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VRTP Unlimited Membership - expiry and debit issues


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At least 5 times since I first got my unlimited membership I have been told when I tried to use it at one of the parks that it has expired.

Each time I was given a slip of paper with a phone number and asked to call them to sort it out. The fact they keep these slips of paper at the entrance to the Village parks shows it is a problem which is far more common than it should be!

Each time I have had to phone the number, they ask for my membership number, then ask if I am the account holder (obviously I am), then say they have unblocked it.

This seems ridiculous to me. Surely as long as they are receiving the monthly payments (which they are as they always unblock it on my request and there's more than enough money in the account linked to it), my membership should just continue without any problems. Sounds very simple to me!

One mistake I could have understood, but as I said, at least 5 times. Very annoying! Anyone else here experienced this annoying issue?

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Every month I have to call and pay manually. They claim not to be able to debit a chq account despite seemingly being the only company in Aus that has this issue. 

Confirmed with the bank that they aren't even receiving DD requests from debit success. Confirmed all numbers are correct etc.

Conclusion: debit success are shit and VRTP needs a new payment provider. 

Edited by Reanimated35
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