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Ideas for Luna Park Sydney


The direction of Luna Park  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. What form should future improvements take?

    • Continued focus on flat rides, with better/more elaborate flat rides being installed.
    • More substantial attractions, for example tracked rides such as roller coasters, flumes and dark rides.

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Sorry, I have a strong dislike for Zamperla rides. They are a pain in the backside as far as Maintenance goes from what I have been told. I also find almost all of there rides uncomfortable and for that space I would rather see something like an Intamin Half-Pipe. As long as it's not a lemon like SurfRider was.

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Zamperla rides are better of being travelling rides in my opinion. Not even their rollercoasters would cut it being permanent in LPS. They are fun, though. Perhaps if Australia were to get its first Zamperla Disco Coaster, it could make its debut in LPS and then after its temporary stay will be seen in various carnivals and shows. I don't understand what people got against having classic carnival rides as permanent rides in LPS. It's supposed to be a carnival-themed amusement park. Why else would they have carnival rides such as the Spider (Breakdance) and Ranger? I think Dominator and Claw are perfect additions, and even maybe a Freak Out (I'm a huge fan of KMG rides). A Chance Chaos should be added, too. This is my dream assortment of rides for LPS. The Midway rides are the Rotor, Carousel, Ferris Wheel, Flying Saucer, Tango, Dominator, Wild Mouse, Tumblebug and Dodgem Cars. The Maloney's Corner rides will be Ranger, Spider, Dragon's Rage (Maurer Sohne rollercoaster), Chaos, Claw, Rainbow, Kickdown (KMG Freak Out), and of course, LPS's Kiddy rides. Hopefully there would be room for a drop tower ride. Maybe by extending Maloney's Corner they will have room for adding a couple of permanent rides, and will still be able to house in some of our old favourites as temporary ones. They should also decorate it up a bit so it won't just look like a carpark full of rides. That's just my idea. BTW, if anyone else has thought of another name for the Maurer Sohne coaster apart from Dragon's Rage, feel free to share it. :P If anyone is wondering why I didn't include Coney Island Funny Land, it just doesn't count. It's only a funhouse and sorta bridges between the Midway and Maloney's Corner. I'm just aiming at the flat rides and rollercoaster LPS can offer.

