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Ultimate Terror Tour Reviews (2017)


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To put it politely, the hyped tour is a clusterfuck on night one. Full review later. I'm confident it will get better as the event goes on though. 

Please note - It's not all doom and gloom, this was said in the middle of a VIP experience that certainly did not seem enjoyable. In saying that, there's a lot of positives to come from the event which I'm outlining in a post further down the page. Don't give up on the event just because of some night one issues. I want nothing more than to see Fright Nights grow and improve.

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2 hours ago, Reanimated35 said:

To put it politely, the hyped tour is a clusterfuck on night one. Full review later. I'm confident it will get better as the event goes on though. 

I completely agree with this. Didn't get to fully utilise all the extras included in the 'Hyped' Tour. We didn't get to use our fast track for any rides, didn't have time to get our faces painted, missed out on The Conjuring 2 maze as they closed it early and didn't see any of the shows. 

I'm not sure if it would be possible to do, but I thought there was time wasted in the 4:30 to 6:00 range and that perhaps letting us do the panic room and getting our faces painted before 6:00 could've worked better in giving us more free time later on after Fright Nights had officially opened.

I had an absolute blast though and so did the two people I went with. Definitely am recommending doing the Ultimate Terror Tour if you can.  


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3 hours ago, Reanimated35 said:

To put it politely, the hyped tour is a clusterfuck on night one. Full review later. I'm confident it will get better as the event goes on though. 

Pretty expensive clusterf**k... hope those in attendance were offered a repeat visit if that is the case...

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Ok, originally I said I would post a full review of the night. I've changed my mind since it was opening night, and I really do love fright nights. I'm going to give the park the benefit of the doubt and instead of posting here, I've sent a 5 page, 3042 word email of feedback about tonight's event. Make of that what you will. 

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6 hours ago, Brad2912 said:

Pretty expensive clusterf**k... hope those in attendance were offered a repeat visit if that is the case...

At the very end of the night we had one of the hosts (I think?) come and talk to us and get our feedback. We mentioned how there was too much to do and didn't take advantage of it all and all he could 'offer' was that If I do return to Fright Nights (and fork out another entry fee) that I *should* be able to use my DC Rivals fast track passes as they weren't date stamped and that if I talk to somebody upon arrival I *may* be able to redeem my face painting voucher - which was date stamped. 

I don't want to sound like a whingey member of the general public as I know it was the very first night, but at the same time can't help but feel a little disappointed. 

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I get giving a little bit of latitude on opening night, but for me that latitude extends to scare acting timing and engagement, fluency of opening/closing shows etc. 

It doesn’t extend to them just completely cocking up the organisation of the UTT/Hyped Tour which from the comments here is what has happened. 

If you pay for a premium product/service, then you must be provided with the ability to complete the inclusions of that service. It’s pretty basic consumer law really....  

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Alrighty, it's not 3am like it was when I sent my rage-fueled email to the park and said what I had to say, and I was certainly not holding back in my feedback. I completely acknowledge that some of my feedback is purely creative differences. I 100% agree with that, as humans, of course we are all going to share differing opinions on how things should be done, and hey, they're the ones getting paid the big bucks to do it, so more power to them. 


Fright Nights are the highlight of the theme park year for me so there are a few things I do have to give the park credit on. 

I want to get one major negative out of the way though. The laser tag. Don't bother. Really, just don't. It's a mess and handing over money to the park to do this is only going to encourage them to bring it back in future. No doubt they spent a ridiculous amount of money on this and they really shouldn't have. The guns don't work, the story doesn't work, the receivers on the zombies don't work, the groups are too big, I could go on. It's a walk through, not a laser tag game. It's not worth the 10 bucks. 

Now this is certainly one of the times where the creative differences come in. I'm a metal music fan. I'm not really keen on EDM at all and personally don't feel it has ever suited the event, but someone does and again it makes a heavy appearance. 


That aside, let's cover some positives. And despite my earlier comments, there was quite a few positives to come from the night. 


The Hyped tour itself. This is the first year they've done it. Of course it's going to have teething issues. That's to be expected. On paper, it sounds like a great idea. The first night didn't go so well in practice, and I'm certain the feedback they've received from many people will ensure that this is worked on and only improved for future events. I might do it again later in the month to see how things went. 

The panic rooms - I've done a few escape rooms and really do enjoy them. All credit to the park for these. In such a small space, they've pulled off a great experience and I'd put these rooms on par with some of the permanent fixtures around Brisbane. Just a heads up for anyone planning on doing them - we did The Crypt with a group of 5 as one person chose to sit out. They say the room can hold 6 people. I'd recommend at most you do it with a group of 4. The experience itself is great, but it's a pretty tight fit trying to get everyone in with space to move around. 

