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Mini Wonderland


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I received a letter from Mr Toussaint this morning, ING Industrial Fund CEO. Basically it states that yes, they want to turn the site into an industrial park. However it also says that if anyone out there would like to "demonstrate a compelling business case" regarding the concept of retaining part of the park in operation then they would be in a position to listen. The words go something like: "it would need to be sufficiently developed to demonstrate equivalent or better jobs, community benefit, economic development and financial reurns to our proposal"... So.. any budding young Entrepreneurs out there? Now's the time. This could be the cnace we've been waiting for. :-) ZordMaker

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Zordy, it would be very hard to convince anyone that a small theme park will have a greater benefit in terms of jobs or economic factors. I have said it before and I will say it again, it doesn't make financial sense to have a small theme park employing how many people, 50? 75? Compare this to a business that would be on the site which would employee probably twice as many people. Now tell me which option has the greatest benefit in terms of jobs, economic and community benefit. Face it its gone and there is nothing that can be done now to change that. Oh yeah, one more thing, when did blue lycra shorts come back into fashion? "The Bus is now leaving for Goneaway National Park, Queensland"

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I'm with Bus. It's gone. Come up with another idea elsewhere. I drove down Wallgrove Rd yesterday, for the first time in months, and really you couldn't imagine a theme park being in there now. It's being 'boxed' in and hidden away. A big arse factory at the front of the driveway isn't exactly ideal for a theme park now is it? Not exactly picturesque anymore... It just wouldn't work in that location anymore. It didn't exactly work how it was did it? :P

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I guess operating buttons all day long on a steel stamping machine in a noisy, hot, cold factory is more appealing than operating on a ride in the sunny outdoors with smiling faces...? All joking aside, you gotta give credit to Zordmaker for trying It's easy for people to moan and grunt but not many people spend hours doing what Zordmaker has done.. Cheers Sean

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Sean, you're missing the point old son. There is going to be more people pushing the buttons all day long on a steel stamping machine in a noisy, hot, cold factory than there would be operating a ride in the sunny outdoors with smiling faces. Absolutely, I respect Zord for what he's doing. I just think it's a lost cause. But good luck.

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Well..your right Daniel, Plus it will give the local community a nice detroit "Style" feeling. :) I agree too, in some ways it is a lost cause, but I think people need to voice the current views for the community. I just think there is too much apathy in Sydney, we just all seem to grin and bear it :) and go "oh well what can I do???" Cheers Sean "Battleship Potemkin"

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I agree with a lot of the statements above. The time to take action would have been when Sunway was trying to sell the site, not as a going concern but as an industrial park. In typical sneaky Sunway style they made this transaction quickly and quietly before anyone could say a thing. It's too late now. The entire area is becoming industrial and will not suit leisure activities. As Daniel said the best thing to do now is focus energies onto a new site. Zordmaker - it would be great to see you put some of your initiative towards a whole new Sydney theme park rather than the leftover remnants of a defunct park. There is obviously a demand out there. We need prospective park operators to realise that one of the main reasons these types of ventures have failed in Sydney in the past is because they simply haven't been good enough. Build something big and decent and I'm sure you'd find over 4 million Sydney residents and loads of tourists would lap it up

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Yes indeed i agree its a good point but the whole concept behind Zordy's idea was to utilise three existing facilities that cannot be moved.... and bring in a fourth in the relocation of the vekoma boomerang. Snowy, Bush Beast and the Beach cannot be relocated. this was the point of Zordy's original idea, as these cannot be relocated without severe difficulties. i mean lets face it... Snowy would need a whole new trough system. you can't move the existing one. Bush Beast - well the only things re-useable on it would be the lift braking systems and the trains. beach... well.... ever try to relocate a CONCRETE swimming pool? what about the mountain slides etc..? not gunna happen. So don't go puttin crap on Zordy... his hearts in the right place. Cheers, Alex.

