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DC Rivals HyperCoaster Announcement

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So until now basically every VRTP ride announcement has been accompanied with that ride's price tag. But for some reason they are remaining coy on this one. Anyone have an idea why that may be? I just watched a 7 News Melbourne video where the CEO was asked and just said he wouldn't comment on the price of the build other than to say it was the company's biggest single investment in a ride to date.

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See I personal would have thought VRTP/MW would be bragging about the money they are spending. Every MI AW builds they say our new XX million dollar ride coming soon. When they signed the contracts they said our new 7.5 million dollar attraction coming soon. Being over 30million dollar investment you would think they would be trying to show that figure off. However maybe it is been a private negotiated figure with mack. But then again the ride itself cost half of the final figure. So giving away the full figure does not revel how much the coaster itself cost.

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18 hours ago, pin142 said:

The third train idea, good in theory, bad in practice. The idea of spending money on something that will spend most of the time sitting around doing nothing isn't a great return of investment. The park won't always run two trains so also adds to the storage space.

I get that point, but as has well been discussed on here before, with the cheap passes these days the parks essentially don't have "off-peaks" anymore so to speak. 

Added to that we know each year, each train has to go through a complete a rebuild. That would ensure at all times the coaster runs 2 trains, meaning when lines are big and one train needs work, capacity isn't severely impacted and we see big lines like we currently do on SE. 

In fact I'd love to see SE get the same treatment, but I don't see that ever happening. 

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Maybe they just don't know the final costs exactly yet. I imagine that everything would well and truly be locked in place, but unexpected expenses may pop up, so they may not comment on its price until it opens. I'd say they will push hard to get it ready for Fright Nights, with a soft opening last September. This would look really cool running at night, especially if the train features lights

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1 hour ago, themagician said:

I'd say they will push hard to get it ready for Fright Nights, with a soft opening last September. This would look really cool running at night, especially if the train features lights

That's a really good point. This coaster should be amazing at night because of the distance it covers and how far it feels like it takes you out of the park itself. Fright Nights or any night events aimed at teens+ are no doubt going to be absolutely huge with Rivals in operation.

Edited by GoGoBoy
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I would think they would be aiming for the September school holidays to launch the coaster as that is a busy holiday period. Also Does anyone think this coaster will have a cool lighting package? (IE more than just the Jokers face light up) Like maybe RGB strips going up the lift hill or something like that.

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Speaking of fright nights - I really hope they have plans for the 'BA:TR plaza' - that area was only ever designed for one ride queue. Now there's 3 feeding from that space, and judging by what we've seen, Rivals is going to make 4.

I can only imagine the chaos that is going to ensue there unless they do some serious work on traffic management.

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By not announcing anything sooner it made people pay more attention, look further and try and find out if they missed it...  They made people want to know instead of just telling them...  All along I thought this was a good tactic as the saying above is one I try to live by...  Sure...  Mainly to stop myself spending money I shouldn't be spending but how many times has it been true?

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They can't hide the cost from shareholders, they have a right to know.


I'm thinking it's more of an agreement between Mack and MW.  If this is a big success and drums up interest in Mack's Hypercoasters then that gives Mack the power and flexibility when it comes to negotiating future contracts.


Mack may have been happy to slim their margins on this built to raise awareness of their HC product line.  As far as I know Flash price tag was also kept under wraps.


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Just to further what AlexB has said, last year DC Super-Villians Unleashed advertised an October opening all year round, only for it to open officially during the September school holidays. 

Anything is possible. They likely just go with adding an extra month as insurance against any unexpected issues that may arise last minute 👍

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1 hour ago, AlexB said:

^It does, but if they're ready, nothing says they can't aim to soft open during the september school holidays for 'dress rehearsals' whilst they iron out bugs, and take some of the capacity pressure of the parks' other attractions...

I get this, but he clearly said they would be aiming for September - which they are not they are aiming for October and if it is ready earlier so be it.

If they honestly knew it would be ready and open for September, they would be pushing the campaign as being open for the September school holidays would they not? 

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24 minutes ago, rac2703 said:

If they honestly knew it would be ready and open for September, they would be pushing the campaign as being open for the September school holidays would they not? 

Because its safer for a park to be early than be late.

October would be the first full month it's open anyway, since school holidays start 15th September.

Last thing you want is for someone to see "September" on the teaser, turn up on the 1/9/17 and be disappointed it wasn't operating.

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1 hour ago, rac2703 said:

I get this, but he clearly said they would be aiming for September - which they are not they are aiming for October and if it is ready earlier so be it.


10 hours ago, Tim Dasco said:

I would think they would be aiming for the September school holidays to launch the coaster as that is a busy holiday period.

He clearly said he THINKS they would be aiming.

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