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Johno here! Now this is what they said on the Wonderland Sydney website. Just click on media and sponsors then click on press releases. Somewhere below it says “This is the first stage of the strategy, first stage, strategy? Hint, Hint! Obvious! They have a strategy and it's the first stage the second stage would have to be a new Ride or Themed Land: Little Wonder's Land has closed, they're moving most of the rides out and into the rest of the park and to top it all off they haven't had a new ride for eight years now! What I think is that they're going to leave The Beastie and the Skyrider standing then build a whole new themed land in Little Wonder's Land with all new Rides and Attractions! We will have a new Ride or Themed Land within two years, I mean two years would be the perfect time to build because in two years it's Wonderland Sydney's 20th anniversary and (around) there 5th anniversary they built The Demon and there 10th anniversary they built Space Probe 7 (Space Probe) and there 15th anniversary they repainted most of there rides so that means there 20th anniversary would be a BIG ONE! http://www.----URL removed for non-compliance with Community Guidelines----/mediasponsors...pr_page_38.html

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Welcome to Total Thrills! Let's not start off on the wrong foot or anything, but... :) There is an edit feature, that allows you to edit your posts, and rather than starting a new thread for each post, use the 'Post Reply' button, to keep all posts of the same nature together. Also, it'd be much easier to provide a link to the releases, rather than a copy-paste of the entire article. They say they're moving into exotic attractions 'late 2003' in the wildlife park. That'll be interesting to see. Dreamworld or Sea World are perhaps the leaders in that area in Australia, I'd like to see how another park approaches such attractions (Dreamworld and Sea World both took the very natural approach to their wildlife attractions).

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Its interesting that Wonderland that are talking steps in this direction. Animal displays are really gaining popularity, and if you don't believe it, consider that 2002 was Seaworld's most successful year on record, and the newest ride there is Bermuda Triangle, built in 1994. If Wonderland does things correctly, then they could do quite well in the near future, which will hopefully lead on to that new ride that everyone's wishing for.

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I went today to the park and it seems that they are doing the bare minimum to keep it open at the moment. Crowds were hopless today and the bush beast and the snowy river rampage were closed. Also wonderop do u know what was doing with the carrige taken off the space rpobe (number 2) it was just on the grass behind the space rpobe exit. In other news it looks like the ballons are being moved from little wonders land to the position where the parachutes used to be (skyhawk)

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This period is always the weakest, Australia-wide. Every park has pretty minimal attendance from about February to June (Movie World was an exception last year with the mid-year opening of Scooby-Doo). Sounds to me like Wonderland is using this time to give the rides a bit of a rest. I don't agree with having two major attractions - Bush Beast and Snowy River Rampage closed at the same time. That seems like pretty poor scheduling. I missed Skyhawk last year on my visit, though it wasn't the greatest ride, there was a pretty nice element of excitement (especially that first moment when you're dropped, as the parachute came into effect). At least they're trying to increase the ride-count (even if it won't ever reach the level it was in the Hanna-Babera Land days).

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At least they're finally replacing Sky Hawk with something. That space looks like a giant gaping hole in Goldrush. From what I've heard, Wonderland had a pretty successful summer. So with school holidays over, and the rush finallised, it's most likely going to cool off for a few months. Anyway, the past few weeks haven't had the greatest weather in Sydney for going to theme parks.......

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I think that Wonderland really sux. I was there when it opened & had annual passes upto 5 years ago when it became glaringly obvious to me that they were taking cheap shots by adding more shows when they should have been adding new rides. If this park was in America it would have gone broke years ago due to this fact alone. I visited it a few weeks back with my niece cuz she wanted to go...what a dissapointment & it re enforced my disgust with the place. The Bush Beast coaster would have to be the roughest coaster I've ever had the displeasure of riding & believe me, I've riden many in my life. I find no fun in being shaken to the point where you think the fillings in your teeth are coming loose & walk off with a massive head ache...This is NOT my idea of a good time. It should be torn down & replaced with a new coaster before someone gets hurt on that thing & sue's the pants off them. Dream World/ Movie World are marvelous & Wonderland should take a good look at what they do & learn from it....It's a Wonder people still go there, that's the only " Wonder" about the place.