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Zordy, it would be very hard to convince anyone that a small theme park will have a greater benefit in terms of jobs or economic factors.  I have said it before and I will say it again, it doesn't make financial sense to have a small theme park employing how many people, 50? 75?  Compare this to a business that would be on the site which would employee probably twice as many people.  Now tell me which option has the greatest benefit in terms of jobs, economic and community benefit. Face it its gone and there is nothing that can be done now to change that. Oh yeah, one more thing, when did blue lycra shorts come back into fashion? "The Bus is now leaving for Goneaway National Park, Queensland"
As far as I see it, it would be a case of proving that both the park and ING's plans could co exist harmoniously, and that a combination of both would be more profitable than just one on it's own. I don't think I ever entertained the idea of another theme park. I strategically used the term "fun park" rather than theme park. The emphasis would be on large scale, quality rides mixed with attractions that would make most use of the space and draw regular crowds to the site. That would almost certainly be commercial in nature, i.e. teaming it up with say, a large homemakers' shopping centre, Bulky retail goods, Bargain Bazaar or other similar development. The trick is to get as many people as possible in Sydney to think of reasons for going there, and taking their cash:-) As for the Blue shorts.. Hey, I'm dressed for the Beach here, remember. And yes, Lycra is back in fashion. Where have YOU been. ZordMaker
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Zordmaker - it would be great to see you put some of your initiative towards a whole new Sydney theme park rather than the leftover remnants of a defunct park. There is obviously a demand out there. We need prospective park operators to realise that one of the main reasons these types of ventures have failed in Sydney in the past is because they simply haven't been good enough. Build something big and decent and I'm sure you'd find over 4 million Sydney residents and loads of tourists would lap it up
For the present I feel it's more appropriate to focus the issue on what's missing.. Wonderland. When Government (particularly the Tourism Ministry) finally realise just how stupid they've been and what has been lost, then it will be time to start talking about new sites. The whole thing should hopefully focus the need on having a theme park in Sydney - no matter where it ends up. Politics is always a give and take thing. If they learn they can give in one place they will take in another. There is a huge community backlash about Public land being sold off at the moment. A Theme Park lease would be a good solution for some of those locations which are currently experiencing alot of community resistance to sell offs. I agree.. With Theme parks, Big is better. But for Wonderland I wasn't looking at a theme park, I was looking at more of a Luna Park of the west - a concept which does have possibilities. ZordMaker
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I was looking at more of a Luna Park of the west - a concept which does have possibilities. ZordMaker
ZordMaker, I totally agree with you, it seems like that they believe the community is behind them 100% if you look at Q&A for future plans for Wonderland Sydney on your web site quote: "but we are keen to be good members of the community in the Greater West. The feeling we have, though, is overwhelming support." :mad: My question is from who...the Local Council? I would not consider this as "overwhelming support".... overwhelming support!....yeah right! what propaganda! Good Work ZordMaker!! :D
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I think they should make a small park with lots of rides packed in, using the space efficiently, for example, it would be laid out in a style like a subdivision, and all the rides would be directly side by side, like house blocks side by side. A rollercoaster with an out and back design would be built above the footpaths,imagine how cool it would be having a coaster zooming around over your heads, even better if it were an inverter. I dont know if it would be themed, maybe it would be better as a nicley kept park with lots of bright colours etc. A space Hafema saving rapids ride with a fairly rectangular layout would be slotted in, but to stop it being boring there would be lots of water slopping around, rapids etc. IIwouldnt like to see another boomeranf, I think we can move on from that, and Id rather see an SLC boomerang (Face/off) Space could be saved other ways by putting rides above other rides, eg a flat ride above a dogems ride. Parking would be built underneath the park (like at Telstra Dome in Melbourne). There would be other fun attractions above the footpaths, eg Pedal Monorail, a kiddie coaster etc. I think a park like this could work as long as you filter out the unneccary stuff and use good, but small attractions, having everything so close would give the park a great atmosphere, If i get time ill draw up a possible plan.

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ZordMaker, I totally agree with you, it seems like that they believe the community is behind them 100% if you look at Q&A for future plans for Wonderland Sydney on your web site quote: "but we are keen to be good members of the community in the Greater West. The feeling we have, though, is overwhelming support."  :mad:   My question is from who...the Local Council? I would not consider this as "overwhelming support".... overwhelming support!....yeah right! what propaganda! Good Work ZordMaker!!  :D
Yeah, well .. as can be seen.. they may have to modify that statement in 12 months to say: "Overwealming support for an integrated development consisting of a mix of industrial, commercial and tourism applications"... :-) Lets just hope that by that time, some of the skeletal remains of the old Wonderland still remain, adn there is someone waiting in the wings to jump at the chance to revitalise them. ZordMaker
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Well, unless someone on here can write an exceptional business plan, I doubt anyone else will. If someone on here can, then best of luck, though I'd be more interested in buying a decent sized block and starting from scratch. The only thing left at Wonderland is the limited appeal of the Wonderland name and some fragments of park infrastructure. As a water park it may work (even with BB & SRR), though sadly, Sunway has destroyed the area. Its an industrial park now, and the surrounds are horrible. Plus with little or no room to expand the project may well be doomed right from day one.

