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Effect or Audio Errors on Rides

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14 minutes ago, Skeeta said:

The question is if you want the best rides in the world and you want to attach the “movie magic” theme to them how much are you willing to pay for it?


It doesn't always have to cost as much as building new rides though.  The wrist-band concept they put in the Doomsday area could be expanded throughout the park.  Earn points on the 'Hero' rides, and spend them on the 'villain' rides - or vice versa depending on what character you want to play.  Collect videos of your interaction to share on social media - which basically creates free advertising for the experience.

Even something simple like adding VR to GL - the number of points you have could result in multiple endings of a 3D animated character experience.  It is much easier and cheaper to a new VR animation every couple of years than to build an entirely new ride - you could even animate them in batches with interactive elements in the queue area - so the ride is literally like a new GL comic book every visit to the park.  The wrist-bands could even let you put it into different languages.

These are just a couple ideas off the top of my head.  I'm sure MW could come up with much cooler stuff.  There is a lot of potential in this technology.

But even without digital interaction, A lot of the audience participation stuff really just comes down to planning your queuing areas to visually and aurally separate people from what is coming up, and then adjusting the script that the staff use when they welcome people onto the ride.  Dreamworld even do it with Kevil Hill.  Little changes like that can completely change a ride experience, and can be updated over-time so the experience doesn't get too stale for local pass-holders.

The 'magic' part comes from attention to detail which can be designed into the ride experience, through scripting and staff performances or through technology.  Rides shouldn't remain the same forever and focusing on those details would be a great cost-effective way to improve the park.

Hopefully MW does a lot more of that over the coming years since they've basically done a major capital investment with the new coaster.

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48 minutes ago, Skeeta said:

I don't think you will find a person on here that doesn't want the "movie magic" theme attached to every ride.  The problem is the "movie magic" theme comes at a price.  The same person calling for the old "movie magic" theme also only wants to charge people $35.00 to enter the park.

The question is if you want the best rides in the world and you want to attach the “movie magic” theme to them how much are you willing to pay for it?

I actually pay about $3 each time I visit Movie World, not $35.

I've always said I'd be happy to pay significantly more!


We've gone off topic. Probably my fault! Some very good observations and ideas here though.

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That isn't "movie magic" that's "movie".

Sort of like BA:TR, without the cool pre-show. Effectively, you're in a very elaborate simulator.

'Movie Magic' is - just as @wikiverse described - staff playing roles.

if you REALLY want to work out what attraction on the gold coast has the best 'movie magic' it would probably be Roxy... because the story at least 'suggests' that you're entering the world of looney tunes.


I'm inclined to agree with @joz's comments above - improve the entertainment - immediately, add a new family adventure ride (behind showstage has plenty of space for something 'western') and add a few behind the scenes elements - even if they were to go back to tours of movie sets - there is soon going to be a staple TV show being filmed in the studios (Humphrey) and there are plenty of films being shot in and around property these days. Universal manages to do it's backlot tours around a working film set, so MW could always fit in with that - it doesn't have to be much, just an element, a uniqueness that you don't get anywhere else.

Lastly - the reason why MW used to be full day, despite having less attractions, but also with having less wait times, was that the attractions themselves took time - because Gremlins had queue, pre-show, ride, Einstein had a script, heck - even Bermuda pretended to have a preshow that absorbed crowd for several minutes - technically, you are still queueing, even though you've been absorbed into the story, but it didn't FEEL like it because it was PART of the ride\attraction itself.

Having an elaborate, on theme pre-show "invents" additional capacity, without changing the ride. Take a look at the haunted mansion in Disneyland - to get you to the ACTUAL ride, they created an entire story around the stretching rooms, hallway, even the foyer. the Queue stops at the steps to the house, but it is easily between 5-10 minutes more before you ACTUALLY board the doom buggy

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@AlexB I think you need a combination of both - especially with open-air coasters.  Use the technology to build a story/drama/suspense before getting on the ride, and use the staff to play a role (and help the riders play a role) in that story.

It's almost impossible to bring back 'movie magic' with the DC stuff - since the rides themselves are themed to the comic characters, not the movies.  So a happy medium is to treat the ride like it is a movie - complete with VR and narrative built into the queuing as you described.  They could even make the ride queues a little more 'movie' related by using key vehicles or props from the films.

Maybe they're not doing it because of language barriers, but using wristbands where you can program themed elements to respond in someone's native language when they activate something is a good way around that problem.

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It depends on how it is laid out, although yes, for a coaster, probably less about pre-show, moving from room to room and more about an amazingly themed queue that gives you something to look at whilst queueing.

Scooby is a decent example of this, Space Mountain would be another - but you're right - Disney doesn't go to great lengths for most of its coasters - but the queues are still 'occupying'.

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10 hours ago, pin142 said:

For a flat ride or something not a coaster I don't see an issue with an elaborate storyline and pre-show however with a coaster would you want to go through the same pre-show everytime you ride it?


I agree with @AlexB it's not so much about a 'pre-show' element, it's about having that pre-show and the queue be the same thing.  You can put small interactive elements along the way that build up parts of a story, and then give the staff at the ride a bit of a script to help you feel like you're a character within it.



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9 hours ago, AlexB said:

The Hyper Tunnel?

Just my foggy memory - is there a lift hill before 1:13? I thought it was all flat with Kickers until that point?

Plus that would make it three separate lifts... seems like overkill.

There is a lift at the beginning, so that makes it three. I was referring to the section in between the first and second lifts.

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59 minutes ago, pushbutton said:

Movie World Main Street clock not working now.

It's actually 2.15pm.


What a strange ride you're on. 

34 minutes ago, Glubbo said:

...guess we're not counting the (lack of) on-ride audio for Green Lantern. Didn't have any on Monday.

Can't be called an error if it's never switched on in the first place :P

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10 hours ago, Gary86 said:

Green Lantern had working audio both times I rode it Monday last week.

How odd, I was there on Monday too, and yet the audio wasn't working for me...

I believe it is a problem with a few of the carts, I asked one of the op's one time about why it wasn't working.. and she said that they were having issues with the quality and were concerned that it could damage the speakers. Interesting to hear that your experience was good. :) 

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Had audio today on Green Lantern, car number 3. First time in ages though that it was actually fully in sync (music stopping as you hit the brake run) and wasn't distorted / cutting out... From speaking to a few people I know, they are hoping to get it back up and running on all cars reliably after maintenance. I really hope so as I do feel it adds to the experience of the ride.

Edited by Spotty
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8 hours ago, Spotty said:

Had audio today on Green Lantern, car number 3. First time in ages though that it was actually fully in sync (music stopping as you hit the brake run) and wasn't distorted / cutting out... From speaking to a few people I know, they are hoping to get it back up and running on all cars reliably after maintenance. I really hope so as I do feel it adds to the experience of the ride.

I agree, without audio for me it's "just" an El Loco. With audio it's more of an immersive experience.

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