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I don't understand what people got against having classic carnival rides as permanent rides in LPS. It's supposed to be a carnival-themed amusement park.
Because once upon a time, it wasn't just flat rides, it did actually have stuff like the river caves, ghost train, big dipper (old and new incarnations) To me, a proper tracked attraction is worth 2 or 3 flat rides, and if you have those then the park feels a lot more rounded. Also, these attractions were a lot more imaginative, since things like ghost trains and river caves can tell a story. Why cant we have them back? I have never seen it proclaimed anywhere that it is "supposed" to be a carnival themed park...It only became that in more recent times when the owners looked for the quick and cheap option (plopping in tranportable rides) rather than building proper stuff befitting of its position on the harbour, and its position in the Sydney psyche.
Zamperla rides are better of being travelling rides in my opinion.
It depends how much effort you put in, even Disney has Zamperla rides (Eg Alladins carpets) Even have a look at the WB kids area at Movie World, that place is pretty much all Zamperla stuff, but none of it looks temporary because they took the time and effort. eg http://www.parkz.com.au/photo/AU/Gold_Coas...eety_Cages.html http://www.parkz.com.au/photo/AU/Gold_Coas...ywood_Cars.html http://www.parkz.com.au/photo/AU/Gold_Coas...m_Railroad.html
Zamperla Disco Coaster, it could make its debut in LPS and then after its temporary stay will be seen in various carnivals and shows.
Disko Coasters only come in a park model. Edited by Gazza
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Also, these attractions were a lot more imaginative, since things like ghost trains and river caves can tell a story. Why cant we have them back?
River caves and ghost train rides are not bad in my opinion, but are somewhat tame compared to rollercoasters since they have some of those adrenalin rushing features (high-speed hill drops, helixes, inversions, etc). Even flat rides have that too, though their functions are repetative. But that doesn't make them boring because I as well as some riders enjoy being spun around or propelled upsidedown for multiple rounds. Though river caves and ghost trains are fun to some extent, they don't have the air time and g force sensations that both rollercoasters and flat rides have in common. If there is a chance to revive a River cave and ghost train ride, then I think it would be a job for LPM.
It only became that in more recent times when the owners looked for the quick and cheap option (plopping in tranportable rides) rather than building proper stuff befitting of its position on the harbour, and its position in the Sydney psyche.
Flat rides can be cheap depending on how well they are designed. The rides manufactured by Huss and KMG are high-quality rides, so although most of their rides are transportable, that doesn't mean that they're cheap or bad rides. The thrills that the Huss and KMG rides offer are just close enough to rollercoasters in my opinion.
It depends how much effort you put in, even Disney has Zamperla rides (Eg Alladins carpets) Even have a look at the WB kids area at Movie World, that place is pretty much all Zamperla stuff, but none of it looks temporary because they took the time and effort. Disko Coasters only come in a park model.
Zamperla does make some good rides, but most of them seem to be more children-friendly than intense thrill rides (although they have their Power Surge flat ride and Wild Mouse/Cat coasters). If the Disko Coaster is only a park model, then, I don't know what. I'm not really into Zamperla rides, honestly. I think a Maurer Sohne coaster is a really good choice, since it does seem to go a bit longer than the S&S Loco coaster. My other suggestions do seem to be somewhat feasible. We never had a single KMG ride staying in LPS (Speed and Music Trip were just temporary, and if they bring in Sky Walker, it will also be a temporary ride too). LPS would also show its true fandom for Huss rides if it adds a Rainbow (5th Huss ride), and we need to prevent the ex-travelling Chance Chaos and KMG Claw from being sold.
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Do you see any sign that the current owners of the park are looking to add new permanent attractions? I don't think so. Their business plan seems to be focused on functions and events with new rides only coming to the park in the form of temporary travelling attractions
There's a little bit of talk going on - or there was, since I haven't heard much since then. Mentions of a new roller coaster were made but they could have been made in jest. The Tango seems to be the priority at the moment, in getting it up to scratch (which is gonna take a few months, somehow). From a business pov, don't you think that their business plan makes a lot of sense? It makes them a tonne of money with little effort. --- Getting rid of the Tumble Bug/relocating the Dodgems would be a wise idea imho. I think the Big Dipper building might be heritage listed. If you free up that space (which involves relocating the mechanics workshop too), you'd have a massive gap in which you could redevelop part of the Midway to incorparate some permanent attractions. Other than that, areas for redevelopment are pretty limited. The picnic area is completely off limits for development because it's vital in an emergency. I guess what I'd like to see is the Spider relocated to where the Tumblebug is, with the Ranger sitting kinda upstairs and to the side of that. So (looking towards the cliffs) you'd have Coney Island on the left, a small gap for access to the staff area/wheelchair access point, Spider, and then on top of a small building (perhaps housing the dodgems?) you'd have the ranger which could be accessed through the big dipper temple. redevelop maloney's corner into something far more permanent - needn't be a roller-coaster but it would need to be something with a presense Edited by Nebuchanezzar
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River caves and ghost train rides are not bad in my opinion, but are somewhat tame compared to rollercoasters since they have some of those adrenalin rushing features (high-speed hill drops, helixes, inversions, etc). Even flat rides have that too, though their functions are repetative.
Yeah mate, I don't need it pointed out that these rides are less intense than roller coasters and thrill rides. The point is about providing balance and something for everyone....I love big rides as much as anybody on here, but at the same I know that not everyone is a thrill seeker, and you need to find other ways to make the ride good that don't rely on raw force and speed. I do have a personal appreciation for rides told with a nice story and theming (Bermuda Triangle at Sea World would be a good example, the ride only has two fairly small drops, but it still is a pretty cool ride, and one of the parks most popular) I guess my point is that it doesn't have to have strong Gs or whatever to be good, it's just gotta be fun. That flume that was at the park over the summer is a good example, a couple of people on here bitched that it wasn't a thrill ride, but it turned out to be popular with the public, and flumes are fun anyway.
If there is a chance to revive a River cave and ghost train ride, then I think it would be a job for LPM.
Yeah, but that doesn't fix LPSs does it? Edited by Gazza
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Getting rid of the Tumble Bug/relocating the Dodgems would be a wise idea imho. I think the Big Dipper building might be heritage listed. If you free up that space (which involves relocating the mechanics workshop too), you'd have a massive gap in which you could redevelop part of the Midway to incorparate some permanent attractions.
I don't think I'm with demolishing the Tumblebug because it is a pretty good ride in a way, though relocating it the Dodgems may not be a bad idea (only question is where would be the ideal locations for those two rides). With all that huge space, there might be room for a small coaster.
Why on earth would we even want a Chance Chaos in the park? If I had to choose I would much rather have a Zipper. They provide basically the same sensation but are alot better rides. A Chaos IMO is a boring, inferior ride and would be a waste of valuable space.
Being both manufactured by Chance, the Chaos and Zipper are fairly similar in the sense that the cars flip up and down. I'd rather see both of them being permanent rides in the park. I guess I would choose Chaos over the Zipper if there is a choice for either one, because although the Zipper looks more fun than Chaos, there will be too much headbanging involved. If nobody wants a Dominator as a Midway ride, then we could have a Zipper instead while having the Chaos in Maloney's Corner. Besides, this is just to save the one we got and the Claw from being sold to another country.
Yeah, but that doesn't fix LPSs does it?
Probably not, but river cave and ghost train rides take substantial space anyway. Edited by T-Rex
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i've never experienced headbanging on the zipper. it's rough for sure, but that's 60% of the fun for me, and hence, i don't think you can use that to say you want some chaos over a zipper. re tumble bug: it'd be pretty ****ing fantastic to have it swining out over the harbour somehow and somewhere