The terror lounge was once again a great set up and well themed. Plenty of room to move around. My only complaint there was for the past few years they've had this amazing pasta dish which sadly didn't make it back on the menu last night. I hope it makes an appearance later in the event. 

I'm sure everyone remembers last year's 'tour' portion of the night and how much it was widely condemned on Parkz. A huge credit to the park for recognising this and fixing it. This year reverts to an actual decent length tour that isn't just standing in a room. The tour is great. Sure, there's a bit they can work on, especially the ending, but overall, it's a great tour. 

I must say. As far as first nights goes, from the parts that I saw, and from the 'tour' portion I experienced, I was expecting a lot of "opening night issues". Those being things like mistimed audio or lighting, staff forgetting their lines, parts of costumes falling off etc.

To their credit, I didn't think there was as many as previous years. The tour portion could have used some boosted audio levels so the whole group could hear clearly but overall, from what I saw, it was one of the better opening nights in a while. 

I'm confident there's going to be a lot more positives to come from this event and once I get a chance to experience it again I'll actually have a chance to get my camera out of the locker and take some photos. I'm all for second chances, and I only want to see this event improve and return year after year so I will be back to try it again. 


So please guys, take it from a lover of fright nights and someone who's usually a huge advocate for the event. I may not have had the best experience on night one, but even with that taken into account, it's quite clear that the park is trying to improve on last years offering. Don't be disheartened by my experience, please do go and support the event, especially towards the end of the month when it's more polished and complete. 

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2 hours ago, djrappa said:

So after hearing from senior management that there had been some less than wonderful reviews sent through from some of the enthusiast community I came on here to have a look, and what I've found I find frankly quite disgraceful. 
If the stuff that was sent to management (as mentioned here, I haven't actually seen the letter ) is anything like what has been posted in this thread I'm so very embarrassed and ashamed for our community. 

Was wondering when you'd get a chance to chime in to defend the park. What I sent wasn't "like" what was posted here. It was a lot worse. I stand by the comments made in my email, and on here and I'd sure hope that I wasn't the only one who sent something through. 

2 hours ago, djrappa said:

I think its very sad to see that a few vocal self entitled enthusiasts are effectively representing an entire community as they are the in your face vocal ones.

Assuming that what you're saying is true, and you haven't seen the messages, how do you know there's "vocal self entitled enthusiasts"? That's an assumption you're making. Did the emails claim to represent the entire community? 

3 hours ago, djrappa said:

It seems every time a red carpet isn't rolled out and something tailored to their exact tastes personally that there is this tendency to get butt hurt and demand improvement

So no one should provide feedback (regardless of your opinions on how, when and where it should be provided) and we should all just bow down and take whatever shit is shovelled to us? 

3 hours ago, djrappa said:

If you buy a ticket to get in, or enter through the front gate, you're not an insider, you're not special, and you deserve no special treatment.

Where has anyone in this thread said they were demanding to be treated "special" or as an "insider"? Other than the acceptable where the park is promoting a "VIP" tour and having a few people not feel it was value for money?

3 hours ago, djrappa said:

The fact that the park does cater to your HOBBY INTEREST is to their credit, and we should be appreciative of anything they do for us.

Theme park enthusiasts are in to theme parks. So what you're saying that we should appreciate that a theme park is ......a theme park? 

3 hours ago, djrappa said:

As for the UTT itself and the Hyped components. This is an offering being sold as a small group fully guided evening tour. One would be foolish to thing it's anything but and that there would be free time to relax in the night. I've done similar with the RIP tour at Universal and it's really packed.
As self proclaimed experts on the park and Fright Nights, it would be clear to someone just how much that is to pack in, within the allocated time and what to expect. 
If people want time to experience everything at their own pace they should perhaps step down from their ivory tower for a second and god forbid experience the event a a mere commoner. The UTT offerings are not intended to give you EVERYTHING AND MORE, they are a different way to experience the night. 

And herein lies the main issue. Tickets for the Hyped tour on night one were sold before the website was changed. They were sold via the contact centre from staff who did not know any specifics of the tour. These staff never made mention that it was a fully guided tour. Half the questions posed to them were answered with a "I think so" or "that sounds about right". They did not know if the panic rooms were a voucher to do when you please, they did not know much else at all other than "you get 4 extra things". Makeup, laser tag, rivals and a panic room. The only knowledge anyone had of this "Hyped" tour was a very basic text message telling people to call and book. 

3 hours ago, djrappa said:

It seems a lot of the complaining is that there is TOO much to do, well geeze shame on Movie World. Remember, this is not something created for enthusiast, it's a product to sell to everyone. That means they have to fill the expectation of someone who has forked out A LOT of cash for there night, and they will expect a full night.
The fact that people are saying that there was too much to do, and that Movie World didn't meet their expectations in the one sentence is just laughable. 

