus on the family market and open several different attractions perhaps in the gold rush / blue lagoon redevelopment ?

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I doubt Dreamworld will be doing much of anything for the 2017 period, announcing or building of rides. Considering how much money they lost last year investing money in new attractions will be far from the accountants and shareholders minds, no matter how much the park sorely needs it.

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The park needs to be focusing on getting the larger crowds back and more often, and I get the summer crowds were reasonably busy but it needs to be consistent, and installing a new ride wouldn't actually help the park if people aren't going. Not saying people aren't, because they definitely are going, but the crowds probably aren't the exact same as how they were last year. I think these waster holidays will be the real test. Don't want to compare them to MW, but it has been pretty busy on days I've visited MW, and then I've gone to DW and it isn't. I love DW and support them in every way, but realistically a new ride won't do much, but these improvements and new stores/experiences will help overall without blowing the budget.

Edited by themagician
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Actually I strongly disagree. 

Nice subtle improvements will do wonders to keep people in park and ensure return visits but a big ole billboard with "look how pretty are gardens and shops are" isn't going to do squat when compared to say "world first Mesocoaster opening soon"

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Okay, a ride, depending on what it is what, and their target audience could help, but I don't think financially right now it would. I know the general park improvements don't get overly noticed if you haven't been to the park before, but it makes it more appealing and inviting, and can be done a lot cheaper and easily than a ride. Each to their own, and of course I'd love another new ride to come to DW and especially to WWW, but just can't see it happening this year.

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Pass holders are likely to continue to visit as they've already made the investment (well at least until mid-year when the free time DW added to everyone's passes expires).

what DW need to do is target and find ways to increase tourist visitation, and non-pass holder locals. Some freshened facilities won't do that. 

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Dreamworld was pretty much a ghost town on Saturday.  All rides were walk on, MDMC was closed for technical difficulties (not sure how long for), Buzzsaw was open before the advertised 1pm open time (I think it was around 11.30 when we went on it) and Wipeout is literally in pieces, the carriage is off and the arms disassembled- it's not going to back up and running any time soon..... It was just dead and it felt that way.


Then went to MW and what a contrast.  It wasn't packed (SE was pretty much walk on, reasonable wait for Scooby) but the main street had heaps of people, and it generally had a much better 'feel'.


Once the new MW coaster is completed I think Dreamworld will be in a bit of trouble and will have some work to do.

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I wouldn't use the "feels" of the two parks to judge how they're going. Dreamworld's layout is much more spread out, while Movie World is a lot more compact, so MW will always "feel" a lot busier than Dreamworld.

I do agree about the new coaster probably having a big effect on Dreamworld, although the longer they delay the announcement, the longer it will be until Dreamworld starts being affected.

You say it like a park being dead is a bad thing... a lot of theme park enthusiasts would jump at a chance to have a park to themselves...

Dreamworld are due for a "big" ride in the next few years, very low chance that it happens this year, but I would hope they have plans for something 2018 or 2019 when their finances are a little better. Come on Dreamworld, I'm sure an RMC would certainly rival MW's hyper ;)

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5 minutes ago, Santa07 said:

When do school holidays start? Or have they already started?

QLD school holidays have started


Queensland term dates - 2017
Term Dates Length
Term 1 Monday 23 January - Friday 31 March 10 weeks
Term 2 Tuesday 18 April - Friday 23 June 10 weeks
Term 3 Monday 10 July - Friday 15 September 10 weeks
Term 4 Tuesday 3 October - Friday 8 December 10 weeks


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