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Okay, maybe I was wrong to say that I would choose the Chaos over the Zipper because its not that rough. As I will repeat, I would like to see both rides in LPS. Frankly, I never ridden those two rides, and I would like to do so. Concerning the Tumble Bug, I thought its old spot near the entrance was better, but then, than means that the Rotor will have to be relocated to another spot.

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OK! My ideas are going to keep every ride in Luna Park but get better rides as well. Gazza or some one will point out the basic errors (im sure). But I don’t see how this could go wrong. OK, Here goes :D;) Start of with moving the little rides in malonys corner and putting next to the tumblebug. I think at the moment there are random chairs and tables there. No one sits up there because there are no food stores there. Get rid of them/relocate them. This will become a kid’s area because it has those little rides, dodgems, Coney Island and tumble bug (the little kids thrill ride) all not to far away. Move the spider between Coney Island and dodgems where there is nothing but bins there. Move the ranger where the old motion simulator used to be. Between the wild mouse and ?. Gives nice upside-down views of Sydney harbour! Then we have the whole Malonys Corner. I think put three buildings. One on the left, one on the right and one in the middle (but not between the two buildings, back further). The building on the left (facing the harbour) would on top have a Huss Rainbow facing the Harbour! On the bottom it would have a Themed Booster (two huss rides!) The one on the left would have a Claw on the top and a Spinning boat ride (Mack, kids ride). The last building would have a Revolting house (Mack) built into it and to please you a zipper and chaos. I would also like to see a froghopper where on the roof where tumble bug is. Also a Freefall drop tower (one of those circle ones where they spin slowly when going up). This would be in the middle of the building. I tried drawing this on paint but it didn’t upload. Two things I know your thinking. 1. A little cramped. I thought this too when I was writing it out. 2. Not enough space. Oh well :( Thoughts? Wondercam

Edited by wondercam
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My thoughts: Putting the kids rides with the Tumblebug doesn't seem like a bad idea, but adding a Huss Booster? Definitely no. Gazza's gonna agree with this, cause the Booster is just a souped-up Breakdance. Do we really need that since we have the Spider? Now I agree with moving the Ranger to that spot where the simulator used to be, but what would be better there? The Ranger or a Rainbow? One ride could be in the midway while the other in Maloney's Corner. Good to know someone wants a Rainbow, Zipper, Chaos and the Claw in LPS. ;) LPS really needs another coaster apart from Wild Mouse. I definitely think we should have a themed Maurer Sohne/Xtended SC 2000 coaster (I'd like it to be called Dragon's Rage) placed in Maloney's Corner. My thoughts were to move the Spider to another spot in Maloney's Corner to make room for Dragon's Rage. Suggestion of the Ranger and Rainbow was already mentioned above. That would also ensure a spot for the new rollercoaster. Then we have additonal spots for three more rides. If there's still more room, I would ask for a drop tower ride. Overall, I agree to some of your suggestions, but not entirely all of it because it will be too cramped and not enough space indeed. I don't know about mine, though. Anyway, good to know someone wants to see the Rainbow, Zipper, Chaos and Claw in LPS. If the residents are gonna start protesting because of those future additions, well I've got three words for them: Live with it.

Edited by T-Rex
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Probably not, but river cave and ghost train rides take substantial space anyway.
Just a quick point, but you could always build stuff on the roof. At the Adelaide show, the old wild mouse was built on the roof of the ghost train. If you were doing a ghost train, It could be re imagined to be more update...Steer away from having those UV painted back drops, and have a few actual impressive illusions. You could go one step further and introduce the whole interactive shooting element too.
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T-Rex: There's no room near the rotor for a ride as immense as the tumblebug. wondercam: there's CERTAINLY no room between the dodgems and coney for the spider moving some of the kids rides to the front and some to the middle isn't a bad idea to free up maloney's corner. there's certainly not enough room for the ranger in between the wild mouse and crystal palace. that rides footprint is a lot bigger than whatg is immediately obvious to you. Re "Dragons Rage" What a terrible name for a roller coaster at Luna Park. It's not IoA or anything. It'd need to be old timey themed. Take a ride name from Coney Island or the history of LPS and give it that name, basically.