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Sad but true, Wonderland really has dropped the ball re: rides after the 95/96 season. Obviously the park wouldn't be in the state it is in if it were located in America as it would have a far greater population count to work with. But I agree with you that Wonderland really has to do something. Admittedly the park has done some great work with scenery and theming in recent years, but it still lacks in the new rides dept. (And trying to distract the public from the fact that they haven't added anything new by introducing temporary below standard shows is wearing a tad thin now). The park's attendence levels aren't that far from those of Dreamworld. So I really can't seem to find a reason for the park failing to add new rides - Except for the plain and simple theory that it has no major competition in Sydney or NSW.... P.S. I actually think that the Bush Beast was a tad better than it was a year or so back, but that's just me. :)

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Hi everybody, I've been around these boards for quite a while now, and just decided to register :) Living just 15 minutes away from Wonderland, I make frequent visits to Wonderland. It is still quite enjoyable, as the Intamin Drop Tower, Space Probe, makes me come back to Wonderland for more :P There are some quite good rides, such as snowy river rampage, Demon etc. But they are extremely old. The Bush Beast certainly needs to be pulled down or re tracked, and The Beastie needs to be open again.. I mean, atleast The Beastie is much more decent than it's Father. I have been emailing Wonderland almost every week, begging them to add a ride. And their response.. "There are currently no plans to add a new ride to wonderland" I certainly hope Wonderland does add a new ride soon, 8 years without a new ride is quite.. lame to say the very least. ~Flea

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Quote "Obviously the park wouldn't be in the state it is in if it were located in America as it would have a far greater population count to work with. " Yeah thats kinda true but anyway you look at it, they're not focussed on new rides. The lack of competition IS the killer here, Wonderland ( which can be seen from my backyard) is desperately in need of a make over. The parks in Queensland have plenty of competition & only half of our population here in Sydney so the population theory isn't right on the button :D

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Sorry, I guess I should say that the 'tourist population' is less for Wonderland than the parks on the coast. But even so, that is little excuse for a lack of emphasis on rides as you think that, if Wonderland is forced to work with a local population (ie: rely on return visits more than the parks on the coast) they would be more likely to add new attractions. Oh well, I guess we can all just cross our fingers and hope for something good.......anything good.

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Well, give most of the rides a good makeover, that'd put the park up several notches to me. No, I don't mean replace some of the wood on Bush Beast with some aweful hard pine in a few spots. Complete retracking, new PTC's... the works. :) I do agree that the theming is 'top notch' for what the park is. Obviously it isn't in the league of Disney, Universal, or even Warner Bros., but it certainly matches and beats most Paramount, Six Flags parks, as well as Dreamworld and Sea World here. They have the land. They have the money. But you have to stop and think... from a non-thrill seeker perspective. Do they need new rides? Sadly, the answer is no. They seem to be targeting families with their endless stream of shows. And hey, this works... from all reports, attendance over Summer was overwhelming. However, there is no denying that they'd get a lot more interstate appeal with the addition of new rides. They seem to not care about interstate market anymore (last ad I saw on TV up here was around 1999), maybe to keep out of the way of the Gold Coast parks. A thrill ride to take the candle away from Dreamworld... even just for a short time, would push a lot of Queenslanders down there, particularly in the September holiday period. But let's look at it from where they're sitting right now. They're not adding much, a show here and there, some maintenance to keep the place looking respectable. And yet they're easily up there attendance-wise with Dreamworld or Sea World.