Ah yes, lets take things more out of context to suit the argument. If you're on the Hyped tour, the tour that costs the most amount of money out of any possible upcharge during the event (excluding multiples of anything), it is 100% impossible to see everything. It's designed that way. Is it designed in an attempt to ensure a return visit? Possibly, but who knows for sure. 

3 hours ago, djrappa said:

If it's to feel like some kind of elitist superstar that has gold plated doors open for them at every turn and expects the park to cater to every whim, then I suggest may it's time to find another HOBBY! 

And once again with assumptions on the "enthusiast community". Where in this thread has anyone stated they wanted "gold plated doors" to open for them? People were sold a product which did not live up to their expectations. People were not completely informed on what this product included due to an apparent lack of knowledge by those selling it. Those people are supposed to just sit there quietly and go "oh well I guess that product wasn't supposed to be something we'd enjoy anyway"? 

3 hours ago, djrappa said:

I think it's great how much the new wave of management at the Village Parks is doing for the enthusiast community and I hope they keep it up, despite the vocal criticism of a small minority. 

Or the kiss ass nature of those vigilant white knights stepping in all the time to defend the parks' honour. 

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To summarize without the need to quote...

it doesn't need to be quoted where you expect to be treated like royalty, it's dripping from every comment and post you make. 

Perhaos if you prioritized ANYTHING else over being first then you wouldn't be stuck buying something you didn't even know what it was, other than to be the first to have the most elitist thing possible. 

I have no need or motive to "white knight" the park. And geeze in past times I've gone so far as to downright lay them out to slaughter in these forums. However I just the parks on their actions and merits and not how much they make me feel special so I understand your confusion on how we have differing views. 


Spunds to me like they offered a solid ass product and you didn't like it because it wasn't what you had cooked up in your head, and as the mighty serial pest with a couple email addresses and a fancy camera they didn't bow down to your every need. 


The fact you say your email was much worse than posted on here is even more sad. 

The good thing is you can probably take solace that your critique has at least made for good 'forward round the office humour' after the no doubt many hard months of work the entire management team has been pulling lately. 


As for a need to kiss ass defend the park I have no thing. I but my ticket like everyone else and come in the front gate. 

I receive no special treatment, hell they don't even make fun of me behind my back so I'm certainly rating below you on that one. 

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3 hours ago, djrappa said:

Perhaos if you prioritized ANYTHING else over being first then you wouldn't be stuck buying something you didn't even know what it was, other than to be the first to have the most elitist thing possible. 

So the park should be given a free pass because they sold a product at a premium price before they were able to get their advertising arranged or sales staff trained for it? What about looking at it from a non-enthusiast point of view? Guests paid for a premium product, missed half the shows and are just expected to suck it up and pay to go back again?

3 hours ago, djrappa said:

However I just the parks on their actions and merits and not how much they make me feel special so I understand your confusion on how we have differing views. 

Don't call the product an "Ultimate" product if you don't expect people to want a special experience. 

With early entry, a welcome drink and canapés, themed buffet, bottomless non-alcoholic beverages and Unlimited Fast Track, plus Behind the Screams tour, exclusive access to secret Terror Rooms within selected mazes, a NEW tour experience which is off the beaten track with special effects and actors and much more, it’s the ultimate way to experience the horror of Fright Nights.

That doesn't suggest it should be a special experience to you?

3 hours ago, djrappa said:

Spunds to me like they offered a solid ass product and you didn't like it because it wasn't what you had cooked up in your head, and as the mighty serial pest with a couple email addresses and a fancy camera they didn't bow down to your every need. 

Solid product? Yes. Marketed correctly from the outset? No. Does the VRTP marketing team dislike or hate me for continually complaining about them on here? Probably. 

You're really clutching at straws on this one. So you have seen the email then to know it came from a different email address? It was much easier to open outlook at the time that it was to get into gmail. One click vs three, and everything's about speed these days. And it's not about "bowing down to my every need". It's providing feedback in a manner that I chose to at the time. I could have posted on here and made it much more public but chose not to. Instead, I had my rant on here, a larger rant to them and moved on. 

3 hours ago, djrappa said:

The good thing is you can probably take solace that your critique has at least made for good 'forward round the office humour' after the no doubt many hard months of work the entire management team has been pulling lately. 

I know the email has been sent around management. I have no doubt it's been shared from then on. I also wouldn't be surprised if complaints were likely raised about me on the night in a post show debrief (logic tells me they have these either same night or the following day). 

3 hours ago, djrappa said:

I receive no special treatment, hell they don't even make fun of me behind my back so I'm certainly rating below you on that one. 