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To be truthful t-rex, Ithought of these idea's while in a very boring maths lesson and couldnt think of anymore rides to go indoors. So when i wrote the post the other day i wrote it quickly so i put in a couple of dodgy rides. Maybe instead of that Booster thing there could be Indoor/outdoor Log Flume? Make it indoor to start with theming and that and then it streches out on to picnic area. the drop could be there. Also instead of a "spinning boat ride" (sounds Fun :P) You could put an arcade like timezone in there. only thing is there's stuff like that in coney's Island. I sure they would get heaps of money for teenagers. Any thoughts on indoor rides? Neb, Are you sure ranger/spider would not fit? The ranger thing at the easter show had such a small footprint. we could just get that one :) Mabye not the spider though.

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Neb, I find it strange that the Ranger won't fit in that space between the Wild Mouse and Crystal Palace, because I remembered that LPS once had the Shockwave (or was it the Hangover?) as a temporary ride placed in that spot, and its a double-armed Ranger. If that's the case, then are the footprints of double-armed Rangers smaller than a standard Huss Ranger? If you think the Ranger is too big, then what would fit there, a Rainbow or a Zipper? So Dragon's Rage isn't a good name for a Maurer Sohne coaster? All I could think of is that and Big Dipper 3, and no one thought that was a good name either. How about I leave you and everyone else in Park Forums to come up with a good name for LPS's future rollercoaster? Hey wondercam, much as I want to see more rides in LPS, maybe Coney Island could do with more indoor attractions. Honestly, I'm not really sure what they could do to improve Coney Island, other than making the arcade section a bit bigger, and I think future indoor rides would have to be in the same old-timey style like all the other rides in Coney Island.

Edited by T-Rex
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The HUSS Ranger has a T shape, with the whole ship thing jetting off perpendicular to the main arm/trailer setup. So you've got a pretty damn wide boat which is offset from the main arm by a few metres, and then a trailer set up further behind that. It actually extends back quite a bit from the front of the ride. The Kami Kazi type one is a lot skinnier. The one main arm is connected side by side to the two rotating arms. Pretty slender. The problem isn't the swinging circumference, or whatever you'd call it. The depth of the HUSS Ranger is the problem. And that space in betwene the Wild Mouse and Crystal Palace is a lot smaller than kit appears, imo. They had that little swinging ship thing there the christmas hols just past and it, the queue and a few chairs were fitted in pretty tight. re: coney. A guitar hero setup? I reckon that'd be a pretty ****ing popular attraction, lol.

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More Attractions in coney island? Dosent sound to bad to me, but where would you put another real attraction? And what would you put in there? They did just open a small attraction, a mirror maze (its abit dogdy). I know they don't operate some of the smaller slides in there so somthing could go in there but what? another "puzzela" for parkz :P:D

Edited by wondercam
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Well the zipper has the big long trailor behing the ride that it folds down onto doesn't it? Considering lunapark just throws the rides in there, then nah. Doubt a zipper would fit in there. Maybe if you could take away the trailor? Im not sure if that can be done though and I doubt lunapark would want to bother.

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OK, time to make this topic a bit more fun, and perhaps end the debates of “will this ride fit here?”....and people making silly suggestions for things that won't fit :P Attatched are two PDFs, and each has a 5mm grid drawn over the park, and it is at a scale of 1:1000, this means. - Each grid square is 5x5m in real life - 1cm = 10m - 1mm =1m Steps: -Print off both PDFs on A4 -On one of the sheets, cut along the dotted line -Line up the cut edge with the dotted line on the other, and you will have the whole park. -Glue or tape together. -Now you can design your ideas for Luna Park. -Go to the ride manufacturer websites, and get the dimensions of the rides you want. -Use the grid as a guide to how much space it would take up, for example if you wanted to put in that Maurer Sohne XC2000 Spinning Coaster, you would know it would be about 4 squares wide, and a tad under 9 squares long. (Or simply 20.5mm by 43.3 mm) -Have Fun! What often works well is to get a piece of tracing paper and put it on top, and then doodle away. lpsleft1to1000.pdf lpsright1to1000.pdf -I've also attached a jpg, so you could draw over it in MS Paint or whatever if you wanted, the grid squares still represent 5m, but they won't be 5mm long if you were to print it since this image is a different size. post-88-1242979386_thumb.jpg

Edited by Gazza
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