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To be truthfull, I think it will be a while before Wonderland actually builds a new thrill ride. Right now the park is more of a kiddie family park. But one thing I dont understand is, is that when i was there ( In the Summer Holidays ) the majority of people there were teenagers ranging from my age up to about early twenties, which i reckon is more of the "Thrill seeking type". And the lines for the rides were annoyingly long aswell, mostly packed with young people. I think Wonderland has focused on their tourists long enough, and now they have to focus on the people that actually live here in Sydney. With the re-opening of Sydney's Luna Park this coming summer holidays, Wonderland might have some competition ;) . And hopefully out of that we would see a new ride at Wonderland :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

8) Johno here once again! 8) As everyone may be wondering what happened on my last vist to Wonderland Sydney? Well I can now say that the likes of WS getting a new ride are nill after there plans for a new tiger sanctuary late this year! unless they're up and into the big piggy bank this year? lets just hope for a new ride this year, next year or even after that (wich I would rather not think about) any way on with the story on the 8th of march I will be taking a trip to WS at any time of the day including WS saturday nights; if you are reading this and you are also going to WS on the 8th then please be free to no who I am and what I look like; I will be the person screaming out the loudest on the rides :o and on :rolleyes: space probe :rolleyes: Well thank you for reading this post reply and keep on Dreaming; ~~~~ Dreams are made for you and you are made for Dreaming ~~~~

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  • 3 months later...
Guest Cokecool

What wonderland really needs is a new owner, If the curret owners can't thank good enofft to help the park by adding ride or two there gust in for the money they really don't care how the park is praticlly dieing in it's own fesses! New attraction in 2003 a Bussnes park! My God! Look at Dreamword, they add new rides/attrations EVERY year, and what does wonderland get a god *** show! I thank Six Flags would make a much better owner.

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I thank Six Flags would make a much better owner.
Please tell me you just did not say that! If you want Wonderland to have rides that are never painted, have crappy food, miserable staff and a disgusting park, then by all means, hand the management over to Six Flags. It's not all about rides, it's about having a fun day and enjoying the surroundings. ~Flea
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Hi Flea Once again, just be careful when expressing your opinions on parks you have never visited for yourself. I have only been to one Six Flags park and yes it had its problems but geeze it was a hell of a long way in front of Wonderland. And its (sfmm) prides itself on being a purely excitment park anyway. I think Six Flags would be a good boost...hey couldn't be any worse than the current owners IMO

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Guest Cokecool

I've been to all Six Flags parks and the only one that really botherd me was AstroWorld, it was very dirty, and the staff was terrioble! Six Flags wounld be perfect choice to buy the park, look at Six Flags New Orleans! :wbmw:

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Ahh yes, Six Flags New Orles, described, and I quote from themeparkinsider.com:

By far the worse Six Flags ive ever been to. The food was below average and the restaurants were dirty. The park had a lot of trash on the grounds.
I went to Wonderland years ago, and didn't enjoy it. It wasn't the lack of rides, it wasn't below par entertainment, it was the terrible shape the park was in. Dreamworld is my least favourite park for the same reason, yet is has (debatable) the best rides in the country. I enjoy a clean park, with nice food, a couple of good rides and bit of entertainment. Fair enough, Wonderland by now needs a new ride, but what they don't need is for Six Flags to come in and ruin all the work that Sunway has done. If your ganna dream for anyone to own it, you'd be better off dreaming for someone like Tussard's, Bush, Universal or even Warner Village Theme Parks buying Wonderland. Since that ain't happening, accept that Sunway have a pretty good idea what they're doing. Just because the park hasn't got a new ride in a while doesn't mean that they aren't making money, or have no idea what their doing.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Cokecool

Yeah! There's a small upstart theme park chain company in southern Georgia(USA) called WIld Adventures. They have been trying to buy up several theme parks but they just won't sell, I they bought Wonderland Sydney, you would probley only see on word, ROLLER COASTERS! :tt: :mrgreen: ;) :oops: :? 8) :D:o :x This guy is comstapated!

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