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Call it what you will it just wouldn't work on that site once the planned development has finished. Take your planned mini park and surround it with a bunch of very large buildings, mostly factories and distribution centres for various companies. Add to that a 6 lane motorway, a 4 land motorway, a 4 lane major road and the biggest spaghetti junction in Australia, it's going to be about 16 meters high. I personally couldn’t think of a more unpleasant location for a theme park, fun park, whatever you want it to be. I just had another look at your proposed changes and there are a few things that seem to be missing, where are they going to have things like the administration, maintenance and warehouse? The most important thing that is missing is the parking? Where are people going to put there cars? I think the concept is good but you just need to find a more appropriate site for it.

Wonderbus, are you sure your not one of the Fab Five?..
As for the Blue shorts.. Hey, I'm dressed for the Beach here, remember. And yes, Lycra is back in fashion. Where have YOU been.
No I’m definitely defiantly from the Fab Five but one things for sure Zordy, the only way you would get me in lycra in any form is to pay me a bucket load of money and put me in a bike race. Hopefully lycra will never make a come back in my life time and I feel for those future generations who may have to endure it. One things for sure though, I will be teaching my kids from a very young age to forget the monster under the bed and worry about the horror that is lycra. "The Bus is now leaving for Badajinnygugga Pool, Western Australia"
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 I personally couldn’t think of a more unpleasant location for a theme park, fun park, whatever you want it to be.
The bit that matters would abutt the motorways, almost right up to the edge - very visible. ALl the industrial stuff would be behind that. Otherwise fair comment I suppose.
The most important thing that is missing is the parking?  Where are people going to put there cars?
Remember.. planning to open the park on Weekends only.. Industrial sites are deserts on the weekend. Why own land for customer parking when they can park on miles of Public streets for free?? While on the subject of site there is one other thing I agree with you on.. the Wonderland site stinks. Right nextdoor to Eastern Creek Tip. At times if the rides didn't make me sick, the stench did. :-)
  No I’m definitely defiantly from the Fab Five but one things for sure Zordy, the only way you would get me in lycra in any form is to pay me a bucket load of money and put me in a bike race.  Hopefully lycra will never make a come back in my life time and I feel for those future generations who may have to endure it.  One things for sure though, I will be teaching my kids from a very young age to forget the monster under the bed and worry about the horror that is lycra.  
I guess for all the fatso internet junkies out there who never venture outside.. they may have to find some other fashions. But for the bulk of us who still take the time to keep reasonably fit and havent got a self esteem hangup.. Lycra is definitely back. :-)
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imagine how cool it would be having a coaster zooming around over your heads
Not when you Rollercoaster buffs take your cameras on the ride. Wouldn't want one of those things knocking me out! What is being misunderstood about this whole MiniWonderland issue is that ING is a business. A business that wants to please its shareholders by maximising profits. Wonderland faced many hurdles which eventually saw its closure. Even though many of you will dismiss them as 'excuses', things like SARS and Asian Economic Crisis saw a major downturn in park numbers. Would it be financially feasible to ressurect a theme park concept? No way. Bottom line, the Beach would only be financially feasible in summer. The park would only be opened on weekends. Reduced capacity. Less jobs. The MiniWonderland concept is very good. However, financially it would never work. Does this sound appealing to ING? Certainly not. Would a large factory with hundreds of employees, gaining maximum exposure from Australia's busiest interchange work? Of course! Out west, we have more to benifet from having an Industrial Park than Wonderland - our children will have better employment opportunities through this development. Melbourne is of a similar scale to Sydney and survives without a major theme park. So I'm sure we will survive without one. I know my statements are a little outspoken, and I'll get defensive replies, but seriously guys, Wonderland is dead and buried. It's time to move on.
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our children will have better employment opportunities through this development.
Agree BUT, better employment opportunities??............. I know if they tried to pull this stunt anywhere else in Sydney, for example northside as a big clump of factories, the residents would go nuts...and demand blood, personally I think its an insult the way they treat the local community. Cheers Sean
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What do you think Western Sydney is Shornee? Put down your latte and muffin for a minute and come over and see that there are many industrial sites over this way. It's not an unusual one off thing. What residents near Wonderland do you speak of? The rats or the snakes? You'd only whinge over there because you've got nothing better to do. What a surprise, our northern neighbours will have a whinge! If I was in that game, I'd be trying to snap up some real estate in there ASAP. Prime location. Pull your head out of your kiber.

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