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Wow this is getting amusing @Reanimated35

Firstly I made a typo and wrote addressES,  which sent you into some carry on about sending something from another account with a typical modern reason of "couldn't be bothered" :P


Also I think you're just plain and simple not getting it, you may just be too self absorbed for it to be possible but I'll try spell it out for everyone playing at home...


1) I'm not defending the park for selling something not quite fully fleshed out... IM BLAMING YOU for being stupid enough to buy something that you didn't fully know what it was!!! All because you need to be first. 

2) I'm not saying the package isn't a special experience. I'm saying that you're pissed because they didn't make YOU feel 'special' and by that I'm saying "superior to everyone else and treated like the theme park elite you think you are"


3) I believe seeing all the shows and having a premium experience can be mutually exclusive things. I don't think you quite get that buying UTT isnt a free pass to experience everything the event has to offer in one night, with zero waiting. It's merely a different way to experience it. There is always a trade off for the paid upcharge option, whether it be missing a show at fright nights , or not getting to see the full immersive standby que at Disneyland. Otherwise it's just a real up yours to the people who don't pay for it. 


4) I think you're giving yourself way too much delusional credit when you think a priority at the end of night one is to be all concerned with your notes in a debrief. 

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I'll reply in full after work, but one thing I did forget to mention was having the VIP area where it is actually worked for this event unlike when it was in the same place for the DC parade. 

Actually, once again I tire of you and your constant need feel superior over me. I must say I'm disappointed in you that you didn't bite to that last comment given how easy it was to get a reaction from you the first time I posted it. 

Anyway, I'll leave it as "a customer has a negative experience with the park and provided feedback. Follow up discussions have occurred and the matter is being resolved."

I'll be taking my gold plated ticket back to the park this weekend where upon I shall walk the red carpet as all the staff bow down and diefy me while handing me wads of cash throughout the night. I hope your night is as enjoyable as I demand mine will be. 

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I don't partake in any upcharge expereriences, and haven't been to fright nights in a couple of years, for my own reasons. I hope to be able to go this year, depending on <item not mentioned to avoid Rappa's response regarding how I always bring it up>.

From what i've read, both on the park's facebook page, here and from others i've talked to, it did seem like one couldn't even do all the inclusions that the Hyped ticket came with within the timeframe allowed. This is third hand info, so i'm not going to standby that, but that's the impression that I got.

What would probably benefit the park is if they didn't 'lock in' the date of the 'pay to play' free pass they gave out - eg - panic room, makeup, DCR Fastpass. I know some of them did and some didn't, but all of them should be open ended. If they need to plan \ schedule capacity for the night (and fastpass isn't going to make a big dent) then instead of giving htem the actual ticket\voucher\wristband, give them a voucher to REDEEM the experience, which they have to do at the photo kiosk \ guest services \ wherever is convenient when making their booking for that particular night. (This would help them account for capacity if say - all the hyped guests returned on the final night to use these experiences, and would help them perhaps sell less direct to "general" guests that night)

It would encourage those who did pay for the upcharge to book another night (bringing in more revenue in theory), and allow people to utilise those extras at their leisure. (And statistically, some guests would plan to use it on their next visit and then something would come up and it wouldn't get used = indirect profit $$$).

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28 minutes ago, pin142 said:

You booked something called a "tour" but are surprised when you get there to find it is a "tour". I am sorry @Reanimated35 but you're on your own with this one. I know if I booked a tour I wouldn't expect there to be time to do my own thing during the period it is scheduled to run.

Except when there's a precedent.


I don't disagree with you @pin142, however you can't fault a person purely based on the word 'tour' when the previous year's 'thing also called a tour' permitted "free time" throughout the night.

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@AlexB is right. The ultimate terror "tour" includes a guided themed tour as it has every other year. It's not like the fancy universal VIP tour you've just done @pin142 . 

At the time of purchase nowhere advertised it as the babysitting experience. I wonder how those other guests, (sorry, "entitled assholes who have to do everything first", right @djrappa?) felt about their experience when they purchased the tickets without knowing the full details. I guess based off that logic the first nights hyped tour should have been empty, or full of assholes. 

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3 hours ago, AlexB said:
4 hours ago, Reanimated35 said:

the first nights hyped tour should have been empty, or full of assholes. 

it was, wasn't it?

Around 14 out of 19 of us on the Hyped Terror Tour had never even done a Ulitmate Terror Tour before.

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3 hours ago, JaggedJanine said:

Around 14 out of 19 of us on the Hyped Terror Tour had never even done a Ulitmate Terror Tour before.

Yep. I hadn't done one at all before and neither had the two people I was there with. Plus the couple we did the panic room with hadn't done the UTT previously either. 

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